
All I want is everything

by Cecily von Ziegesar

(A gossip girl novel / by Cecily von Ziegesar)

Little, Brown, c2003

  • : pbk


All I want is everything : a Gossip Girl novel

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Summary: Chronicles the activities of two friends, Serena and Blair, and a group of wealthy students from exclusive private schools in Manhattan during Christmas break of their senior year



"Lovely Rita, Meter Maid" and "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" are as much part of popular mythology as "Little Dorrit" or "Macbeth". Strawberry fields, fool-topped hills and long and winding roads are all part of a collective subconscious stretching from New York to New Delhi. This book tells the story behind every one of The Beatles' songs. Who was Eleanor Rigby, and was Polythene Pam a figment of John Lennon's imagination or a real flesh-and-blood person? What stories and emotions influenced them and how do they reflect the development of The Beatles' distinctive musical style?

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