Battles over free trade


Battles over free trade

general editor, Mark Duckenfield

Pickering & Chatto, 2008

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After the collapse of the Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organization talks, agricultural subsidies and market liberalization went high on the political agenda. This work features historical documents that address the thorny relationship between trade and politics, the appropriate role of international regulation, and domestic concerns.


  • Volume 1 Anglo-Irish Relations and Irish Free Trade Agitation of 1779-85 Motion respecting Trade in Ireland, 19 January 1779, Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates (1778-80)
  • 'Debate in the Commons on the State of the Trade and Commerce of Ireland', February 1779, Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates (1778-80)
  • Sir James Caldwell to Lord George Germain, 28 September 1779, in Report on the Manuscripts of Mrs Stopford-Sackville (1904-10)
  • Speech of the Lord Lieutenant to the Irish Parliament, Dublin Castle, 12 October 1779, Annual Register (1780)
  • 'Debate in the Commons on Lord North's Propositions for the Relief of the Trade of Ireland', 13 December 1779, Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates (1778-80)
  • John Hely Hutchinson, The Commercial Restraints of Ireland, Considered in a Series of Letters to a Noble Lord (1779)
  • William Eden, A Letter to the Earl of Carlisle from William Eden Esq on the Representation of Ireland respecting a Free Trade (1779) Anglo-French Commercial Treaty of 1786 'Commerce with France Observations on, Office' ([c late 1785]) Minutes of the Committee of Trade, 14 March 1786, William Eden to Lord Carmarthen, 6 June 1786, in The Journal and Correspondence of William, Lord Auckland (1861-2)
  • William Pitt to William Eden, 12 September 1786 (extract), in The Journal and Correspondence of William, Lord Auckland (1861-2)
  • William Pitt to the Marquis of Stafford, 27 August 1786, in The Diaries and Correspondence of the Right Hon George Rose (1860)
  • William Eden to Robert Liston, 27 September 1786, Ralph Woodford to Robert Liston, 24 October 1786, Daniel Hailes to the Marquis of Carmarthen, 25 October 1786, Ralph Woodford to Robert Liston, 29 December 1786, Liston Papers, National Library of Scotland, MS 5545, fols 151-2
  • A Letter from a Manchester Manufacturer to the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, on his Political Opposition to the Commercial Treaty with France (1787) The Continental System 'Abstract of the Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America', Annual Register (1795)
  • 'Southwark Petition', Annual Register (1795)
  • George Sinclair to Henry Dundas, 9 November 1796
  • On the Continental System, following the Berlin Decree, 20 November 1806, Annual Register (1806) The British Response: Orders in Council James Stephen to Spencer Perceval, 5 December 1807
  • 'Orders in Council
  • or, An Examination of the Justice, Legality, and Policy of the New System of Commercial Regulations', Edinburgh Review (1808)
  • James Stephen to Spencer Perceval, 23 May 1808
  • 'Financial Situation of England and France', Examiner (1810)
  • Prince Regent in Council, Orders in Council and War with America, enclosed in Castlereagh to Mr Russell, 23 June 1812, Parliamentary Papers (1812-13)
  • Mr Foster to Viscount Castlereagh, 20 June 1812, enclosing Madison's Declaration of War on Britain, 18 June 1812, Parliamentary Papers (1812-13)
  • [James Stephen], A Key to the Orders in Council (1812)
  • Madame de Stael Holstein, An Appeal to the Nations of Europe Against the Continental System (1813) Post-War Protection and the United States H U Addington to George Canning, Washington, 30 May 1824 (extract), in 'Papers relative to American Tariffs', Parliamentary Papers (1828)
  • Report of the Committee on Commerce, 22 May 1824, in 'Papers relative to American Tariffs', Parliamentary Papers (1828)
  • Address of the Committee on Behalf of the General Convention of Agriculturists and Manufacturers, and Others Friendly to the Encouragement of the Domestic Industry of the United States, Assembled at Harrisburg, 30 July 1827, in 'Papers relative to American Tariffs', Parliamentary Papers (1828)
  • Charles Richard Vaughan to the Earl of Dudley, 27 April 1828, in 'Papers relative to American Tariffs', Parliamentary Papers (1828)
  • 'The American Tariff', Edinburgh Review (1828) Britain and Cautious Reciprocity 'Merchants' Petition of 1820 in Favour of Free Trade', in Revised Report of the Proceedings at the Dinner of 31st May, 1876, Held in Celebration of the Hundredth Year of the Publication of the 'Wealth of Nations' (1876)
  • Edinburgh Petition for Free Trade, 20 April 1820, Caledonian Mercury, 29 April 1820
  • William Huskisson, Speech on the 'Foreign Commerce of the Country', 25 March 1825, Hansard (1825)
  • Vote of Thanks from Manchester Chamber of Commerce to Huskisson, 16 July 1828
  • and Huskisson to Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 20 July 1828, in The Speeches of the Right Honourable William Huskisson, with a Biographical Memoir (1831)
  • Solomon Atkinson, The Effects of the New System of Free Trade upon our Shipping, Colonies and Commerce, Exposed (1827)
  • Henry Stephens, A Letter Addressed to the Landowners and Tenantry of the County of Forfar (1827)
  • The Mechanic in his Own Defence
  • or Word About with Henry Stephens, Esq of Balmadies (1827) Anglo-French Commercial Relations John Bowring, First Report on the Commercial Relations between France and Britain, Parliamentary Papers (1834)
  • Chamber of Commerce of Boulogne-sur-Mer to the Minister of Commerce ([c 1834]), in John Bowring, Second Report on the Commercial Relations between France and Britain, Parliamentary Papers (1835)
  • Correspondence between Havre Chamber of Commerce and the Minister of Commerce, 14 and 18 October 1834, Parliamentary Papers (1835)
  • 'First Report of Messrs Villiers and Bowring', Westminster Review (1834) Britain and the Zollverein Minute of the Board of Trade, 17 January 1826, relative to the Commercial Relations between Great Britain and Prussia, December 1825-January 1826, Parliamentary Papers (1839)
  • Lord Palmerston to the Earl of Minto, 17 January 1834
  • 'The Prussian League', British and Foreign Review (1842) Elite Debate on the Corn Laws in the 1830s Ebenezer Elliott, 'An Address to the People of England, on the Corn Laws', Tait's Edinburgh Magazine (1834)
  • 'Anti Corn Law Association', Dundee, Perth, and Cupar Advertiser, 16 May 1834
  • 'The Corn Laws', British and Foreign Review (1836)
  • Richard Cobden, 'Modern History of the Corn Laws', Anti Corn-Law Circular (1839) From the Politicians to the Populace: Civil Society and Repeal of the Corn Laws, 1838-46 Petition of the President, Vice President and Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures of Manchester, 20 January 1838, in Appendix to the Report of the Select Committee on Public Petitions (1837-8)
  • Richard Cobden to John Norton, 23 August 1838
  • 'Dilemmas on the Corn Law Question', Blackwood's Magazine (1839)
  • 'Petitions' and 'Our Weapons of War', Anti Corn-Law Circular (1840)
  • 'Support of the Anti-Corn Law League by the Working Classes', Anti Corn-Law Circular (1840)
  • 'Address of the Metropolitan Anti-Corn Law Association', Anti Corn-Law Circular (1840)
  • 'Manifestation of Public Feeling on the Bread Tax', Anti Corn-Law Circular (1840)
  • 'Corn-Law Agitation Humbug', Chartist Circular (1840)
  • 'The Bread-Taxing Bishops and the Bible-Reading People', Anti Corn-Law Circular (1840)
  • 'Petition! Petition! Petition!', Anti Corn-Law Circular (1840)
  • 'Mr John Gladstone's Remedy for the Distress of the Working Classes', Liverpool Mercury, 21 May 1841
  • Protectionist Editorial, Chelmsford Chronicle, 28 May 1841
  • H N Burroughes and E Wodehouse, Joint Election Address to the Electors of East Norfolk, Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich Gazette, 12 June 1841
  • John Bowring, Election Address, Bolton Chronicle, 26 June 1841
  • Richard Cobden to George Wilson, 25 September 1841
  • 'America and the British Corn Law Compiled from the Work of Mr John Curtis of Ohio', The Anti-Bread-Tax Almanack (1842)
  • 'Corn Laws are Potato Laws', The Anti-Bread-Tax Almanack (1842)
  • Petition of Inhabitants of Manchester, Manchester Times, and Lancashire and Cheshire Gazette, 11 March 1843
  • First Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Protection Society for Great Britain and Ireland, Morning Herald, 14 December 1844
  • Lord Palmerston to the Earl of Minto, 27 December 1845
  • P Bennet, Speech to Central Suffolk Agricultural Protection Association, Bury and Suffolk Herald, 21 January 1846
  • 'The Corn Laws as a Buttress for the Aristocracy', Economist (1846)
  • Richard Cobden to William Rathbone, 2 February 1846
  • French Reaction to the Reduction of British Duties on Brandy and Silk, Kentish Gazette, 10 February 1846
  • House of Lords Protest against the Corn Bill, 25 June 1846, Hansard (1846)
  • 'The Ghost of a Dead Monopoly!', Economist (1846) Volume 2 Defeat of Protectionism in Britain John Lewis Ricardo, The Anatomy of the Navigation Laws (1847)
  • John Charles Herries to George Frederick Young, [8?] January 1849
  • 'Protection Disinterred', Economist (1849)
  • Lord Stanhope to G F Young, 29 May 1849
  • Lord Stanhope to G F Young, 8 June 1849
  • Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Acting Committee of the National Association for the Protection of British Industry and Capital, 15 October 1849
  • J C Herries to G F Young, 15 November 1849
  • Free Thoughts on Free Trade (1852)
  • Notice of Anti-Corn Law League Meeting, Economist (1852)
  • Henry Ashworth, Recollections of Richard Cobden and the Anti-Corn-Law League (1877) Ramifications of Free Trade Arbitration Instead of War (1848)
  • Richard Cobden, Speech on 'Free Trade and Peace', Manchester Times and Gazette, 21 December 1847
  • 'Peace on Earth - Good Will Towards Men', Manchester Times, 8 January 1848
  • Alexander Alison, Universal Free Trade, by Means of a Property, Income and Wages Tax (1852)
  • Sir James Graham to W E Gladstone, 13 November 1852
  • Sir James Graham to W E Gladstone, 19 November 1852 Promoters and Opponents Richard Cobden to Marco Minghetti, 21 May 1847
  • Richard Cobden, Speeches in Europe, in Reminiscences of Richard Cobden, compiled by J Salis Schwabe (1895)
  • 'Congress of Political Economists at Brussels', Economist (1847)
  • Free Trade Meeting at Marseilles, Economist (1847)
  • Richard Cobden to Michel Chevalier, 22 March 1851
  • Michel Chevalier in Dionysus Lardner, The Great Exhibition and London in 1851 (1852)
  • Speech of M Thiers on the Commercial Policy of France and in Opposition to the Introduction of Free Trade into France, 27 June 1851, trans M de Saint Felix (1852)
  • Henry Dunckley, The Charter of the Nations: or, Free Trade and its Results (1854)
  • The Abortive Anglo-French Commercial Treaty of 1852, 1853
  • American-Canadian Reciprocity Treaty of 1854, Despatch from Lord Lyons to Russell, 28 February 1862, Parliamentary Papers (1862)
  • Lord Clarendon to Lord Palmerston, 20 April 1856
  • Cardwell Memorandum on Commercial Policy towards Russia, 29 October 1854 Anglo-French Commercial Treaty Michel Chevalier, The History of Political Economy Taught by the History of the Freedom of Labour, trans W Bellingham (1869)
  • Richard Cobden to John Bright, 16 January 1860
  • Richard Cobden to Francois Arles-Dufour, 10 August 1860
  • H Reader Lack, The French Treaty and Tariff of 1860 (1861)
  • 'Commercial Treaties and Free Trade', Economist (1860)
  • Robert Andrew Macfie, 'Notes on the French Treaty', Liverpool Daily Post, 16 February 1860
  • George Frederick Young, The French Treaty, a Mockery, a Delusion, and a Snare (1860) Treaty System and Promotion of Free Trade Richard Cobden to E A Billeroche, 12 September 1861
  • 'Memorandum on the Commercial Policy of European States and British Trade' (1879)
  • Henry Charles Carey, The French and American Tariffs Compared in a Series of Letters to Chevalier (1864)
  • [R Morier], Commercial Treaties: Free Trade and Internationalism (1870)
  • 'Commercial Treaty with Austria' (1866)
  • Louis Mallet, Memorandum on Modifications of Anglo French Treaty, 19 August 1871
  • C M Kennedy, 'Treaties of Commerce with, and between, European Powers, with Especial Reference to the Trade of the United Kingdom' (1875) Britain, Europe, and the United States Manifesto of the Association of 'Revivers' of British Industry ([1869])
  • Kuklos [pseud, John Harris], The Commercial Policy of England in 1877 (1877)
  • J Slagg, 'The Commercial Treaty with France', Fortnightly Review (1877)
  • William Bateman Hanbury, Lord Bateman's Plea for Limited Protection, or, for Reciprocity in Free Trade (1878)
  • W Farrer Ecroyd, The Policy of Self Help: Suggestions towards the Consolidation of the Empire and the Defence of its Industries and Commerce (1879)
  • Sir Louis Mallet, Reciprocity (1879)
  • Free Trade and the European Treaties of Commerce (1875) The Colonial World Cosmopolite, Free Trade and No Colonies (1848)
  • John Dunmore Lang, Freedom and Independence for the Golden Lands of Australia (1852)
  • George Ward Cole, Protection as a National System Suited for Victoria (1860)
  • Henry Ashworth, 'Our Colonies: Their Commerce and their Cost', in Henry Ashworth, Pamphlets and Other Papers (1872)
  • George Reid, Five Free Trade Essays (1875)
  • Letters of Henry Parkes, George H Reid and Gower Evans, in Free Trade and the European Treaties of Commerce (1875) Volume 3 The Rise and Fall of Fair Trade, 1879-92 'The Past and the Future A Historical Sketch of Fair Trade, and Commercial Policy since "the Settlement of 1846"', Fair-Trade (1885)
  • 'The Story of the Movement', Fair Trade (1888)
  • Robert Andrew Macfie, Letter to the Shipping and Mercantile Gazette, 25 November 1880, in R A Macfie, Cries in a Crisis (1881)
  • G W Medley, 'England under Free Trade' (1881), in Pamphlets and Addresses (1899)
  • Annie Besant, 'What is Really Free Trade', in Free Trade v Fair Trade (1881)
  • Sampson Lloyd, The Fair Trade Policy: A Reply to the Charge of 'taxing the Poor Man's Loaf' (1882)
  • 'The Fair-Trade Party'
  • Correspondence of J B Barkworth, 'Protection for Home Agriculture', and R A Macfie 'Protection for Manufacturing Industries', Fair-Trade (1886)
  • Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 'Manchester and the Manchesterians: Storming the Citadel', Fair-Trade (1886)
  • 'Causes of Trade Depression', Fair-Trade (1886)
  • Royal Commission on Depression in Trade and Industry, 'Minority "Fair Trade" Report', Parliamentary Papers (1886)
  • Robert Andrew Macfie, 'The Fair-Trade Policy', Fair Trade (1888) Tariffs and Empire, 1880-1902 G Smith, 'The Canadian Tariff', Contemporary Review (1881)
  • G Baden Powell, 'Protection in Young Communities', Fortnightly Review (1882)
  • S Bourne, 'Imperial Federation in its Commercial Aspect', Imperial Federation (1886)
  • 'Imperial Federation', Fair-Trade (1886) 'The Fair Trade Scheme of Commercial Federation', Imperial Federation (1887)
  • R Giffen, 'Commercial Union between the UK and its Colonies' (1891)
  • Howard Vincent, Commercial Union of the Empire (1891)
  • British Empire League, Report of Inaugural Meeting of the League ([1896])
  • British Empire League, Report of Speech of the Right Hon Joseph Chamberlain ([1896]) Tariff Wars in Europe, 1880-1914 'Protection in Germany', Economist (1881)
  • Trade and Treaties Committee, First Report, 24 January 1891, Parliamentary Papers (1890-1)
  • R Giffen, 'The Relative Growth of Free Trade and Protection', 25 May 1892
  • Memo on Terminating the Belgian and German Commercial Treaties, 10 June 1897
  • Tariff Wars between European States: Report on the Franco-Italian Tariff War, 1888-99
  • Reports on the Tariff War between Germany and Russia
  • Summary of the Franco-Swiss Tariff War, 1893-5, Parliamentary Papers (1904)
  • 'Commercial Diplomacy 1860-1902' Free Trade versus Tariff Reform: The Edwardian Battleground R D Denman, 'The City and the Tariff Question', Westminster Gazette, 23 June 1903
  • Philip Snowden, The Chamberlain Bubble (1903)
  • Editorial on Labour Representatives and the Tariff Commission, Morning Post, 16 January 1904
  • 'What Co-Operative Women Think', Free Trader, 23 October 1903
  • C Booth, 'Fiscal Reform', National Review, January 1904
  • B R Wise, Free Trade and Imperial Preference (1905) Tariff Commission Memo, 'Colonial Preference and Imperial Reciprocity', 22 July 1908
  • F W Hirst, 'The City and Tariff Reform', Free Trader, May 1910 Tariff Battles in North America, 1880-1914 W E Gladstone, 'Free Trade', North American Review (1890)
  • Editorial, The Times, 9 October 1890
  • A K McClure, The McKinley Tariff Robbery and Fraud (1892)
  • Edward Atkinson, 'Arguments in Favor of such Discrimination in Framing the Tariff as shall Best Promote Domestic Industry', in Arguments against the Dingley Bill (1897)
  • J A Hobson, The Fruits of American Protection (1907)
  • 'Tariff Reform in Canada', Nation, 20 August 1910
  • Canadian National League, Reciprocity with the United States (1911)
  • 'Canada's Answer', The Standard of Empire, 29 September 1911
  • 'The New American Tariff, 1913', Economist (1913)
  • Swire Smith, The New American Tariff (Simmons-Underwood) and the Wool Industry of Bradford (1914) The Paris Economic Conference, 1916 Foreign Office Note of Invitation from the French Ambassador for the British Government to Participate in an Economic Conference in Paris, 10 February 1916
  • Foreign Minister Edward Grey's Memorandum on British Participation in Paris Economic Conference, 11 February 1916
  • Confidential Correspondence between Edward Grey and Sir Francis Villiers, British Ambassador to Belgium, 6 March 1916 and 5 April 1916
  • J A Hobson, 'The New Protectionism', War and Peace (1916)
  • 'The End of the War and After', Economist (1916)
  • 'Who Were Our Best Customers?', Economist (1916)
  • 'The Paris Economic Conference and After', New Statesman (1916)
  • Commercial Correspondence between Edward Grey and Sir Francis Villiers, British Ambassador to Belgium, 27 June 1916
  • Report on the American Press's Response to the Paris Conference, June 1916
  • 'The Economic War', War and Peace (1916)
  • 'The Allies' Economic Combine', New Republic (1916)
  • Considered Views of Interdepartmental Committee to Consider Dependence of the British Empire on the United States, October 1916
  • Confidential Cabinet Report of the Foreign Office on the Interdepartmental Committee to Consider the Dependence of the British Empire on the United States, 31 October 1916
  • Confidential Telegram from Sir Conyngham Greene (British Ambassador to Japan) to Edward Grey (Foreign Minister) regarding Japanese Participation in the Paris Economic Conference, 27 June 1916
  • Recommendations of the Economic Conference of the Allies Held at Paris on June 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1916, Parliamentary Papers (1916)
  • A Stanley, 'Economic Desiderata in the Terms of Peace', February 1917
  • Secret Report on Economic and Non-Territorial Desiderata, Committee on Terms of Peace, Imperial War Cabinet, April 1917
  • Memorandum by the Board of Trade on Economic Considerations Affecting the Terms of Peace, November 1918 The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 1930 Republican Party Platform of 1928, 12 June 1928
  • 'Hoover Promises to Call Congress to Act on Farm Aid if December Session Fails', The New York Times, 28 October 1928
  • Herbert Hoover, State of the Union Address, 3 December 1929
  • '1028 Economists Ask Hoover to Veto Pending Tariff Bill', The New York Times, 5 May 1930
  • Official Protests about Tariff Bill 1930 from Foreign Governments, Congressional Record, 9 June 1930
  • Herbert Hoover, Statement Upon Signing the Tariff Bill 1930 into Law, 15 June 1930
  • 'The New American Tariff', Economist (1930)
  • 'The United States Tariff and Swiss Trade', Economist (1930)
  • Cordell Hull, 'Economic Policies of the Government', Congressional Record, 16 February 1931
  • Reed Smoot, 'Our Tariff and the Depression', Current History (1931)
  • Franklin D Roosevelt, National Radio Address, 'Forgotten Man', 8 April 1932
  • Herbert Hoover, Campaign Speech at Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana, 28 October 1932
  • 'Trade Agreements or Free Trade?', Review of the River Plate, 29 July 1934, translated by UK Embassy, Buenos Aires The Ottawa Imperial Economic Conference, 1931-2 Report of the Committee on the Proposed Imperial Economic Conference at Ottawa, 23 November 1931
  • 'Dominion Industries', The Times, 18 December 1931
  • 'Memorandum of a Conversation with the [Canadian] Prime Minister on Friday, March 11th, Concerning Agenda for the Imperial Conference', 14 March 1931
  • Letter from the High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Ottawa to Sir Edward Harding (Under Secretary of State for Dominions), 17 March 1932
  • Minutes of the Fourth Meeting at the Board of Trade with Industrial Advisors [Motor Trade Representatives] Prior to the Ottawa Imperial Economic Conference, 3 June 1932
  • 'Imperial Preference', Economist (1932)
  • Notes on the Cotton Delegation in a Letter from the High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Ottawa to G G Whiskard (Dominions Office), 15 June 1932
  • Secret Note by the United Kingdom Delegation on the Canadian Tariff Proposals, 8 August 1932
  • Memorandum by Industrial Advisors Representing the British Trades Union Congress on the Imperial Economic Conference, 8 August 1932
  • J G Coates (Leader of the New Zealand Reform Party) to Stanley Baldwin, 8 August 1932
  • Most Secret Report of a (UK) Delegation Meeting at Ottawa on the Australian and New Zealand Negotiation and a Duty on Meat, 15 August 1932
  • Selections from the Ottawa Agreement, August 1932
  • 'Textile Industry Reserves Opinion', Montreal Gazette, 23 August 1932
  • 'Premier Disappointed: Taschereau Says Little Done For Lumber Industry', Montreal Gazette, 23 August 1932
  • 'Ottawa Reactions', Sydney Morning Herald, 24 August 1932
  • 'The Riddle of Ottawa', Adelaide Advertiser, 24 August 1932
  • 'The Harvest of Ottawa', Economist (1932)
  • 'An Ottawa Impression', Economist (1932) Volume 4 The International Trade Organization 'Editorial: Trade Agreements', Journal of the National Union of Manufacturers (1946)
  • Letter from National Union of Manufacturers to Sir Stafford Cripps (President of the Board of Trade), 21 October 1946
  • 'Chapter V Retaliation and Other Indirect Consequences', Board of Trade Economic Group Report on Long-Term Problems and Consequences of Failure to Approve ITO, 8 July 1947
  • Confidential Note on a Meeting with the FBI on 20 February (1947)
  • 'Confidential Note of a Meeting Held at the Board of Trade on the 25th February 1947, Between the National Union of Manufacturers and the Board of Trade'
  • Jacob Viner, 'Conflicts of Principle in Drafting a Trade Charter', Foreign Affairs (1947)
  • Clair Wilcox, 'The London Draft of a Charter for an International Trade Organization', American Economic Review (1947)
  • Memorandum on Imperial Preference, Loans from the United States and Tariff Negotiations between the United States and United Kingdom , 14 October 1947
  • E J Elliot (Federation of British Industries) to E A Cohen (Board of Trade), 1 April 1948
  • R J Shackle (Board of Trade) to E J Elliot (Federation of British Industries), 8 April 1948
  • 'Resolution on the Havana Charter', First Draft, 10 May 1948 The European Economic Community Notes for Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Preparation for Meeting with Jean Monnet regarding United Kingdom Association with the European Coal and Steel Community, 25 May 1954
  • Memorandum for Prime Minster Anthony Eden on Meeting of the Ministerial Committee Meeting on Relations with the ECSC, 4 July 1956
  • 'Record of Conversation between the Secretary of State [Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd] and the Netherlands Ambassador on July 15, 1960'
  • 'Press Conference by President de Gaulle, Paris, 14th January 1963'
  • Remarks, made by President Charles de Gaulle at his Fifteenth Press Conference, 16 May, 1967
  • Sir Con O'Neill (Head of UK Delegation to the European Communities), 'Valedictory Despatch', 3 May 1965
  • 'Record of a Meeting Between the Prime Minister [Harold Wilson], and the Foreign Secretary [George Brown] and the Acting Vice-President [Albert Coppe] and Other Members of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community, on 8th March 1967'
  • Memorandum for Non-Cabinet Ministers, 'Ten Reasons Why Britain Should Join the Common Market', December 1970
  • 'Record of Conversation between the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster [Sir Geoffrey Rippon] and the Portuguese Foreign Minister [Dr Rui Patricio]', 8 March 1972
  • 'Cassis' Decision, Judgement of the European Court of Justice, 20 February 1979
  • German Beer Purity Law Decision, Judgement of the European Court of Justice, 12 March 1987 The Association of South East Asian Nations Statement of S Rajaratnam (Minister for Foreign Affairs of Singapore) at the ASEAN Conference, 8 August 1967
  • Statement of Adam Malik (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia) at the ASEAN Conference, 8 August 1967
  • Priority Telegram from UK Embassy in Bangkok regarding Declaration Establishing the ASEAN, 8 August 1967
  • Restricted Telegram from UK Embassy in Moscow regarding Soviet Response to South-East Asian Regional Cooperation, 14 August 1967
  • Confidential Summary on the Association of South-East Asian Nations from Giles Bullard (British Embassy in Bangkok) to George Brown (Foreign Secretary), 15 August 1967
  • October 1967
  • Report of British Embassy in Bangkok on EEC Visit to Thailand, 13 September 1973
  • Memorandum on EEC/ASEAN Relations, 2 October 1975
  • 'Address by Mr Lee Kwan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore, at the Opening Session of the ASEAN Summit, Bali, on 23 February 1976'
  • 'Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia', 24 February 1976
  • Confidential Memorandum, 'ASEAN Summit: A Thai View', 2 March 1976
  • Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and ASEAN, 7 March 1980
  • Background Brief, 'ASEAN's Changing Priorities', June 1992 The North American Free Trade Agreement The Second Clinton-Bush-Perot Presidential Debate, 15 October 1992
  • The Third Clinton-Bush-Perot Presidential Debate, 19 October 1992
  • House of Commons Debates, Official Record (Canada) (1993)
  • 'NAFTA Debate: Gore vs Perot', on Larry King Show, , 9 November 1993
  • 'Canada Prepared if NAFTA Fails
  • Movement Afoot to Arrange Bilateral Deal with Mexico', Globe and Mail (Toronto), 13 November 1993
  • 'NAFTA Backers Must Speak Now', Crain's Detroit Business, 15 November 1993
  • 'The National Interest: House Members Have Clear Obligation to Free Trade', Houston Chronicle, 16 November 1993
  • Dennis Wharton, 'H'wood: Muy Bueno, eh? Valenti Sees Doors Opening as House Passes NAFTA Treaty', Daily Variety, 18 November 1993
  • 'NAFTA All Clear in Mexico', Record (Canada), 23 November 1993
  • Jonathan Ferguson, 'NAFTA: Canada's Concerns', Toronto Star, 30 November 1993
  • 'UAW Wants Trade Payoff in Jobs', New York Times, 1 January 1994 The World Trade Organization Cordell Hull, Statement on Tariffs and an International Tariff Congress, Congressional Record, 8 July 1916
  • Senate Debate on the World Trade Organization (Uruguay Round Agreements Act), Congressional Record, 30 November 1994
  • Scott Sunde, 'Chaos Closes Downtown', Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1 December 1999
  • 'Remarks by the President to Farmers, Students from the Seattle-Tacoma Area Who Study Trade, and Area Officials', Seattle, 1 December 1999
  • Kerry Murakami, 'Geneva Sounded WTO Warning That Went Unheeded in Seattle', Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10 March 2000
  • Doha Ministerial Declaration, 14 November 2001
  • Statement by President George W Bush Announcing Temporary Safeguards for the US Steel Industry, 5 March 2002
  • Gordon Brown, UK Statement to the International Monetary and Financial Committee, 17 September 2006

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