VOA internet listening course : 今日の課題とこれからの社会
Bibliographic Information
VOA internet listening course : 今日の課題とこれからの社会
英宝社, 2008.1
- Other Title
VOA internet listening course : our present tasks for the future : 今日の課題とこれからの社会
- Title Transcription
Voa internet listening course : コンニチ ノ カダイ ト コレカラ ノ シャカイ
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Description and Table of Contents
Table of Contents
- 1 Politics and Economics(Report on Global Population Growth Released;World Bank President:Africa Is First Priority ほか)
- 2 Environment(Global Efforts Heal Antarctic Ozone Hole;Scientists Say Melting Permafrost Could Amplify Global Warming ほか)
- 3 Science and Technology(Recent Studies Show Multi‐Tasking May Hurt a Person’s Memory;Japan Unveils World’s First Earthquake Early Alert System ほか)
- 4 Peace and Security(Annan Visits Israel,Palestinian Territories;Commission to Examine Ethnic Tensions in Britain ほか)
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