Proceedings, E-MRS 2003 fall meeting, symposia A and C, Warsaw, Poland, 15-19 September 2003


Proceedings, E-MRS 2003 fall meeting, symposia A and C, Warsaw, Poland, 15-19 September 2003

guest editors, Marek Godlewski and Jacek Kossut

(Physica status solidi, C . Conferences and critical reviews ; 1.2.2004)

Wiley-VCH, c2004


European Materials Research Society 2003 fall meeting


Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume contains the proceedings of Symposium A: "Novel Wide Bandgap Materials for Optoelectronic and Electronic Applications" and Symposium C: "5th International Workshop on Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Vapour Phase Epitaxiy Growth Physics and Technology" held at the E-MRS 2003 Fall Meeting, organized by the European Materials Research Society for the first time in Warsaw, Poland, 15-19 September 2003. Symposium A reviewed recent progress in the studies of wide bandgap materials such as nitrides and ZnO, as well as in relevant experimental techniques, whereas Symposium C was devoted to the current trends in physics and technology of MBE and MOCVD. physica status solidi (c) - conferences and critical reviews publishes conference proceedings, ranging from large international meetings to specialized topical workshops as well as collections of topical reviews on various areas of current solid state physics research.


Preface A. Committees. Preface C. Committees. SYMPOSIUM A: NOVEL WIDE BANDGAP MATERIALS FOR OPTOELECTRONIC AND ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS. Electronic Structure of Shallow Impurities in GaN Studied via Bound Exciton Magnetooptics (invited) (R. Stepniewski, A. Wysmolek and M. Potemski). Optical Detection of 2DEG in GaN/A1GaN Structures -- High Magnetic Field Studies (B. Chwalis, A. Wysmolek, R. Stepniewski, M. Potemski, W. Knap, J.M. Baranowski, N. Grandjean, J. Massies, P. Prystawko and I. Grzegory). Magnetotransport Studies of Ga(Mn,Fe)N Bulk Crystals (C. Jastrzebski, W. Gebicki, M. Zdrojek, M. Bockowski, B. Strojek, T. Szyszko, M. Kaminski and S. Podsiadlo). Sub--micron InGaN Ring Structures for High--efficiency LEDs (H.W. Choi, P.R. Edwards, C. Liu, C.W. Jeon, R.W. Martin, I.M. Watson, M.D. Dawson, S. Tripathy and S.J. Chua). Suprisingly Low Built--in Electric Fields in Quaternary AlInGaN Heterostructures (S. Anceau, P. Lefebvre, T. Suski, S.P. Lepkowski, H. Teisseyre, L.H. Dmowski, L. Konczewicz, A. Kaminska, A. Suchocki, H. Hirayama and Y. Aoyagi). Multi--phonon Processes in C 6v 4 (P6 3 mc) Hexagonal Semiconductors: GaN, ZnO, ZnS, BeO, CdS, and A1 2 O 3 -- Sapphire: D 3d 6 (R3c) (H. W. Kunert). Site Symmetry of Erbium Centers in GaN (V. Glukhanyuk, H. Przybylinska, A. Kozanecki and W. Jantsch). Luminescent Properties of Wide Bandgap Materials at Room Temperature (M. Godlewski, J. Szmidt, A. Olszyna, A. Werbowy, E. Lusakowska, M.R. Phillips, E. M. Goldys and A. Sokolowska). Luminescence Transients in Highly Excited GaN Grown by Hydride Vapor--phase Epitaxy (S. Jursenas, S. Miasojedovas, G. Kurilcik, A. Zukauskas and P.R. Hageman). Self Heating and Microwave Noise in A1GaN/GaN (L. Ardaravicius, J. Liberis, A. Matulionis, L.F. Eastman, J.R. Shealy and A. Vertiatchikh). In--depth and In--plane Profiling of Light Emission Properties of InGaN--based Laser Diode (M. Godlewski, E.M. Goldys, M.R. Phillips, T. Bottcher, S. Figge, D. Hommel, R. Czernecki, P. Prystawko, M. Leszczynski, P. Perlin, I. Grzegory and S. Porowski). Cathodoluminescence and Atomic Force Microscopy Study of n--type Doped GaN Epilayers (M. Godlewski, E. Lusakowska, R. Bozek, E.M. Goldys, M.R. Phillips, T. Bottcher, S. Figge and D. Hommel). Compensation Mechanisms in Magnesium Doped GaN (M. Godlewski, H. Przbylinska, R. Bozek, E.M. Goldys, J.P. Bergman, B. Monemar, I. Grzegory and S. Porowski). Study of Long--term Stability of Ohmic Contacts to GaN (E. Kaminska, K. Golaszewska, A. Piotrowska, A. Kuchuk, R. Kruszka, E. Papis, R. Szeloch, P. Janus, T. Gotszalk and A. Barcz). Ipact of Post--growth Thermal Annealing on Emission of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells (Yung--Chen Cheng, S. Jursenas, Shih--wei Feng, C.C. Yang, Cheng--Ta Kuo and Jian--Shihn Tsang). Optical Characterization of GaN Doping Superlatices: As Grown, Hydrogen Implanted, and Annealed (H.W. Kunert, D.J. Brink, M. Hayes, J. Malherbe, L. Prinsloo, J. Barnas, A.G.I. Machatine and M.W. Diale). Energy Transfer to Er 3+ Ions in Silicon--rich--silicon Oxide: Efficiency Limitations (D. Kuritsyn, A. Kozanecki, H. Przbylinska and W. Jantsch). Gap State Absorption in A1GaN Photoconductors and Solar--blind Photodetectors (V. Lebedev, I. Cimalla, U. Kaiser and O. Ambacher). GaN on Si Substrates for LED and LD Applications (Suzuka Nishimura, Satoru Matsumoto and Kazutaka Terashima). Sensitive In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As/InP (SI) magnetic Field Sensors (T. Przeslawski, A. Wolkenberg, K. Reginski and J. Kaniewski). Thermoelectric and Thermal Properties of AlInN Thin Films Prepared by Reactive Radio--frequency Sputtering (Shigeo Yamaguchi, Ryohei Izaki, Yasuo Iwamura and Atsushi Yamamoto). Kinetics of Radiative Recombination of the "pseudo--donor--pseudo--accceptor" Pairs of InGaN/GaN (A.J. Zakrzewski). Cathodoluminescence Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle (invited) (M.R. Phillips, O. Gelhausen and E.M. Goldys). Optical and Magnetic Resonance Investigations of ZnO Crystals Doped with TM Ions (V. Yu. Ivanov, M. Godlewski, S. Yatsunenko, A. Khachapuridze, Z. Golacki, M. Sawicki, A. Omel'chuk, M. Bulany and A. Gorban'). Influence of the Substrate on the Structural Properties of Sputter--Deposited ZnO Films (Hyoun Woo Kim and Nam Ho Kim). Optical and RBS Studies in Tm Implanted ZnO Samples (T. Monteiro, M.J. Soares, A. Neves, M. Oliveira, E. Rita, W. Wahl and E. Alves). Ion Beam Fabricated Silicon Light Emitting Diodes (invited) (M.A. Lourenco, M.S. Siddiqui, G. Shao, R.M. Gwilliam and K.P. Homewood). Defect Dynamics in P + Implanted 6H--SiC Studied by Position Annihilation Spectroscopy (G.P. Karwasz, R. Rurali, G. Consolati and P. Godignon). The Si(001)/C 2 H 2 Interaction to Form a Buffer Layer for 3C--SiC Growth (A. Goryachko, Y. Yeromenko, K. Henkel, J. Wollweber and D. Schmeibetaer). Temporal Response of CVD Diamond Detectors to Modulated Low Energy X--ray Beams (G. Conte, M.C. Rossi, S. Salvatori, F. Spaziani, Y. Avigal, R. Kalish, P. Ascarelli and D. Trucchi). Deep UV Detection by CVD Diamond Position Sensitive Devices (G. Mazzeo, G. Conte, M.C. Rossi, S. Salvatori and V. Ralchenko). The Interaction of Pr 2 O 3 with 4H--SiC(001) Surface (A. Goryachko, I. Paloumpa, G. Beuckert, Y. Burkov and D. Schmeibetaer). Hydrogenated nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide: Fabrication, Properties and Heterostructure Device Application (H. Colder, P. Marie, L. Pichon and R. Rizk). Self--passivation Mechanisms in Clusters of N Dopants in SiC (R. Rurali, E. Hernandez, P. Godignon, J. Rebollo and P. Ordejon). Micro--Raman Study of Laser Damage in CdTe (M.J. Soares, J.C. Lopes, M.C. Carmo and A. Neves). Photo--ESR and Optical Studies of Cr Photoionization Transition in CdZnSe:Cr Crystals (K. Swiatek, M. Godlewski and T.P. Surkova). 1.54 m Luminescence Quenching of Erbium--doped Hydrogeated Amorphous Silicon Deposited by D.C. Magnetron Sputtering (M. Kechouane, D. Biggemen and L.R. Tessler). REVIEW ARTICLE. Photonic Applications of Lithium Niobate Crystals (invited) (L. Arizmendi). Phase Relations in the Growth of Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate (invited) (K. Polgar, A. Peter and M. Ferriol). Optical Performance of Yb 3+ in LiNbO 3 Laser Crystal (invited) (L.E. Bausa, M.O. Ramirez and E. Montoya). Cr 3+ Ions in Hydrogenated and Proton Exchanged Lithium Niobate Crystals (A. Kaminska, L. Arizmendi, A. Barcz, E. Lusakowska and A. Suchocki). Lasers and Medicine (invited) (Przemyslaw J. Deren). Elementary Energy Bands in Band Structure Calculations of Some Wide--Bandgap Crystals (M. Sznajder, D.M. Bercha and K.Z. Rushchanski). UV--written Channgel Waveguides in Er 3+ --doped Bi 2 O 3 --band Glass (A. Favre, E. Lee, V. Apostolopoulos, C.B.E. Gawith, C.Y. Tai, E. Taylor, Y. Kondo and F. Koizumi). Electrical Properties of the Five--Component Chalcogenides of Silver (O.L. Kheifets--Kobeleva, V.B. Zlokazov, N.V. Melnikova, L.L. Nugaeva, L. Ya Kobelev and Ya L. Kobelev). Growth and Characterization of AgIn 5 S 8 and CuIn 5 S 8 Thin Films (Liudmila V. Makhova, I. Konovalov and R. Szargan). Light Scattering Topography of Excimer Grade CaF 2 Crystal (Yasunao Oyama, Suzuka Nishimura and Kazutaka Terashima). Effect of Deposition Conditions and Annealing on Residual Stress of ITO Films Magnetron Sputtered on Silica (A. Uzupis, S. Tamulevcius, R. Butkute, B. Vengalis and V. Lisauskas). Thermoluminescence of Doped YA1O 3 Crystals (Ya. Zhydachevskii, A. Durygin, A. Suchocki, A. Matkovskii, D. Sugak and Z. Frukacz). Schottky Barrier and Ageing Effect Studies in Au(Cu)/p--CdTe Contacts (Ye. O. Bilevych, A.V. Sukach and V.V. Tetyorkin). SYMPOSIUM C: 5TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MOLECULAR BEAM EPITAXY AND VAPOUR PHASE EPITAXY GROWTH PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY. MOVPE Growth and in situ Characterization of GaN Layers on Sapphire Substrates (invited) (H. Hardtdegen, N. Kaluza, R. Schmidt, R. Steins, E.V. Yakolev, R.A. Talalaev, Yu. N. Makarov and J.--T Zetter). Growth Optimisation of the GaN Layers and GaN/A1GaN Heterojunction on Bulk GaN Substrates Using Plasma--assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy (C. Skierbiszewski, Z. Wasilewski, M. Siekacz, A. Feduniewicz, B. Pastuszka, I. Grzegory, M. Leszczynski and S. Porowski). Comparative Analysis of (0001) GaN and (00a)GaAs Growth Kinetics under Ga--rich Conditions (V.G. Mansurov, Yu. G. Galitsyn, and K.S. Zhuravlev). Growth Kinetics of (0001)GaN from Ga and NH 3 Fluxes (V.G. Mansurov, Yu. G. Galitsyn, V.V. Preobrazhenski and K.S. Zhuralev). Influence of TBAs Flow in MOCVD Growth on Nitrogen Incorporation in GaAsN Alloy and its Optical Quality Detected by Photoreflectance (W. Rudno--Rudzinski, R. Kudrawiec, J. Derluyn and I. Moerman). Kinetic and Strain--driven Growth Phenomena on Si(001) (invited) (C. Schelling, J. Myslivecek, M. Muhlberger, H. Lichtenberger, Z. Zhong, B. Voigtlander, G. Bauer and F. Schaffler). Kinetics of the Heteroepitaxial Growth of Ge Layer at Low Temperature on Si(001) in UHN--CVD (M. Halbwax, V. Yam, C. Clerc, Y. Zheng, D. Debarre, Lam H. Nguyen and D. Bouchier). Investigation of Si--Ge Whisker Growth by CVD (A.A. Druzhinin and I.P. Pstrovskii). Lateral Aligments of SiC Dots on Si (V. Cimalla, J. Pezoldt, Th. Stauden, A.A. Schmidt, K. Zekentes and O. Ambacher). Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of SiC Nucleation on Si(111) ( A.A. Schmidt, K.L. Safonov, Yu. V. Trushin, V. Cimalla, O. Ambacher and J. Pezoldt). The Role of Ge Predeposition Temperature in the MBE Epitaxy of SiC on Silicon (F.M. Morales, Ch. Zgheib, S.I. Molina, D. Araujo, R. Garcia, C. Fernandez, A. Sanz--Hervas, P. Masri, P. Weih, Th. Stauden, V. Cimalla, O. Ambacher and J. Pezoldt). 3C--SiC:Ge Alloys Grown on Si (111) Substrates by SSMBE (P. Weih, V. Cimalla, Th. Stauden, R. Kosiba, G. Ecke, L. Spiess, H. Romanus, M. Gubisch, W. Bock, Th. Freitag, P. Fricke, O. Ambacher and J. Pezoldt). Growth of InSb Thin Films on GaAs(100) Substrates by Flash Evaporation Epitaxy (M. Oswaldowski, T. Berus, A. Borowska, R. Czajka and M. Zimniak). Properties of MBE Cd x Hg 1--x Te/GaAs Structures Modified by Ion--beam Milling (V.V. Bogoboyashchyy, S.A. Dvoretsky, I.I. Izhnin, N.N. Mikhailov, Yu. G. Sidorov, F.F. Sizov, V.S. Varavin and V.A. Yudenkov). Modeling Carrier Dynamics in Quantum--dot Lasers (invited) (A. Markus and A. Fiore). Quantum Dot Semiconductor Lasers with Optical Feedback (invited) (G. Huyet, D. O'Brien, S.P. Hegarty, J.G. McInerney, A.V. Uskov, D. Bimberg, C. Ribbat, V.M. Ustinov, A.E. Zhukov, S.S. Mikhrin, A.R. Kovsh, J.K. White, K. Hinzer and A.J. SpringThorpe). Formation and Optical Properties of Ge Quantum Dots Selectively Grown on Patterned Si(001) Substrates (Lam H. Nguyen, V. Le Thanh, V. Yam, D. Debarre, M. Halbwax and D. Bouchier). Formation of Ge Nanoislands on Pure and Oxidized Si Surfaces by MBE (A.I. Nikiforov, V.V. Ulyanov, A.G. Milekhin, O.P. Pchelyakov, S.A. Teys, S. Schulze and D.R.T. Zahn). TEM Evaluation of Stain and Stress in III--V Semiconductor Epitaxial Structures (invited) (A. Rocher, M. Cabie, A. Ponchet, A. Arnoult and E. Bedel--Pereira). Optical Properties of GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Wells: Character of Optical Transitions and Carrier Localisation Effect (R. Kudrawiec, J. Misiewicz, M. Fisher and A. Forchel). Light Induced Contrast in Kelvin Force Microscopy of GaN Epilayers (R. Bozek, K. Pakula and J.M. Baranowski). Raman Scattering Study of InGaAs/A1AsSb and InGaAs/A1As/A1AsSb Heterostructures (T. Mozune, N. Georgiev and J. Kasai). Optical Quality Improvement of InGaAs/A1As/A1AsSb Coupled Double Quantum Wells Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (J. Kasai, T. Mozume, H. Yoshida, T. Simoyama, A.V. Gopal and H. Ishikawa). X--ray Photoemission Study of Manganese Thin Films Deposited on a Layered Semiconductor (F. Mirabella, B.A. Parkinson and J. Ghijsen). Optical Investiagtions of Two Dimensional Electron Gas in the A1GaN/GaN Heterostructures (R. Kudrawiec, M. Syperek, J. Misiewicz, R. Paszkiewicz, B. Paszkiewicz, M. Tlaczala and W. Strupinski). Resistivity and Mobility in Ordered InGaP Grown by MOVPE (S. Hasenohrl, J. Betko, M. Morvic, J. Novaka and Fedor. Structural Characterization of Original 3D Gallium Structures Grown by LP--MOCVD (L. Imhoff, M. Sacilotti, C. Josse Courty, M. Mesnier, M.C. Marco de Lucas and S. Bourgeois). MBE Growth and Characterization of InAs/GaAs for Infrared Detectors (K. Reginski, J. Kamiewski, K. Kosiel, T. Przeslawski and J. Bak--Misiuk). Investigation of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Films for the VCSEL Laser with Dielectric Bragg Reflectors (H. Wrzesinska, L. Ilka, D. Wawer, K. Hejduk, A. Kudla, M. Bugasjski and E. Lusakowska). Revealing of Threading and Misfit Dislocations in Partially Relaxed InGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures (Oksana Yastrubchak, Elzbieta Lusakowska, Andrzej Morawski, Oleg Demchuk and Tadeusz Wosinski). Magnetic Properties of Ultra--thin Epitaxial V/Gd Bilayers (P. Pankowski, L.T. Baczewski, T. Story, A. Wawro, K. Mergia and S. Messoloras). Author Index.

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