Logic and computer design fundamentals
Bibliographic Information
Logic and computer design fundamentals
Prentice Hall, c2008
4th ed.
- : hbk.
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
For one- to two-semester Computer Science and Engineering courses in logic and digital design.
Featuring a strong emphasis on the fundamentals underlying contemporary logic design using hardware description languages, synthesis, and verification, this book focuses on the ever-evolving applications of basic computer design concepts with strong connections to real-world technology.
Table of Contents
1. Digital Systems and Information
2. Combinational Logic Circuits
3. Combinational Logic Design
4. Arithmetic Functions and HDLs
5. Sequential Circuits
6. Selected Design Topics
7. Registers and Register Transfers
8. Memory Basics
9. Computer Design Basics
10. Instruction Set Architecture
11. RISC and CISC Processors
12. Input-Output and Communication
13. Memory Systems
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