How radio signals work : all the basics plus where to find out more


    • Sinclair, Jim


How radio signals work : all the basics plus where to find out more

Jim Sinclair

McGraw-Hill, c1997

  • pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes index



Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. This book provides a basic understanding of the way radio signals work-without becoming bogged down with the technicalities. It covers all kinds of radio signal types--including mobile communications, short-wave, satellite, and microwave. No detailed knowledge of electronics or mathematics is required. A-Z coverage of radio signals including satellites, mobile communications, and short-wave radio. No math or electronics background necessary.


Introduction. Chapter 1: Rules of the Game. Chapter 2: Spectra. Chapter 3: How Energy is Coupled. Chapter 4: Modulation: The Intelligent Message. Chapter 5: How Signals Get There. Chapter 6: How the Bands are Used. Chapter 7: Radiating Structures, Aerials and Antennas. Chapter 8: An Example of Each Type of Aerial. Chapter 9: Hearing the Message. Chapter 10: A Visit to the Zoo: Electrons and Other Chapter 11: Strange Beaties. Chapter 12: First in Maintenance. Chapter 13: The Human Factors. Appendix. Glossary. Index.

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