Regional economic outlook : Western Hemisphere


Regional economic outlook : Western Hemisphere

International Monetary Fund

(World economic and financial surveys)

International Monetary Fund, 2006-

  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009-May
  • 2009-Oct
  • 2010-May
  • 2010-Oct
  • 2011-Apr
  • 2011-Oct
  • 2012-Apr
  • 2013-May
  • 2014-Apr
  • 2015-Apr
  • 2015-Oct
  • 2016-Apr
  • 2017-Apr
  • 2018-Apr
  • 2018-Oct
  • 2019-Oct


Western Hemisphere

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9

  • 九州大学 中央図書館


  • 京都産業大学 図書館

    2006332.5||INT||2006, 2007332.5||INT||2007

  • 熊本学園大学 図書館


  • 神戸大学 附属図書館 経済経営研究所図書館図書

    2006330.91-202-2006081200700262, 2007330.91-202-2007081200700263

  • 国際大学 松下図書・情報センター

    2010-Oct332.5||I61||2010T113973, 11-Apr332.5||I61||2011T114614, 2011-Oct332.5||I61||2011T114460, 2012-Apr332.5||I61||2012T115676, 2014-Apr332.5|I61|2014T116867, 2013-May332.5|I61|2013T117083


  • 高崎経済大学 図書館

    2009-May332.5||R24||2009005243720, 2009-Oct332.5||R24||2009005243738, 2010-May332.5||R24||2010-1005244454, 2010-Oct332.5||R24||2010-2005244371, 2011-Oct332.5||R24||2011-2005244348

  • 千葉商科大学 付属図書館

    2009-Oct332.5/I-2009/Y 1653111000082163

  • 法政大学 図書館多図

    2011-AprY3e-5/23/31-2011-112302510093534, 2011-OctY3e-5/23/31-2011-222024000045513, 2012-AprY3e-5/23/31-2012-122024000045114, 2013-MayY3e-5/23/31-2013-122024000045521, 2014-AprY3e-5/23/31-2014-122024000045530, 2015-AprY3e-5/23/31-2015-122024000044959, 2015-OctY3e-5/23/31-2015-222024000050827, 2016-AprY3e-5/23/31-2016-122024000051386, 2017-AprY3e-5/23/31-2017-122024000064585, 2018-AprY3e-5/23/31-2018-122024000064542, 2018-OctY3e-5/23/31-2018-222024000067878, 2019-OctY3e-5/23/31-2019-222024000067959

  • 麗澤大学 図書館

    2007332.5/I46/2007-1000468587, 2008332.5/I46/2008000444689, 2009-May332.5/I46/2009-1000444685, 2009-Oct332.5/I46/2009-2000444796, 2010-May332.5/I46/2010-1000445403, 2010-Oct332.5/I46/2010-2000513021, 2011-Oct332.5/I46/2011-2000515956, 2012-Apr332.5/I46/2012-1000513583, 2013-May332.5/I46/2013-1000525018, 2014-Apr332.5/I46/2014-1000525478, 2015-Apr332.5/I46/2015-1000540056, 2015-Oct332.5/I46/2015-2000540758, 2016-Apr332.5/I46/2016000547138

  • 該当する所蔵館はありません
  • すべての絞り込み条件を解除する



Includes bibliographical references

2009-May: Stronger Fundamentals Pay Off. 2009-Oct: Crisis Averted-What's Next?. 11-Apr: Watching out for overheating. 12-Apr: Rebuilding strength and flexibility. 2015-Oct.: Adjusting under pressure

2013-May: Time to rebuild policy space

2014-Apr.: Rising challenges

2015-Apr.: Northern spring, southern chills

2016-Apr.: Managing transitions and risks

2017-Apr.: Tale of two adjustments

2018-Apr.: Seizing the momentum

2018-Oct.: An uneven recovery

2019-Oct.: Stunted by uncertainty



2017-Apr ISBN 9781475575224


The past year has been one of strong economic performance for the Western Hemisphere, notwithstanding somewhat slower growth in the United States in recent quarters. Can this performance be sustained, and what challenges does the region face? Reviewing macroeconomic prospects and risks, this report pays particular attention to the influence of the external environment on Latin America, and addresses the question of whether Latin America has now succeeded in breaking with its history of periodic growth reversals.

2018-Apr ISBN 9781484339879


These reports discuss recent economic developments and prospects for countries in various regions. They also address economic policy developments that have affected economic performance in the regions, and discuss key challenges faced by policymakers. They address regional policy developments and challenges, and provide country-specific data and analysis, including through analytical pieces on issues of interest to a particular region.

2013-May ISBN 9781484347928


Despite some global risks, external conditions for Latin America should remain stimulative. With monetary policy in advanced economies expected to stay accommodative, external financing conditions will remain favorable. Strong demand from emerging Asian economies and the gradual recovery of advanced economies will continue to support commodity prices, benefiting exporters. The main policy challenge for most of the region is to take advantage of current conditions to continue buttressing a foundation for sustained growth. Other issues important to the region include: (i) strengthening balance sheets; (ii) understanding how changes in external conditions could impact public and external debt dynamics; and (iii) making the best use of the windfall from the recent terms-of-trade boom

2014-Apr ISBN 9781484360118


The five Regional Economic Outlooks published biannually by the IMF cover Asia and Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Western Hemisphere. In each volume, recent economic developments and prospects for the region are discussed as a whole, as well as for specific countries. The reports include key data for countries in the region. Each report focuses on policy developments that have affected economic performance in the region, and discusses key challenges faced by policymakers. The near-term outlook, key risks, and their related policy challenges are analyzed throughout the reports, and current issues are explored, such as when and how to withdraw public interventions in financial systems globally while maintaining a still-fragile economic recovery.These indispensable surveys are the product of comprehensive intradepartmental reviews of economic developments that draw primarily on information the IMF staff gathers through consultation with member countries.

2018-Oct ISBN 9781484375365


Amid escalating trade tensions, tighter financial conditions, and volatile commodity markets, economic recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean has both moderated and become more uneven

2015-Apr ISBN 9781498312127


The economic outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean remains very challenging. Regional growth is projected to decline for a fifth consecutive year in 2015, dipping below 1 percent. Weakness is concentrated among South America's commodity exporters, where falling global commodity prices have compounded country-specific challenges. Meanwhile, growth is projected to be steady or stronger for most of the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico, supported by lower oil bills for importers and robust economic recovery in the United States. The analysis in this report examines core challenges facing the region: the impact of lower commodity prices on fiscal and external positions, the drivers of the slowdown in investment, and the role of economic diversification for longer-term growth prospects.

2016-Apr ISBN 9781498329996


The United States has seen an improvement in economic activity, driven by consumption, and has taken a first step toward gradual normalisation of interest rates. The U.S. recovery continues to support activity in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, but China's slowdown has reduced the demand for exports from South America. At the same time, the region's commodity exporters have experienced further terms-of-trade shocks as commodity prices continue their decline globally. This report describes the policies and economic reforms needed to address the declining productive capacity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Three chapters assess corporate vulnerabilities in Latin America, analyse the degree of exchange rate pass-through in the region, and evaluate trends in public and private infrastructure investment.

2019-Oct ISBN 9781513513959


The global economy has slowed, with important consequences for growth prospects in Latin America and the Caribbean. The slowdown in economic activity has been broad-based among advanced economies and more pronounced in emerging markets and developing economies, partly reflecting trade and geopolitical tensions. Global growth is projected to decline to the lowest level since the global financial crises, before recovering in 2020. More importantly, growth is projected to decline in 2019-20 in the United States and China, which are LAC's two main trading partners. The ongoing sluggishness of global growth and trade is affecting export growth in LAC, posing significant headwinds to the outlook. External demand for the region remains subdued, with trading partner growth (including China, Europe, other LAC countries, and the United States) projected to decline in 2019, before recovering modestly over the medium term. Moreover, commodity prices (notably energy and metals), key drivers of growth in LAC in the past, are projected to decline with a likely modest negative impact on regional growth going forward.

2015-Oct ISBN 9781513575209


Recent economic developments and prospects for the region are discussed as a whole, as well as for specific countries. Includes key data for countries in the region. Focuses on policy developments that have affected economic performance in the region, and discusses key challenges faced by policymakers. The near-term outlook, key risks, and their related policy challenges are analysed.

2006 ISBN 9781589065949


Covering the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean, this report reviews economic developments, discusses the economic outlook, and outlines risks and challenges ahead.

2007 ISBN 9781589066427


The Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere briefly covers developments in the United States and Canada, and, in more detail, developments and prospects in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). 2006 was one of the best years in decades for the LAC region, but can this be sustained? Going forward, what challenges and risks does the region face? After reviewing the macroeconomic prospects and risks, particular attention is paid to the financial sector, balance of payments, and fiscal developments.This upcoming publication examines two critical questions in more depth. How sensitive is Latin America to changes in the external environment? Using cutting edge econometric analysis, this volume contains a detailed quantitative analysis of the response of growth in Latin America to a variety of external shocks - including to world growth, growth in the United States, international interest rates, emerging market financial conditions, and commodity prices - and shows how growth in the region is likely to evolve conditional on a variety of external scenarios.What can the region do to raise Latin America's long-term growth to the level of faster developing regions, and to make growth more sustained? This section includes a comparison with investment and productivity growth patterns elsewhere and simulations that illustrate the consequences of specific growth-enhancing policies, and analyzes how the region compares today with regard to the factors that determine countries' prospects for sustaining economic expansions.

2008 ISBN 9781589067592


In spite of a slower U.S. economy and recent market turbulence, growth in the Latin America and Caribbean region has continued at a robust pace. This reports explores the resilience of the LAC region to external shocks and the policy challenges involved in sustaining the region's improved fundamentals. The analysis focuses, in particular, on real and financial linkages with the United States, the strength of underlying fiscal positions, and the sustainability of the ongoing credit boom.

2009-May ISBN 9781589068438


The global crisis that began in advanced economies has sent severe shocks around the world, posing a test to the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean. The good news is that during this decade the region has made itself more resilient to external shocks, by strengthening policy frameworks and reducing vulnerabilities in its public finances and financial systems. These preparations, the report shows, mean that countries are now more able to respond to the external crisis, many for the first time, with active policies to boost output and employment and protect the most vulnerable groups. This will help contain the damage from the global crisis and speed up the region's recovery.

2009-Oct ISBN 9781589068605


The impact of the global financial crisis and recession on the Latin America and Caribbean region was substantial, but the worst is over for most countries. The region avoided falling into a crisis of its own, performing relatively well amid strong external shocks. Many countries have now returned to growth. The region now faces the challenge of adapting to a new global environment that will not be as favorable as in the past. The latest edition of the report explores the lessons and policy agenda emerging from the recent performance of the Latin America and Caribbean region, drawing also on the broader international experience. Published biannually in May and October

2010-May ISBN 9781589069213


The five ""Regional Economic Outlooks"" published biannually by the IMF cover Asia and Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Western Hemisphere. In each volume, recent economic developments and prospects for the region are discussed as a whole, as well as for specific countries. The reports include key data for countries in the regions. Each report zeroes in on policy developments that have affected economic performance in the region, and discusses key challenges faced by policymakers. The near-term outlook, key risks, and their related policy challenges are analyzed throughout, and special chapters look more closely at topics such as the evolving nature of capital inflows, housing market developments, the impact of commodity price booms on lower-income economies, or the prospects for sustainable growth in developed economies. These indispensable surveys are the product of comprehensive intradepartmental reviews of economic developments that draw primarily on information the IMF staff gathers through consultation with member countries.

2010-Oct ISBN 9781589069534


"Heating Up in the South, Cooler in the North" broadly describes the economic scene for the Western Hemisphere. The report emphasizes how a mixed environment -- with slow recovery in the United States and other advanced economies, but strength in Asia -- differently shapes the outlooks for the diverse economies of Latin America and the Caribbean. This issue also focuses on financial issues in Latin America, with a chapter on the challenges of allowing credit to expand safely, without creating excessive risks, and a chapter that looks at macroprudential financial policies--topics especially important in today's context of low global interest rates and capital flows to emerging economies. The final chapter turns to Caribbean economies, exploring the drivers, and obstacles, that affect their growth.

2011-Apr ISBN 9781616350659


The theme of this issue of the Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere, "Watching out for Overheating," reflects risks for much of the region from rising inflation, strong domestic demand resulting in widening current account deficits, and strong credit and asset price growth. A dual outlook for the global economy, in which growth in emerging economies continues to outstrip growth in advanced economies, has implications for policy challenges facing emerging market economies in the region. And in the Caribbean, where public debt is high, fiscal policy will need to be consolidating, to ensure macro stability and set the stage for future growth. For all countries, rising global commodity prices, especially that of food, threaten social safety networks for the most vulnerable populations.

2011-Oct ISBN 9781616351304


Despite the recent deterioration in the global economic environment, projections for the region involve only a modest worsening of the outlook. The October 2011 Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere cautions, however, that there are severe downside risks. A sharp slowdown in Asia, for example in response to a recession in advanced economies, could impact commodity prices, with negative effects on Latin American commodity exporters. With global monetary policy likely to remain accommodative, capital flows could exacerbate overheating and amplify vulnerabilities in emerging markets. Countries with strong real linkages to the United States face a somewhat weaker outlook and should give priority to reducing public debt. Although much of the Caribbean is recovering from a prolonged recession, the outlook remains constrained by high public debt and weak tourism flows. This issue finds that policies can play an important role in mitigating the economic impact of terms-of-trade shocks, and underscores the need to rebuild policy buffers

2012-Apr ISBN 9781616352530


Growth in much of Latin America remains solid, although it slowed during the second half of 2011 as result of the combined effects of policy tightening and global uncertainties. Under our baseline, we expect growth in Latin America and the Caribbean to moderate to about 33/4 percent in 2012, from about 41/2 last year. For many countries, high commodity prices and easy external financing conditions will provide tailwinds. For others, weak growth in the United States and other advanced-country partners, or homegrown fiscal problems, will hold back activity. This edition of the Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere elaborates on three key themes. First, the global economic environment is somewhat better than in late 2011, but remains risky as renewed tensions from Europe and the likelihood of an oil price shock cannot be discarded. Second, external conditions will remain stimulative for much of Latin America: The double tailwinds of easy external finance and high commodity prices are likely to persist for a while, though not forever. And third, this environment creates opportunities for Latin America-opportunities to build on the resilience and flexibility that has served it so well during the global crisis of 2008-09. This edition also expands on these themes through analytical features on regional spillovers, the growth effects of global financial shocks, and housing and mortgage markets in the region.

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  • ISBN
    • 1589065948
    • 9781589066427
    • 9781589067592
    • 9781589068438
    • 9781589068605
    • 9781589069213
    • 9781589069534
    • 9781616350659
    • 9781616351304
    • 9781616352530
    • 9781484347928
    • 9781484360118
    • 9781498312127
    • 9781513575209
    • 9781498329996
    • 9781475575224
    • 9781484339879
    • 9781484375365
    • 9781513513959
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Washington, D.C.
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    28 cm
  • 親書誌ID