World order after Leninism
Bibliographic Information
World order after Leninism
Herbert J. Ellison Center for Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies, University of Washington, in association with University of Washington Press, c2006
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-289) and index
Description and Table of Contents
World Order after Leninism examines the origins and evolution of world communism and explores how its legacies have shaped the post-Cold War world order. The lessons of Leninism continue to exert a strong influence in contemporary foreign affairs--most visibly in Poland and other post-communist states of the former Soviet Union, but also in China and other newly industrialized states balancing authoritarian impulses against the pressures of globalization, free markets, and democratic possibilities.
World Order after Leninism began as a conversation among former students of Ken Jowitt, professor of political science at the University of California at Berkeley from 1970-2002 and whose monumental career transformed the fields of political science, Russian studies, and post-communist studies. Using divergent case studies, the essays in this volume document the ways in which Jowitt's exceptionally original work on Leninism's evolution and consolidation remains highly relevant in analyzing contemporary post-communist and post-authoritarian political transformations.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Ken Jowitt's Universe / Rudra Sil and Marc Morje Howard
I. Leninism and Its Legacy
1. Lenin's Century: Bolshevism, Marxism, and the Russian Tradition / Vladimir Tismaneanu
2. The Leninist Legacy Revisited / Marc Morje Howard
3. Transition to What? Legacies and Reform Trajectories after Communism / Grigore Pop-Eleches
II. Identity and Social Transformation in Eastern Europe and Russia
4. Institutions and the Development of Individualism: The Case of Western Poland after World War II / Tomek Grabowski
5. The Soviet Union as a Reign of Virtue: Aristotelian and Christian Influences on Modern Russian Ethics and Politics / Olig Kharkhordin
6. Slobodon Milosovic: Charismatic Leader or Plebiscitarian Demagogue? / Veljko Vujacic
7. Social Dimensions of Collectivization: Fomenting Class Struggle in Transylvania / Gail Kligman and Katherine Verdery
III. Political, Economic, and Social Change: Beyond Eastern Europe
8. Stages of Development in Authoritarian Regimes / Barbara Geddes
9. From Neotraditionalism to Neofamilism: Responses to "National Dependency" in Newly Industrialized Countries / Yong-Chool Ha
10. Leninism, Development Stages, and Transformation: Understanding Social and Institutional Change in Contemporary China / Calvin Chen
IV. Methodological Orientations
11. Weber, Jowitt, and the Dilemma of Social Science Prediction / Stephen E. Hanson
12. The Evolving Significance of Leninism in Comparative Historical Analysis: Theorizing the General and the Particular / Rudra Sil
V. The Big Picture
13. Conjuring Up a Battlefront in the War on Terror / Stephen Holmes
14. The Power of Imaginative Analogy: Communism, Faith, and Leadership / Daniel Chirot
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