Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
関連文献: 39件中 1-20を表示
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- An act for continuing two former acts touching elections in the city of London
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- To the Honourable, the Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of divers well-affected people inhabiting in the cities of London and Westminster, the borough of Southwark, hamblets, and places adjacent. Promoters and approvers of the petition of the 11. of September, 1648
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- To the Right Honourable, the Commons of England assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of divers well-affected people, inhabitants of the cities of London and Westminster, the burough of Southwark, hamblets and places adjacent, promoters and approvers of the petition of the 11. of September, 1648
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The innocent man's second proffer : made unto his adversaries, October 22. 1649. and communicated unto them, by ... Collonell Robert Lilburne ...
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The innocent man's first proffer, Or, The proposition of Lievetenant Collonel John Lilburne, prerogative prisoner, in the Tower of London, made unto his present adversaries, and to the whole nation of England, Octob. 20. 1649. For William Hevenningham Esq. of Hevenningham, in Suffolk, These present
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The ivglers discovered : in two letters writ by Lievt. Col. John Lilburne, prerogative prisoner in the Tower of London, the 28. September, 1647. to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, Captaine Generall of all the forces in England and Wales, discovering the turn-coat, Machiavell practises, and under-hand dealings of Lievt. Gen. Cromwell, and his soone in law, Commissary Generall Ireton, and the rest of their hocus pocus faction in his Excellencies Counsell of Warre, the first of which letters thus followeth. Unto which is annexed some advice to the private soldiers
[s.n] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The Christian mans triall: or, A trve relation of the first apprehension and severall examinations of Iohn Lilbvrne, with his censure in Star-chamber, and the manner of his cruell whipping through the streets: whereunto is annexed his speech in the pillory, and their gagging of him : also the severe order of the Lords made the same day for fettering his hands and feet in yrons, and for keeping his friends and monies from him, which was accordingly executed upon him for a long time together by the wardens of the fleet, with a great deale of barbarous cruelty and inhumanity, &c
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The faerie leveller: or, King Charles his leveller descried and deciphered in Queene Elizabeths dayes. By her poet laureat Edmond Spenser, in his unparaleld poeme, entituled, the faerie qveene. A lively representation of our times
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- Severall petitions presented to His Excellency the Lord Fairfax. By the Lievt. Generals Col. Harrisons Coll. Prides Coll. Deanes. regiment. Together with Lievt. Gen. Cromwels letter to his Excellency concerning the same
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The declaration and standard of the levellers of England
delivered in a speech to his Excellency the Lord Gen. Fairfax, on Friday last at White-Hall, by Mr. Everard, a late member of the Army, and his prophesie in reference thereunto; shewing what will befall the nobility and gentry of this nation, by their submitting to community; with their invitation and promise unto the people, and their proceedings in Windsor Park, Oatlands Park, and severall other places; also, the examination and confession of the said Mr. Everard before his Excellency, the manner of his deportment with his hat on, and his severall speeches and expressions, when he was commanded to put it off. Together with a list of the severall regiments of horse and foot that have cast lots to go for Ireland
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The Levellers remonstrance : concerning the Parliament and army; and their proclamation to be published throughout the counties of Oxford, Gloucester, VVorcester, VVarwick, and Hartfordshire; with the their present design touching the cities of London, York, Bristoll, Chester, and several other places in the west of England, a new standard to be erected, and a place of randezvouz determined. Together with the said Levellers proposals, to the Generall Councell of the army
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The declaration of Lieutenant Generall Crumwel concerning the Levellers; and his letter and representation to the agitators of the respective regiments who have deserted and declared against the Parliament, the Councell of State, and the late proceedings of the High Court of Justice. With the declaration, resolution, and proposals of the said Levellers, presented to the view of the world, intimating the grounds and reasons of their engagement, and to die as one man with their swords in their hands, rather then to be inslaved. Also, two fights between the Levellers and the parliamenteers, neer Worcester and Banbury, the particulars thereof, and the number killed; with the Levellers summons to the city of Coventry
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The Levellers (falsly so called) vindicated, Or, The case of the twelve troops (which by treachery in a treaty) was lately surprised, and defeated at Burford, truly stated, and offered to the judgment of all unbyassed, and wel-minded people, especially of the Army, their fellow souldiers, under the conduct of the Lord Fairfax.
By a faithful remnant, late of Col. Scroops, Commissary General Iretons, and Col. Harrisons regiments, that hath not yet bowed their knee unto Baal, whose names (in the behalf of themselves, and by the appointment of the rest of their friends) are hereunto subscribed
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The declaration of the Levellers concerning Prince Charles, and their treaty with His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax; the particulars of another great fight; the successe thereof, and the number killed and taken prisoners. Also, the declaration of the counties of York, Lincoln, Nottingham, Liecester, and Warwickshire, concerning the Parliament, Army, and Levellers. Together with a new declaration from Scotland, touching religion, King and Kingdome
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The Levellers designe discovered, Or, The anatomie of the late unhappie mutinie : presented unto the souldiery of the Army vnder the command of his Excellency the Lord Fairfax; for prevention of the like in others.
Written by Henry Denne, an actor in this tragædy
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- Englands discoverer; or, The levellers creed. Wherein is set forth, their great and unparralell'd design against the twelve famods companies of the city of London, viz. The mercers. Grocers. Drapers. Marchant-taylors haberdashers. Goldsmiths cloth-workers. Fishmongers. Vintners. And the rest. And all other trades, mysteries, arts and callings whatsoever, within the cities of London, Yorke, Lincolne, Glocester, Bristoll, Excester, with the rest of the market townes, corporations, and villages, within the territories of England, and domini- of Wales. Published by speciall authority, to undeceive the people, th- like being never heard of in all former ages
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The remonstrance of many thousands of the free-people of England. Together with the resolves of the young-men and apprentices of the city of London, in behalf of themselves, and those called Levelers, for the attainment of their just requestes in their petition of May 20. 1647. Also their petition of January 19. 1647. and of September 11. 1648. Together with the agreement of the free people of England May. 1. 1649. With their solemn engagement for redeeming, setling, and securing the peoples rational, and just rights, and liberties, against all tyrants whatsoever, whether in Parliament, army, or councel of state
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
- The Levellers new remonstrance or declaration sent to His Excellencie the Lord General Fairfax, concerning their present proceedings, and making choice of a glorious King, and heavenly protector, for the redeeming of them from slavery, and judging the cause of the oppressed righteously. Also, their demands and proposals to the judges and ministers of this nation, touching the reign and government of the late King Charles; with a discovery of those persons who held their royalty by the power of the sword
[s.n.] Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours ... & other 38 items (1/8240)
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