Iconoclasm and iconoclash : struggle for religious identity : second conference of church historians Utrecht, University of Tilburg: Faculty of Catholic Theology, Theology Department of Utrecht University


Iconoclasm and iconoclash : struggle for religious identity : second conference of church historians Utrecht, University of Tilburg: Faculty of Catholic Theology, Theology Department of Utrecht University

edited by Willem van Asselt ... [et al.]

(Jewish and Christian perspectives series, v. 14)

Brill, 2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



In the history of Jewish, Christian and Muslim culture, religious identity was not only formed by historical claims, but also by the usage of certain images: "images of God", "images of the others", "images of the self."This book includes a discussion of the role of these images in society and politics, in theology and liturgy, yesterday and today.


INTRODUCTION PART 1: WORD AND IMAGE: FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS The Tension Between Word and Image in Christianity Willemien Otten The Dialectics of the Icon: A Reference to God? Anton Houtepen Word and Image in Christian Rituals Gerard Rouwhorst Seeing the Divine: a Holy Controversy Alexander Even-Chen Our Image of 'Others' and Our Own Identity Daniela Muller Idolatry and the Mirror: Iconoclasm as a Prerequisite for Interhuman Relations Marcel Poorthuis PART II: JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN DEBATES ON IMAGES UNTIL THE REFORMATION Biblical Controversy: A Clash Between Two Divinely Inspired Messages? Shulamit Laderman Anthropomorphism and its Eradication Shamma Friedman Augustine's Thoughts on How God May Be Represented Paul van Geest The Saint as Icon: Transformation of Biblical Imagery in Early Medieval Hagiography Nienke Vos 'Erant enim sine deo uero'. Iconoclash in Apocryphal and Liturgical Apostle Traditions of the Medieval West Els Rose Tangible Words: Some Reflections on the Notion of Presence in Gothic Art Babette Hellemans Cathars and the Representation of the Divine: Christians of the Invisible Anne Brenon The Clash Between Catholics and Cathars over Veneration of the Cross Beverly Kienzle Poor Building: The Case of the Friars Minor Gerard Pieter Freeman PART III: PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND CATHOLIC REFORMATION The Prohibition of Images and Protestant Identity Willem van Asselt Aspects of Iconoclasm in Utrecht - Today and in the Past Casper Staal The Alphen Pig War Jo Spaans Papal Prohibitions Midway Between Rigor and Laxity.On the Issue of Depicting the Holy Trinity Jan Hallebeek PART IV: MODERN TIMES The Politics of Representation: Prussian Monarchy and Roman Catholic Church in the Making of Saints During the 19th Century Angela Berlis Christ, Art and the Nation. The Berlin 'Christ Exhibition' of 1896 and the Search for a Protestant Identity in Wilhelminian Germany Christopher Koenig The Written Icon Images of God in Modern Dutch Literature Jaap Goedegebuure The New Iconoclasm. The Avant-garde and the Catholic Church Theo Salemink Vandalism as a Secular Iconoclasm Alexander Demandt

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