Mechanized tunnelling in urban areas : design methodology and construction control


    • Guglielmetti, Vittorio


Mechanized tunnelling in urban areas : design methodology and construction control

edited by Vittorio Guglielmetti ... [et al.]

Taylor & Francis, c2008

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index

HTTP:URL= Information=Table of contents only



Internationally, the mechanized excavation of tunnels has intensified in the last two decades, as the number of tunnels being constructed for subways and railway underpasses increases. The subject of mechanized tunnelling in urban areas has not previously received the attention that it deserves, despite there being specific hazards associated with the construction of tunnels in metropolitan areas, including poor ground conditions, water tables higher than the level of tunnels, and subsidence leading to damage to the existing structures on the surface. The application of technologies for achieving the stability of the tunnel and for minimizing surface settlement is described in this book. Accurate characterization of the ground; rigorous assessment and management of risk from design to maintenance; the correct choice of a tunnel boring machine and a plan for the advancement of the tunnel; specific excavation procedures and real-time monitoring of excavation parameters are all discussed in this thorough work.


1. Introduction: tunnels in urban areas and the related challenges 2. Initial risks: definition, analysis and management 3. Selection of tunnel alignment with low-level risks 4. The primary responses to the initial risks: a "city machine" and its essential characteristics 5. Tunnel design 6. The control of tunnel construction 7. Health and safety 8. Case histories References Appendices Annex Glossary of terms Index

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