Teaching British women writers, 1750-1900



Teaching British women writers, 1750-1900

Jeanne Moskal & Shannon R. Wooden, editors

Peter Lang, c2005

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references



The exuberant recovery from obscurity of scores of British women writers has prompted professors and publishers to revisit publication of women's writings. New curricular inclusion of these sometimes quirky, often passionate writes profoundly disrupts traditional pedagogical assumptions about what constitutes « literature This book addresses this radically changed educational landscape, offering practical, proven teaching strategies for newly « recovered writers, both in special-topics courses and in traditional teaching environments. Moreover, it addresses the institutional issues confronting feminist scholars who teach women writers in a variety of settings and the kinds of career-altering effects the decision to teach this material can have on junior and senior scholars alike. Collectively, these essays argue that teaching noncanonical women writers invigorates the curriculum as a whole, not only by introducing the voices of women writers, but by incorporating new genres, by asking new questions about readers' assumptions and aesthetic values, and by altering the power relations between teacher and student for the better.

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