Chemistry for changing times


Chemistry for changing times

John W. Hill, Doris K. Kolb ; with special contributions by Terry W. McCreary

Pearson Prentice Hall, c2007

11th ed


Includes bibliographical references and index

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For a one- or two-term Chemistry and Society course for non-science majors. The text that defined the liberal arts chemistry course, Hill/Kolb remains the most visually appealing and readable introduction on the market. All material is revised and updated to reflect the latest scientific developments in a fast-changing world - with substantial changes in areas such as energy costs, alternative energy, food and fitness guidelines, modern drugs, and more.


  • Chapter 1 A Science for All Seasons 1.1 Science and Technology: The Roots of Knowledge 1.2 The Baconian Dream and the Carsonian Nightmare 1.3 Science: Testable, Reproducible, Explanatory, Predictive, and Tentative 1.4 The Limitations of Science 1.5 Science and Technology: Risks and Benefits 1.6 Chemistry: Its Central Role 1.7 Solving Society's Problems: Scientific Research 1.8 Chemistry: A Study of Matter and Its Changes 1.9 Classification of Matter 1.10 The Measurement of Matter 1.11 Density 1.12 Energy: Heat and Temperature 1.13 Critical Thinking Chapter 2 Atoms: Are They for Real? 2.1 Atoms: The Greek Idea 2.2 Lavoisier: The Law of Conservation of Mass 2.3 Proust: The Law of Definite Proportions 2.4 John Dalton and the Atomic Theory of Matter 2.5 Out of Chaos: The Periodic Table 2.6 Atoms: Real and Relevant 2.7 Leucippus Revisited: Molecules Chapter 3 Atomic Structure: Images of the Invisible 3.1 Electricity and the Atom 3.2 Serendipity in Science: X-Rays and Radioactivity 3.3 Three Types of Radioactivity 3.4 Rutherford's Experiment: The Nuclear Model of the Atom 3.5 The Nucleus: A Parts List 3.6 Electron Arrangement: The Bohr Model 3.7 Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model 3.8 Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table 3.9 Which Model to Choose? Chapter 4 Nuclear Chemistry: The Heart of the Matter 4.1 Natural Radioactivity 4.2 Nuclear Equations 4.3 Half-Life 4.4 Radioisotopic Dating 4.5 Artificial Transmutation 4.6 Uses of Radioisotopes 4.7 Nuclear Medicine 4.8 Penetrating Power of Radiation 4.9 Energy from the Nucleus 4.10 The Building of the Bomb 4.11 Radioactive Fallout 4.12 Nuclear Power Plants 4.13 Thermonuclear Reactions 4.14 The Nuclear Age Chapter 5 Chemical Bonds: The Ties That Bind 5.1 The Art of Deduction: Stable Electron Configurations 5.2 Lewis (Electron-Dot) Symbols 5.3 Sodium Reacts with Chlorine: Facts 5.4 Sodium Reacts with Chlorine: The Theory 5.5 Using Lewis Symbols: More Ionic Compounds 5.6 Formulas and Names of Binary Ionic Compounds 5.7 Covalent Bonds: Shared Electron Pairs 5.8 Unequal Sharing: Polar Covalent Bonds 5.9 Polyatomic Molecules: Water, Ammonia, and Methane 5.10 Polyatomic Ions 5.11 Rules for Writing Lewis Formulas 5.12 Odd-Electron Molecules: Free Radicals 5.13 Molecular Shapes: The VSEPR Theory 5.14 Shapes and Properties: Polar and Nonpolar Molecules Chapter 6 Chemical Accounting: Mass and Volume Relationships 6.1 Chemical Sentences: Equations 6.2 Volume Relationships in Chemical Equations 6.3 Avogadro's Number: 6.02 x 10^23 6.4 The Mole: "A Dozen Eggs and a Mole of Sugar, Please" 6.5 Mole and Mass Relationships in Chemical Equations 6.6 The Gas Laws 6.7 Solutions Chapter 7 Acids and Bases: Please Pass the Protons 7.1 Acids and Bases: Experimental Definitions 7.2 Acids, Bases, and Salts 7.3 Acidic and Basic Anhydrides 7.4 Strong and Weak Acids and Bases 7.5 Neutralization 7.6 The pH Scale 7.7 Acid Rain 7.8 Antacids: A Basic Remedy 7.9 Acids and Bases in Industry and in Us Chapter 8 Oxidation and Reduction: Burn and Unburn 8.1 Oxidation and Reduction: Three Views 8.2 Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 8.3 Electrochemistry: Cells and Batteries 8.4 Corrosion 8.5 Explosive Reactions 8.6 Oxygen: An Abundant and Essential Oxidizing Agent 8.7 Other Common Oxidizing Agents 8.8 Some Reducing Agents of Interest 8.9 A Closer Look at Hydrogen 8.10 Oxidation, Reduction, and Living Things Chapter 9 Organic Chemistry: The Infinite Variety of Carbon Compounds 9.1 The Unique Carbon Atom 9.2 Alkanes 9.3 Cyclic Hydrocarbons: Rings and Things 9.4 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Alkenes and Alkynes 9.5 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Benzene and Relatives 9.6 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons: Many Uses, Some Hazards 9.7 The Functional Group 9.8 The Alcohol Family 9.9 Phenols 9.10 Ethers 9.11 Aldehydes and Ketones 9.12 Carboxylic Acids 9.13 Esters: The Sweet Smell of RCOOR' 9.14 Amines and Amides 9.15 Heterocyclic Compounds: Alkaloids and Others Chapter 10 Polymers: Giant Among Molecules 10.1 Polymerization: Making Big Ones Out of Little Ones 10.2 Natural Polymers 10.3 Celluloid: Billiard Balls and Collars 10.4 Polyethylene: From the Battle of Britain to Bread Bags 10.5 Addition Polymerization: One + One + One + Gives One! 10.6 Rubber and Other Elastomers 10.7 Condensation Polymers: Splitting Out Water 10.8 Properties of Polymers 10.9 Disposal of Plastics 10.10 Plastics and Fire Hazards 10.11 Plasticizers and Pollution 10.12 Plastics and the Future Chapter 11 Chemistry of Earth: Metals and Minerals 11.1 Spaceship Earth: The Materials Manifest 11.2 The Lithosphere: Organic and Inorganic 11.3 Meeting Our Needs: From Sticks to Bricks 11.4 Silicates and the Shapes of Things 11.5 Modified Silicates: Ceramics, Glass, and Cement 11.6 Metals and Ores 11.7 Running Out of Everything: Earth's Dwindling Resources 11.8 Land Pollution: Solid Wastes 11.9 The Three R's of Garbage: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 11.10 How Crowded Is Our Spaceship? Chapter 12 Air: The Breath of Life 12.1 Earth's Atmosphere:Divisions and Composition 12.2 Chemistry of the Atmosphere 12.3 Temperature Inversion 12.4 Natural Pollution 12.5 The Air Our Ancestors Breathed 12.6 Pollution Goes Global 12.7 Coal + Fire ? Industrial Smog 12.8 Automobile Emissions 12.9 Photochemical Smog: Making Haze While the Sun Shines 12.10 Acid Rain: Air Pollution (R) Water Pollution 12.11 The Inside Story: Indoor Air Pollution 12.12 Ozone: The Double-edged Sword 12.13 Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect Chapter 13 Water: Riverof Life
  • Seas of Sorrows 13.1 Water: Some Unique Properties 13.2 Water, Water, Everywhere 13.3 The Water Cycle and Natural Contaminants 13.4 Chemical and Biological Contamination 13.5 An Example of Industrial Pollution: Building a Car 13.6 Groundwater Contamination a Tainted Tap Water 13.7 Making Water Fit to Drink 13.8 Water Treatment Plants 13.9 From Wastewater to Drinking Water 13.10 The Newest Soft Drink: Bottled Water 13.11 Alternative Sewage Treatment Systems 13.12 We're the Solution to Water Pollution Chapter 14 Energy: A Fuels Paradise 14.1 Heavenly Sunlight Flooding Earth with Energy 14.2 Energy and Chemical Reactions 14.3 Energy and the First Law:Energy Is Conserved 14.4 Energy and the Second Law:Things Are Going to Get Worse 14.5 People Power: Early Uses of Energy 14.6 Reserves and Consumption Rates of Fossil Fuels 14.7 Coal: The Carbon Rock of Ages 14.8 Natural Gas: Mostly Methane 14.9 Petroleum: Liquid Hydrocarbons 14.10 Convenient Energy: Electricity 14.11 Nuclear Fission 14.12 Nuclear Fusion: The Sun in a Magnetic Bottle 14.13 Harnessing the Sun: Solar Energy 14.14 Biomass: Photosynthesis for Fuel 14.15 Hydrogen: Light and Powerful 14.16 Other Renewable Energy Sources 14.17 Energy: How Much Is Too Much? Chapter 15 Biochemistry: A Molecular View of Life 15.1 The Cell 15.2 Energy in Biological Systems 15.3 Carbohydrates: A Storehouse of Energy 15.4 Fats and Other Lipids 15.5 Proteins: Polymers of Amino Acids 15.6 The Peptide Bond: Peptides and Proteins 15.7 Structure of Proteins 15.8 Enzymes: Exquisite Precision Machines 15.9 Nucleic Acids: Parts and Structure 15.10 DNA: Self-Replication 15.11 RNA: Protein Synthesis and the Genetic Code 15.12 The Human Genome Chapter 16 Food: Molecular Gastronomy 16.1 Carbohydrates in the Diet 16.2 Fats and Cholesterol 16.3 Proteins: Muscle and Much More 16.4 Minerals: Inorganic Chemicals and Life 16.5 The Vitamins: Vital, but Not All Are Amines 16.6 Other Essentials: Fiber and Water 16.7 Starvation and Fasting 16.8 Additives to Enhance Our Food 16.9 Poisons in Our Food 16.10 A World Without Food Additives 16.11 Green Plants: Sun-Powered Food-Making Machines 16.12 Farming with Chemicals: Fertilizers 16.13 The War Against Pests 16.14 Biological Insect Controls 16.15 Herbicides and Defoliants 16.16 Sustainable Agriculture 16.17 Some Malthusian Mathematics 16.18 Can We Feed a Hungry World? Chapter 17 Household Chemicals: Helps and Hazards 17.1 A History of Cleaning 17.2 Fat + Lye (R) Soap 17.3 Synthetic Detergents 17.4 Laundry Detergent Formulations 17.5 Dishwashing Detergents 17.6 Fabric Softeners: Quaternary Ammonium Salts 17.7 Laundry Bleaches: Whiter Whites 17.8 All-Purpose Cleaning Products 17.9 Special-Purpose Cleaners 17.10 Organic Solvents in the Home 17.11 Paints 17.12 Waxes 17.13 Cosmetics: Personal Care Chemicals 17.14 Toothpaste: Soap with Grit and Flavor Chapter 18 Fitness and Health: Some Chemical Connections 18.1 Calories: Quantity and Quality 18.2 Vitamins and Minerals 18.3 Body Fluids and Electrolytes 18.4 Weight-Loss Diets 18.5 Exercise for Weight Loss 18.6 Measuring Fitness 18.7 Some Chemistry of Muscles 18.8 Drugs and the Athlete 18.9 Exercise and the Brain 18.10 No Smoking Chapter 19 Drugs: Chemical Cures, Comforts and Cautions 19.1 Scientific Drug Design 19.2 Pain Relievers: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) 19.3 Chemistry, Allergies, and the Common Cold 19.4 Antibacterial Drugs 19.5 Viruses and Antiviral Drugs 19.6 Chemicals Against Cancer 19.7 Hormones: The Regulators 19.8 Chemistry and Social Revolution: The Pill 19.9 Drugs for the Heart 19.10 Drugs and the Mind 19.11 Some Chemistry of the Nervous System 19.12 Brain Amines: Depression and Mania 19.13 Anesthetics 19.14 Depressant Drugs 19.15 Narcotics 19.16 Antianxiety Agents 19.17 Stimulant Drugs 19.18 Psychedelic Drugs 19.19 Drug Problems 19.20 The Placebo Effect 19.21 New Uses for Old Drugs Chapter 20 Poisons: Chemical Toxicology 20.1 Natural Poisons 20.2 Corrosive Poisons: A Closer Look 20.3 Poisons Affecting Oxygen Transport and Oxidative Processes 20.4 Make Your Own Poison: Fluoroacetic Acid 20.5 Heavy Metal Poisons 20.6 More Chemistry of the Nervous System 20.7 The Lethal Dose 20.8 Your Liver As a Detox Facility 20.9 Chemical Carcinogens: Slow Poisons 20.10 Three Ways to Test for Carcinogens 20.11 Birth Defects: Teratogens 20.12 Hazardous Wastes 20.13 What Price Poisons? Appendix A: A Review of Measurements and Mathematics. The International System of Measurement Exponential (Scientific) Notation Unit Conversions Precision, Accuracy, and Significant Figures Calculations Involving Temperature and Heat Appendix B: Glossary. Appendix C: Answers. Index.

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