Library of the written word
- Kuitert, Lisa
- Kuitert, Lisa
Bibliographic Information
Library of the written word
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Editor-in chief: Michael B. Winship; editorial board: Bill Bell, Lisa Gitelman, Lisa Kuitert, Claire Parfait (v. 43)
- Seventeenth-century libraries : problems and perspectives
edited by Robyn Adams, Jacqueline Glomski
Brill c2023 Library of the written word v. 114 . The handpress world ; v. 92
: hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Watermarks 1450-1850 : a concise history of paper in Western Europe
by Frans Laurentius and Theo Laurentius
Brill c2023 Library of the written word v. 98 . { The handpress world / editor-in-chief,
Andrew Pettegree ; editorial board Ann Blair ... [et al.] } ; v. 78 : hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- Middle English manuscripts and their legacies : a volume in honour of Ian Doyle
edited by Corinne Saunders, Richard Lawrie with Laurie Atkinson
Brill c2022 Library of the written word v. 102 . The manuscript world ; v. 14
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- Printing and publishing Chinese religion and philosophy in the Dutch Republic, 1595-1700 : the Chinese imprint
by Trude Dijkstra
Brill c2022 Library of the written word v. 101 . The handpress world / editor-in-chief,
Andrew Pettegree ; v. 81 : hardback
Available at 2 libraries
- Communities of print : books and their readers in early modern Europe
edited by Rosamund Oates, Jessica G. Purdy
Brill c2022 Library of the written word v. 99 . The handpress world / editor-in-chief,
Andrew Pettegree ; v. 79 : hardback
Available at 2 libraries
- The texture of images : the relic book in late-medieval religiosity and early modern aesthetics
by Livia Cárdenas ; translated by Anne Simon
Brill c2021 Library of the written word v. 85 . The handpress world ; v. 66
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- Print and power in early modern Europe (1500-1800)
edited by Nina Lamal, Jamie Cumby, Helmer J. Helmers
Brill c2021 Library of the written word v. 92 . The handpress world / editor-in-chief,
Andrw Pettegree ; v. 73 : hardback
Available at 8 libraries
- The paper trade in early modern Europe : practices, materials, networks
edited by Daniel Bellingradt and Anna Reynolds
Brill c2021 Library of the written word v. 89 . The handpress world ; v. 70
: hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- Censorship in colonial Indonesia, 1901-1942
by Nobuto Yamamoto
Brill 2019 Library of the written word v. 7 . The Industrial world ; v. 7
Available at 5 libraries
- Illuminating sanctity : the body, soul and glorification of Saint Amand in the miniature cycle in Valenciennes, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 500
by Maria R. Grasso
Brill c2019 Library of the written word v. 71 . The manuscript world ; v. 11
: hardback
Available at 2 libraries
- Buying and selling : the business of books in early modern Europe
edited by Shanti Graheli
Brill c2019 Library of the written word v. 72 . The handpress world ; v. 55
: hardback
Available at 2 libraries
- Johann Froben, printer of Basel : a biographical profile and catalogue of his editions
by Valentina Sebastiani
Brill c2018 Library of the written word v. 65 . The handpress world / editor-in-chief,
Andrew Pettegree ; v. 50 : hbk
Available at 2 libraries
- Early modern media and the news in Europe : perspectives from the Dutch angle
by Joop W. Koopmans
Brill c2018 Library of the written word v. 70 . The handpress world / editor-in-chief,
Andrew Pettegree ; v. 54 : hardback
Available at 2 libraries
- Travelling chronicles : news and newspapers from the early modern period to the eighteenth century
edited by Siv Gøril Brandtzæg, Paul Goring, Christine Watson
Brill c2018 Library of the written word v. 66 . The handpress world ; v. 51
: hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- Denis Janot (fl. 1529-1544), Parisian printer and bookseller : a bibliography
by Stephen Rawles
Brill c2018 Library of the written word v. 54 . The handpress world ; v. 41
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- Incunabula in transit : people and trade
by Lotte Hellinga
Brill c2018 Library of the written word v. 62 . The handpress world ; v. 47
: hardback with dustjacket
Available at 2 libraries
- Before the public library : reading, community, and identity in the Atlantic world, 1650-1850
edited by Mark Towsey, Kyle B. Roberts
Brill c2018 Library of the written word v. 61. The handpress world ; v. 46
: hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Storing, archiving, organizing : the changing dynamics of scholarly information management in post-Reformation Zurich
by Anja-Silvia Goeing
Brill c2017 Library of the written word v. 56 . The handpress world ; v. 42
Available at 1 libraries
- The Lindisfarne Gospels : new perspectives
edited by Richard Gameson
Brill c2017 Library of the written word v. 57 . The manuscript world ; v. 9
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- Broadsheets : single-sheet publishing in the first age of print
edited by Andrew Pettegree
Brill c2017 Library of the written word v. 60 . The handpress world ; v. 45
: hardback
Available at 2 libraries