Jewelrymaking through history : an encyclopedia

    • Hesse, Rayner W.

Jewelrymaking through history : an encyclopedia

Rayner W. Hesse, Jr.

(Handicrafts through world history)

Greenwood Press, 2007


Timeline: p. [xvii]-xxiii

Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-213) and index

HTTP:URL= Information=Table of contents only



All art objects, whether they be paintings, pottery, sculpture, or any other media, represent the people who created them, and jewelry is no exception. In this volume, approximately 75 entries spanning ancient times to the present, describe the people, places, terms, and tools in the history of jewelry. Readers will learn how the economic, geographic, political, religious, and social circumstances of a place and time influence the materials that are used to make jewelry, the signs and symbols in that jewelry, and way it is worn. More than just pretty pieces, jewelry often has great symbolism and tradition attached to it that is handed down through generations. Both students and collectors will find this resource helpful for discovering the lands and people represented by their jewelry. Factboxes and sidebars offer additional insights to this complex craft.

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