Inventarium sive chirurgia magna
Bibliographic Information
Inventarium sive chirurgia magna
(Studies in ancient medicine, v. 14)
E.J. Brill, 1997
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- v. 1
- v. 2
- Uniform Title
Chirurgia magna
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Latin and English
Includes bibliographical references and index
Contents of Works
- v. 1. Text / edited by Michael R. McVaugh
- v. 2. Commentary / prepared by Michael R. McVaugh and Margaret S. Ogden
Description and Table of Contents
- Volume
v. 1 ISBN 9789004107069
The first of these volumes offers a text of the last and greatest surgical encyclopedia of the Middle Ages (1363); the second analyzes its construction from earlier sources.
The text itself covers anatomy and the treatment of wounds, ulcers, fractures, dislocations, and a variety of other conditions and diseases, including not just surgical but medical procedures, which it discusses within a broad framework of medical (physiological and pathological) learning. In the commentary volume, the author's more than 3000 references to older medical authorities are traced to their sources and their use is discussed.
Together, the volumes illuminate the culmination of medieval surgery and its techniques in an academic setting and furnish a kind of chrestomathy of the whole range of literature known and cited in medieval medical faculties.
- Volume
v. 2 ISBN 9789004107847
This the second of two volumes presenting a new Latin text of and commentary to the greatest of medieval surgical encyclopedias and identifying its thousands of references to earlier medical writings. They describe the surgical procedures available to the Middle Ages while providing a chrestomathy of the medical literature known and cited in medieval universities.
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