The Baroque era 1600-1800
The Baroque era 1600-1800
(Italian frescoes)
Abbeville Press, c2007
- : hbk
- タイトル別名
Wandmalerei in Italien, Barock und Aufklaerung 1600-1800
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全17件
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Summary: "Features twenty-five fresco cycles, including works by Domenichino, Sebastsiano Ricci, Guercino, and Tiepolo"--Provided by publisher
Some books have p. [4] written, "summary: 'features twenty-two fresco...' -- provided by publisher ".
Includes bibliographical references (p. 469-476) and index
The fifth and final volume of the only comprehensive survey in modern times of the surviving Italian frescoes from the Baroque era, 1600 to 1800, this groundbreaking work is an achievement in scholarship and publishing of the same magnitude as Abbeville's Art of Florence and Art and Spirit of Paris. Following the success of the previous volumes in this extraordinary Italian Frescoes series -- The Age of Giotto; The Early Renaissance; The Flowering of the Renaissance; and The High Renaissance and Mannerism -- this new publication features twenty--five fresco cycles, each representing a notable achievement in the history of art. The fresco cycles presented include brilliant works by Domenichino, Sebastiano Ricci, Guercino, and Tiepolo--all of them still visible on walls and ceilings of palaces and churches spanning Italy from Venice to Naples. The authors present such celebrated sites as the Barberini Palace in Rome and the Pitti Palace in Florence, as well as lesser--known gems.
Each of the chapters is concise and authoritative, offering a descriptive and interpretive essay on all aspects of the fresco cycle, covering the artists and their patrons in the context of their cultural and political history. Each essay concludes with a diagram of the site, followed by a series of full-- and double--page color plates showing the entire cycle, many reproduced from new photographs of recently restored frescoes. No publisher until now has attempted to gather together and document all the important fresco cycles of Italian art from the late thirteenth to the eighteenth century. While this volume is a continuation of the previous books, Italian Frescoes: The Baroque Era certainly stands alone as an incredible treasury of art and scholarship that will be eagerly collected by art historians and art lovers alike.
Table of Contents from: Italian Frescoes: The Baroque Era Preface Introduction Principles of Baroque Wall and Ceiling Painting The Baroque Church as Theatrum Sacrum Under the Auspices of Olympus--the Baroque Palace The Cycles of Painting Rome -- Palazzo del Quirinale Bassano Romano (Di Sutri) -- Palazzo Odeschalchi Giustiniani Grottaferrata -- Abby of Santa Maria Rome -- Villa Boncompagni Ludovisi, Casino Dell'Aurora Rome -- San Andrea Della Valle Rome -- Palazzo Barberini Florence -- Palazzo Pitti Naples -- Former Charterhouse of San Martino Bologna -- Palazzo Pepoli Campogrande Rome -- Palazzo Colonna Florence -- Palazzo Medici Riccardi and Biblioteca Riccardiana Rome -- San Ignazio Genoa -- Palazzo Rosso (Brignole Sale) Naples -- San Paolo Maggiore Turin -- Palazzo Reale Florence -- Palazzo Marucelli--Fenzi Udine -- Palazzo Patriarcale Naples -- Nunziatella (Santa Maria Annunziata) Venice -- Palazzo Labia, Ballroom (Salone Da Ballo) Florence -- Villa Poggio Imperiale San Bastiano, Near Vicenza -- Villa Valmarana Ai Nani Venice -- Ca'Rezzonico Map of Locations of the Fresco Cycles Bibliography Inscriptions and Legends Index Illustration Credits
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