Product and market development for subsistence marketplaces


    • Rosa, José Antonio
    • Viswanathan, Madhubalan


Product and market development for subsistence marketplaces

edited by José Antonio Rosa, Madhubalan Viswanathan

(Advances in international management / series editors, Joseph L.C. Cheng and Michael A. Hitt, v. 20)

Elsevier JAI, 2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Includes bibliographical references



This volume provides a more detailed and profound understanding of an important and, until recently ignored, global phenomenon marketplaces where individuals living in poverty buy/sell products and services. It is estimated that as many as 4 billion people with buying power exceeding $14 trillion fall into this market segment. Historically, the research in this area was conducted among consumers from industrialized economies. This research is rooted in fundamental assumptions about literacy and numeracy skills, life stability, cognitive predilections, and consumer access to basic resources such as education, water, and sanitation that often do not hold for poverty-stricken marketplaces. This volume presents a collection of articles that describe this particular group of consumers and entrepreneurs, and inform us on better ways to understand, reach, and empower them. The potential to do well by doing good in these impoverished marketplaces is very high, it is the hope of the editors that this reference will jumpstart the development of new theories, frameworks, and models that address both consumption and entrepreneurship in this particular market. This series publishes conceptual and empirical papers that deal with international topics from all areas within the management field. The organizations studied can be domestic or multinational, and the level of analysis can be macro or micro. Through new theoretical insights, managerial application, methodology, or data, the papers make a significant contribution to advancing knowledge about international management.


Product and Market Development for Subsistence Marketplaces: Consumption and Entrepreneurship beyond Literacy and Resource Barriers. Understanding Product and Market Interactions in Subsistence Marketplaces: A Study in South India. A Family Systems Interpretation of how Subsistence Consumers Manage: The Case of South Africa. Potential Vulnerabilities of U.S. Subsistence Consumers to Persuasive Marketing Communications. Understanding Subsistence Marketplaces: Exploring the Contributions of Participatory Action Research. Impact of Entrepreneurship Development through Corporate Interventions: An Assessment of the Case of HLL's Project Shakti. Participatory Research Methods for Subsistence Consumers. Microcredit through the Feminist Lens: Toward a More Equitable Approach to Social Entrepreneurship. Marketing in Subsistence Markets: Innovation through Decentralization and Externalization. Market orientation and performance in low-income countries: The case of Zimbabwean retailers. Unilever's Business in India's Subsistence Economies. Toward More Responsive Organizations: Openness to Change and Culture Preservation in Subsistence and Developing Economies. Consumption and Environmental Degradation: A Long-Term View. Market Disintermediation and Producer Value Capture: The Case of Fair Trade Coffee in Nicaragua, Peru, and Guatemala. List of Contributors. Foreword. Acknowledgments.

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  • ISBN
    • 9780762313969
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Amsterdam ; Tokyo
  • ページ数/冊数
    xv, 340 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 親書誌ID