Nutritional assessment
Nutritional assessment
McGraw-Hill, c2007
4th ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全7件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
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This text describes the four major methods of nutritional assessment (dietary, anthropometric, biometric, and clinical) in an understandable and contemporary way. It thoroughly covers assessment of the hospitalized individual, but also serves as an invaluable resource to the nutrition professional working in such areas as public health and community nutrition, corporate health, and sports medicine.
1 Introduction to Nutritional Assessment 2 Standards for Nutrient Intake 3 Measuring Diet 4 National Dietary and Nutrition Surveys 5 Computerized Dietary Analysis Systems 6 Anthropometry 7 Assessment of the Hospitalized Patient 8 Nutritional Assessment in Disease Prevention 9 Biochemical Assessment of Nutritional Status 10 Clinical Assessment of Nutritional Status 11 Counseling Theory and Technique
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