Self-help skills for people with autism : a systematic teaching approach
Self-help skills for people with autism : a systematic teaching approach
(Topics in autism)
Woodbine House, 2007
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes bibliographical references (p.[161]-164) and index
Learning self-help skills - eating, dressing, toileting, and personal hygiene - can be challenging for people with autism, but is essential for independence. This book thoroughly describes a systematic approach that parents (and educators) can use to teach basic self-care to children, ages 24 months to early teens, and even older individuals. With an encouraging tone, the authors - behaviour analysts and psycholo-gists - emphasise that it's worthwhile to devote the extra time and effort now to teach skills rather than have your child be forever dependent on others. The many case studies throughout the book depict individuals with deficits in specific selfcare tasks, and demonstrate how a coordinated and systematic approach is effective in teaching more complex skills. For example, a 12-year-old with the self-feeding skills of a toddler, who was excluded from the school cafeteria, is taught to stay at the table to eat a full meal using utensils.A chapter is devoted to each of the four skill areas (eating, dressing, toileting, personal hygiene) offering detailed insight and specific instruction strategies.
Appendices contain forms to complete for task analyses, instructional plans, and data collection. With the information in this book, parents can immediately start teaching their child, or refer back to the book to fine-tune skills as their child develops.
- Introduction
- Reducing Long-Term Dependence
- Identifying Individual Differences
- Determining What to Teach and When
- Establishing a Context for Learning
- Motivating Your Child to Learn
- Using Effective Tools for Change
- Evaluating Progress
- Teaching Dressing and Personal Hygiene Skills
- Teaching Eating Skills
- Teaching Toileting Skills
- Planning for Generalisation
- Conclusion.
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