Research in education : a conceptual introduction


Research in education : a conceptual introduction

James H. McMillan, Sally Schumacher

Longman, c2001

5th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 625-640) and indexes



This pioneering text provides a comprehensive and highly accessible introduction to the principles, concepts, and methods currently used in educational research. A balanced combination of both quantitative and qualitative research, this text also helps students master skills in reading, conducting, and understanding research. The fifth edition also includes techniques for utilizing the resources available on the Internet.


I. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. 1. Introduction to the Field of Educational Research. 2. Modes of Inquiry, Data Collection Techniques, and Research Reports. 3. Research Problems: Statements, Questions, and Hypotheses. 4. Literature Review. 5. Educational Research on the Internet. II. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS AND METHODS 159. 6. Introduction to Designing Quantitative Research. 7. Descriptive Statistics. 8. Quantitative Data Collection Techniques. 9. Nonexperimental Research Design. 10. Experimental and Single - Subject Research Designs. 11. Inferential Statistics. III. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS AND METHODS. 12. Introduction to Designing Qualitative Research. QUALITATIVE STRATEGIES. 14. Qualitative Data Analysis. IV. Evaluation And Policy Research Designs And Methods. 15. Evaluation Research and Policy Analysis.

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