Classic ships of Islam : from Mesopotamia to the Indian Ocean


Classic ships of Islam : from Mesopotamia to the Indian Ocean

by Dionisius A. Agius

(Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies, section 1 . The Near and Middle East ; v. 92)

Brill, 2008

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes bibliographical references (p. [427]-456) and index



This book charts the development of Islamic ships and boats in the Western Indian Ocean from the seventh to the early sixteenth century with reference to earlier periods. It utilizes mainly Classical and Medieval Arabic sources with iconographical evidence and archaeological finds. Maritime activities in the region resulted in a cross fertilization, not only of goods but also of ideas and culture which gave an underlying cohesion to the Arabian, Persian and Indian maritime peoples. This study has led to a re-evaluation of that maritime culture, showing that it was predominantly Persian and Indian, with Chinese influence, throughout the Islamic period until the coming of the Portuguese, as reflected in nautical terminology and technology.

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