European warfare in a global context, 1660-1815


European warfare in a global context, 1660-1815

Jeremy Black

(Warfare and history)

Routledge, 2007

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references (p. 220-222) and index



This original book presents a global approach to eighteenth century warfare. Emphasis is placed on the importance of conflict in the period and the capacity for decisiveness in impact and development in method. Through this Jeremy Black extends the view beyond land to naval conflict. European Warfare in a Global Context offers a comparative approach, in the sense of considering Western developments alongside those elsewhere, furthermore it puts emphasis on conflict between Western and non-western powers. This approach necessarily reconsiders developments within the West, but also offers a shift in emphasis from standard narrative of the latter. This book is the ideal study of warfare for all students.


1. Introduction 2. Conflict between Westerners and Non-Westerners 3. The Nature of Conflict 4. Warfare 1660-88 5. Warfare 1689-1721 6. Warfare 1722-55 7. Warfare 1756-74 8. Warfare 1775-91 9. Warfare in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, 1792-1815 10. Naval Power 11. Social and Political Contexts 12. Conclusion

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