Banking sector liberalization in India : evaluation of reforms and comparative perspectives on China
Banking sector liberalization in India : evaluation of reforms and comparative perspectives on China
(Contributions to economics)
Physica, c2008
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
Includes bibliographical references (p. [275]-299)
This fascinating and timely work explores in detail the changes in the Indian banking sector over the last 20 years, and puts them into a comparative perspective with the Chinese banking sector. For this purpose, the author develops a detailed indicator-based framework for assessing the liberalization of a banking sector along various process steps based on financial liberalization and transformation studies. The key finding is that while liberalization has improved the sectoral performance, it has so far had no effect on the macro level.
The Indian banking sector.- The Chinese banking sector.- Banking sector functions and coordination.- Management of transformation processes.- Framework for banking sector liberalization.- Evaluation of banking sector liberalization in India and China.- Policy recommendations and implications of research findings.
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