Social psychology
Social psychology
Pearson Prentice Hall, c2007
6th ed., Pearson international ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 550-605) and indexes
For an undergraduate introductory level course in social psychology.
Research made relevant through a story-telling approach.
This renowned text maintains its acclaimed story-telling approach to convey the science of social psychology while making research relevant to students. The authors bring the material under study to life through real-world examples that capture students' attention and motivate further exploration. Paying particular attention to the classic research that has driven the field and introucing cutting-edge research that is the future of Social Psychology, Aronson/Wilson/Akert provide a firm foundation for students to build their understanding of this rigorous science in a way that engages and fascinates.
Chapter 1: Introducing Social Psychology
Chapter 2: Methodology: How Social Psychologists Do Research
Chapter 3: Social Cognition: How We Think about the Social World
Chapter 4: Social Perception: How We Come to Understand Other People
Chapter 5: Self-Knowledge: How We Come to Understand Ourselves
Chapter 6: The Need to Justify Our Actions
Chapter 7: Attitudes and Attitude Change: Influencing Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter 8: Conformity: Influencing Behavior
Chapter 9: Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups
Chapter 10: Interpersonal Attraction: From First Impressions to Close Relationships
Chapter 11: Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People Help?
Chapter 12: Aggression: Why We Hurt Other People
Chapter 13: Prejudice: Causes and Cures
Chapter 14: Making a Difference with Social Psychology: Attaining a Sustainable Future
Chapter 15: Social Psychology and Health
Chapter 16: Social Psychology and the Law
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