Writing in the disciplines : a reader for writers


Writing in the disciplines : a reader for writers

Mary Lynch Kennedy, William J. Kennedy

Pearson Prentice Hall, c2008

6th ed


Writing in the disciplines : a reader and rhetoric for academic writers

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index

HTTP:URL=http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0715/2007014503.html Information=Table of contents only



For undergraduate-level courses in Composition, English, and Writing that focus on academic writing and writing from sources. This combination rhetoric/anthology instructs college students how to read academic texts effectively and how to use them as sources for papers in a variety of disciplines. In this 6th edition of Writing in the Disciplines, Mary Kennedy and William Kennedy have combined their expertise with more suggestions than ever before from students, instructors, and reviewers to retain the text's best qualities while now emphasizing academic writing as ongoing conversations in multiple genres. The rhetoric chapters teach critical reading, paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, writing process, synthesizing, analyzing, researching, and developing arguments. The anthology balances journal articles with works by public intellectuals in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, presenting issues and methods of inquiring in the disciplines and serving as idea banks for writing. Students learn how to work individually and collaboratively as they progress in writing from sources from reading the original source to planning, drafting and revising academic essays.


  • BRlEF TABLE OF CONTENTS P ART I: READlNG AND WRITING IN THE ACADEMIC DISCJPLINES CHAPTER ONE 1 Preparing to Write: Active Critical Reading: Prereading and Close Reading Academic Reading-Writing Process Overview of the Academic Reading-Writing Process Conversation with the Texts Active Critical Reading Keep a Writer's Notebook Prereading Close Reading Reading for Content Reading for Geme, Organization, and Stylistic Features Reading for Rhetorical Context CHAPTER Two Preparing to Write: Active Critical Reading: Postreading Personally Experience the Text Convert Informal Response to Response Essay Compose Paraphrases and Summaries and Record Quotations Paraphrasing Procedures Summarizing Short Summary Abstract Precis Quoting CHAPTER THREE Sourcebook of Readings: An Academic Conversation about the "Mommy Wars" Terms of the Argument Genres Participants in the Conversation MOTHERHOOD IDEOLOGIES AND MOTHERHOOD MYTHS* Deirdre D. Johnston and Debra H. Swanson Literature Review of research on popular images of working mothers. THE LEAST WORSE CHOICE: WHY MOTHERS "OPT" OUT OF THE WORKFORCE Judith Stadtman Tucker Synthesis: Source-based Argument of economic and cultural factors that affect women's choices. MANY WOMEN AT ELITE COLLEGES SET CAREER PATH TO MOTHERHOOD Louise Story WEASEL WORDS RIP MY FLESH! Jack Shafer Rhetorical Analysis of Louise Story's verbal compromises that weaken her argument. CRITIQUE OF 'MANY WOMEN AT ELITE COLLEGES SET CAREER PATH TO MOTHERHOOD" Tracey Meares Critical Analysis of Louise Story's failure to take race and class into account for her report on elite women. DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES OF THE IVY LEAGUE? Katha Pollitt Critical Analysis of Louise Story's misrepresentation of Yale women and the larger problems of working mothers. HOMEWARD BOUND Linda. R. Hirshman Argument that women from elite colleges with privileged backgrounds should serve as working moms for women with underprivileged backgrounds. THE YEAR OF DOMESTICITY David Brooks Critical Analysis of Hirshman's argument, advocating that women exert power in full-time motherhood. THE RETURN OF THE MOMMY WARS Cathy Young Analysis of Hirshman's argument, concluding that it is too harsh in questioning how women might exercise open choices. FEMINISTS TO WOMEN: SHUT UP AND DO AS YOU'RE TOLD Don Feder Critical Analysis of Hirshman's argument which asserts that, by disparaging stay at-home mothers, Hirshman becomes more of an antifeminist than a feminist for coercing women to conform to a single standard. PARADISE LOST Terry Martin Hekker Personal change of viewpoint recounting how her divorce left her unprepared for the modern workplace. AT HOME WITH DAVID BROOKS Rebecca Traister Comparative Analysis that argues why Brooks should read Terry Hekker's personal story. MOTHER Y ALE Frances Rosenbluth Causal Analysis why, among working mothers, change happens but is slow in coming. CHAPTER FOUR Critical Analysis Part I: Critical Analysis Focus of the Chapter Adopting a Questioning Frame of Mind Types of Analysis You Will Be Asked to Write Importance of Genre Knowledge Approaches to Analysis Purpose of Critical Analysis Critical Analysis and the Academic Conversation Examination of "The Return of the Mommy Wars," Cathy Young's Critical Analysis of Linda Hirshman's "Homeward Bound" Examination of "The Year of Domesticity," David Brooks' Critical Analysis of Linda Hirshman's "Homeward Bound" Part II: Writing a Critical Analysis: A Detailed Demonstration of the Reading Writing Process Critical Reading Planning Drafting Planning Individual Paragraphs Prepare Lists of References or Works Cited Revising the Preliminary Draft Student's Critical Analysis Essay: Revision of Preliminary Draft Revise Ideas Revise Organization Revise Style Conferences and Peer Review Editing Final Draft of Student's Critical Analysis Essay CHAPTER FIVE Rhetorical, Comparative, Literary, Process, and Causal Analysis, and the Classic Comparison and Contrast Essay Rhetorical Analysis Examination of "Weasel Words Rip My Flesh!" Jack Shafer's Rhetorical Analysis and Critique of Linda Story's "Many Women at Elite Colleges Set Career Path to Motherhood" Process of Writing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay Comparative Analysis Examination of "At Home with David Brooks," Rebecca Traister's Comparative Analysis of David Brooks' "The Year of Domesticity" and Terry Martin Hekker's "Paradise Lost" Process of Writing a Comparative Analysis Essay Literary Analysis Process of Writing a Literary Analysis Essay Student's Literary Analysis Essay Short Table of Contents - Writing in the Disciplines Process Analysis Process of Writing a Process Analysis Examination of Passages from Charles Krauthammer's "Crossing Lines" Causal Analysis Process of Writing a Causal Analysis Examination of "Mother Yale," Frances Rosenbluth's Causal Analysis Classis Comparison and Contrast Essay Process of Writing a Comparison and Contrast Essay Student's Comparison and Contrast Essay Revision CHAPTER SIX Visual Analysis Principles of Visual Analysis Portfolio of Photographs Overview of Visual Analysis Writing Process a Visual Analysis Essay Previewing Viewing for Content Viewing for Genre, Organization, and Stylistic Features Viewing for Rhetorical Context Sample Student Visual Analysis Essay CHAPTER SEVEN Synthesis Analysis and Synthesis Process of Writing Synthesis Essays Examine the Assignment Determine Your Rhetorical Purpose
  • Purposes for Synthesizing Sources Ask Questions to Identify Relationships among the Sources Formulate a Thesis and Review the Texts Process of Writing an Explanatory Synthesis Essay Process of Writing a Literature Review Examination of "Motherhood Ideologies and Motherhood Myths," Deidre D. Johnston and Debra H. Swanson's Literature Review Process of Writing a Thesis-Driven Synthesis Examination of Student's Thesis-Driven Synthesis Essay CHAPTER EIGHT Argument Nature of Academic Argument Developing Support for Arguments Joining the Academic Conversation Examination of "The Least Worst Choice: Why Mothers 'Opt' Out of the Workforce," Judith Stadtman Tucker's Argument Synthesis Process of Writing an Argument Synthesis Essay Sample Student's Argument Synthesis Essay Organizing Argumentative Essays Sample Argument Essay CHAPTER NINE Writing Research Papers The Research Paper: An Introduction Identify a Research Topic: The Role of the Assignment Illustration of Student's Process of Writing a Research Paper Select a Research Topic Develop a Research Strategy Determine Your Rhetorical Purpose Set a Schedule Decide on the Question Your Research Will Answer Brainstorm a Preliminary Search Vocabulary Determine How You Will Find the Sources Locate Sources in an Academic Library How to Find Books How to Find Articles Conduct Research on the World Wide Web Advantages of the Web Advantages of college libraries Find Digital Resources How to Evaluate Web sources Collect Information on Your Own: Surveys and Interviews Modify Your Search Strategy Evaluate Information Sources Excerpt Information from Sources Write a Working Thesis Planning the Research Paper Revising Editing Sample Student Research Paper PART II: AN ANTHOLOGY OF READINGS Natural Sciences and Technology CHAPTER TEN Cloning JENNIFER AND RACHEL Lee Silver Defends human cloning as a legitimate reproductive choice. NARCISSUS CLONED John J. Conley Maintains that cloning human embryos violates the sanctity of human life and human relationships. CROSSING LINES - A SECULAR ARGUMENT AGAJNST RESEARCH CLONING Charles Krauthammer Argues that therapeutic cloning should not be pursued. THE BUSINESS OF BODIES Lori Andrews and Dorothy Nelkin Discusses the utilitarian value of human body tissue in a biotechnological age. THE MORAL IMPERATIVE FOR HUMAN CLONING Ian Wilmut Argues that human cloning technology must not be banned because it could save thousands of lives. CHAPTER ELEVEN Human/Machine Interaction IN DEFENSE OF ROBOTS Carl Sagan Argues that humans are guilty of "speciesism "in their attitudes toward machine intelligence. LOVING TECHNOLOGY Sherry Turkle Describes robot/human relations hips and focuses on* children's interaction with electronic ''pets." LIVE FOREVER Raymond Kurzweil Predicts the consequences of beings able to transfer the contents of a human mind into a computer. ISOLATED BY THE INTERNET Clifford Stoll Argues that technology severs us from contact with other humans. WHY THE FUTURE DOESN'T NEED US Bill Joy Agues that robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology are threatening to make us an endangered species. CHAPTER TWELVE Crime-Fighting Technology: Balancing Public Safety and Privacy COMPUTER PROJECT SEEKS TO AVERT YOUTH VIOLENCE Francis X. Clines Describes Mosaic-2000, a computer program which is designed to identify students who might be prone to commit violent acts. ROOTING OUT THE BAD SEEDS? Kelly Patricia O'Meara Highlights the dangers to civil liberties posed by Mosaic-2000, a computer program which is designed to identify students who might be prone to commit violent acts. KYLLO V. UNITED STATES: TECHNOLOGY V. INDNIDUAL PRIVACY Thomas Colbridge Discusses the implications of a recent Supreme Court decision regarding the use of thermal imaging technology to detect indoor marijuana growing operations. DC'S VIRTUAL P ANOPTICON Christian Parenti Describes the expansion of video surveillance in DC in the wake of Sept 11 th events and highlights the dangers of this technology. TRADING LIBERTY FOR ILLUSIONS Wendy Kaminer Argues that, in the wake of Sept. 11th, Americans should not surrender civil liberties in exchange for a false sense of security. INVASION OF PRIVACY Joshua Quittner Argues that the benefits of modern technological advances are worth the reduction of individual privacy that accompanies them. WIRE TRAP Richard A. Posner Argues that the National Security Agency's program of electronic surveillance is permissible only if information it discovers is used for the sole purpose of national security Social Sciences CHAPTER THIRTEEN The Changing American Family CHILDREN OF GAY FATHERS Robert L. Barret and Bryan E. Robinson Investigates homosexual fatherhood and discusses the ramifications of gay parents for children's development. WHAT IS FAMILY? Pauline Irit Erera Traces the rise and fall of the traditional family and argues that we should embrace and celebrate the unique strengths of diverse, nontraditional families. COHABITATION INSTEAD OF MARRIAGE James Q. Wilson Argues against cohabitation, claiming that its advantages are illusory compared to the advantages of being married. PROMOTING MARRIAGE AS A MEANS FOR PROMOTING FATHERHOOD Wade F. Horn Argues for a revitalization of marriage as the chief means of strengthening father -child relationships. UNMARRIED WITH CHILDREN Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas Demonstrates that unmarried mothers have not given up on marriage
  • they are simply waiting for the right situation and the right partner to make it work. ABSENT FATHERS: WHY DON'T WE EVER TALK ABOUT THE UNMARRIED MEN? Rebecca M. Blank Discusses the problems faced by poor, unmarried men and their effect on the poverty of single mothers and their children. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Social Class and Inequality BORN POOR AND SMART Angela Locke Gives a personal account of the experience of being born poor and smart. THE WAR AGAINST THE POOR INSTEAD OF PROGRAMS TO END POVERTY Herbert Gans Debunks the concept of "underclass" and similar stereotypes, and offers an intellectual and cultural defense of poor people. Serving in Florida Barbara Ehrenreich Describes Ehrenreich's experiences as a low-wage worker trying to survive on six to seven dollars an hour in Key West, Florida. MIDDLE OF THE CLASS The Economist Argues that in the United States, equality of opportunity is under threat. WHEN SHELTER FEELS LIKE A PRISON Charmion Browne Gives a personal account of life in homeless shelters. WHITE STANDARD FOR POVERTY Dirk Johnson Gives a glimpse of two faces of poverty in the Native American population, and warns against imposing white standards of poverty on Indians. Humanities CHAPTER FIFTEEN Rock Music and Cultural Values TOWARD AN AESTHETIC OF POPULAR MUSIC Simon Frith Asks, "How do we make value judgments about popular music?" Frith explains that we value music when it fulfills social functions of giving us an identity, enabling us to manage our feelings, and offering us a sense of time and place. ROCK 'N' ROLL RISES AND THE OPPOSITION FORMS Linda Martin and Kerry Segrave Traces rock and roll's development and adults' negative reactions to it. ROCK AS ART Camille Paglia Argues that we should treat rock like the other arts by funding rock musicians with grants and scholarships to prevent these artists from succumbing to record companies' pressure and cater to immature audiences' wishes. ROMANTICIZING ROCK MUSIC Theodore A. Gracyk Takes issue with Paglia's notion that rock musicians should be educated and treated like artists in the fine arts. REDEEMING THE RAP EXPERIENCE Venise Berry Explores three controversial issues - sex, violence, and racism - as she examines the relationship between rap music and black urban youths. MALIGNING THE MUSIC Deena Weinstein Discusses Heavy Metal as a sociocultural phenomenon. MUSIC, PHILOSOPHY, AND GENERATION Y Martha Bayles Discusses the value of having every type of music at our fingertips. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Stories of Ethnic Difference A DIFFERENT MIRROR Ronald Takaki Describes various patterns of Japanese immigration to America in the nineteenth century. JASMINE Bharati Mukherjee Narrates the jagged assimilation of an illegal immigrant from the West Indies into the academic community of Ann Arbor, Michigan SNAPSHOTS Helena Maria Viramontes Narrates a poignant account of a middle-aged Mexican-American widow's struggle to adjust to a life without her husband and children. BETWEEN THE POOL AND THE GARDENIAS Edwidge Danticat Narrates a harrowing account of a Haitian woman's identity crisis after her husband leaves her. BIRTHMATES Gish Jen Narrates the interactions among a divorced middle-aged Chinese-American male with men and women from different ethnic groups. BOHEMIANS George Saunders Narrates an offbeat account of a young boy's awakening to the diversity of immigrant experience in his ethnic neighborhood. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Three Visual Portfolios IMAGES OF FAMILIES Represents a variety of family groups and alternative lifestyles. IMAGES OF INEQUALITY Represents a clash between Haves and Have Nots. IMAGES OF ETHNIC DIVERSITY Represents a diversity of immigrant and ethnic experiences in the United States. Appendix: Documenting Sources Works Cited Index

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