All about maude - a high-performance logical framework : how to specify, program and verify systems in rewriting logic
All about maude - a high-performance logical framework : how to specify, program and verify systems in rewriting logic
(Lecture notes in computer science, 4350)
Springer, c2007
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Maude is a language and system based on rewriting logic. In this comprehensive account, you'll discover how Maude and its formal tool environment can be used in three mutually reinforcing ways: as a declarative programming language, as an executable formal specification language, and as a formal verification system. Examples used throughout the book illustrate key concepts, features, and the many practical uses of Maude.
I: Core Maude.- Using Maude.- Syntax and Basic Parsing.- Functional Modules.- A Hierarchy of Data Types: From Trees to Sets.- System Modules.- Playing with Maude.- Module Operations.- Predefined Data Modules.- Specifying Parameterized Data Structures in Maude.- Object-Based Programming.- Model Checking Invariants Through Search.- LTL Model Checking.- Reflection, Metalevel Computation, and Strategies.- Metaprogramming Applications.- Mobile Maude.- User Interfaces and Metalanguage Applications.- II: Full Maude.- Full Maude: Extending Core Maude.- Object-Oriented Modules.- III: Applications and Tools.- A Sampler of Application Areas.- Some Tools.- IV: Reference.- Debugging and Troubleshooting.- Complete List of Maude Commands.- Core Maude Grammar.
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