Recent advances in nonlinear partial differential equations and applications : conference in honor of Peter D. Lax and Louis Nirenberg on their 80th birthdays, June 7-10, 2006, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha at Palacio Lorenzana, Toledo, Spain


Recent advances in nonlinear partial differential equations and applications : conference in honor of Peter D. Lax and Louis Nirenberg on their 80th birthdays, June 7-10, 2006, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha at Palacio Lorenzana, Toledo, Spain

L.L. Bonilla ... [et al.], editors

(Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics, v. 65)

American Mathematical Society, c2007


Advances in nonlinear PDE

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references



The articles of this book are written by leading experts in partial differential equations and their applications, who present overviews here of recent advances in this broad area of mathematics. The formation of shocks in fluids, modern numerical computation of turbulence, the breaking of the Einstein equations in a vacuum, the dynamics of defects in crystals, effects due to entropy in hyperbolic conservation laws, the Navier-Stokes and other limits of the Boltzmann equation, occupancy times for Brownian motion in a two dimensional wedge, and new methods of analyzing and solving integrable systems are some of this volume's subjects. The reader will find an exposition of important advances without a lot of technicalities and with an emphasis on the basic ideas of this field.


Null hypersurfaces with finite curvature flux and a breakdown criterion in general relativity by S. Klainerman The formation of shocks in 3-dimensional fluids by D. Christodoulou Occupation time for two dimensional Brownian motion in a wedge by F. A. Grunbaum and C. McGrouther The semiclassical focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation by R. Buckingham, A. Tovbis, S. Venakides, and X. Zhou An extension to a classical theorem of Liouville and applications by Y. Li From Green to Lax via Fourier by A. S. Fokas Untangling wall turbulence through direct simulations by J. Jimenez Defects, singularities and waves by L. L. Bonilla and A. Carpio Fluid dynamics from Boltzmann equations by C. D. Levermore From the Boltzmann equation to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations by F. Golse Hyperbolic conservation laws with involutions and contingent entropies by C. M. Dafermos.

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