The re-publicans and others spurious good old cauſe, briefly and truly anatomized. To preſerve our native country, kingdom, legal government, Church, parliaments, laws, liberties, privileges of Parliament, and Proteſtant religion from ruine, ſcandal, and perpetual infamy; to reform, reclaim all Jeſuit-ridden ſeduced republicans, officers, soldiers, sectaries, heretofore, or now engaged in the proſecution of this miſintituled good old cauſe, from any future purſute thereof, and engage them for ever to abominate it, as apparently tending to publike ruin, their own temporal and eternal condemnation, infamy, our religions reproach, in preſent and ſucceeding ages


The re-publicans and others spurious good old cauſe, briefly and truly anatomized. To preſerve our native country, kingdom, legal government, Church, parliaments, laws, liberties, privileges of Parliament, and Proteſtant religion from ruine, ſcandal, and perpetual infamy; to reform, reclaim all Jeſuit-ridden ſeduced republicans, officers, soldiers, sectaries, heretofore, or now engaged in the proſecution of this miſintituled good old cauſe, from any future purſute thereof, and engage them for ever to abominate it, as apparently tending to publike ruin, their own temporal and eternal condemnation, infamy, our religions reproach, in preſent and ſucceeding ages

by William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolns Inne

In-house reproduction

マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))


Produced by British Museum Photographic Service, London

Reprint. Originally published: [s.l.] : [s.n.], Printed in the year of our Lord, 1659

In this edition, the title page has an ornamental border, line 3 of title has "spurious", first line of leav B1r has "Antichristian, trayterous, bloudy", first marginal note of leaf B1v is lettered "q", and lines 2-3 of leaf C1r have "have denounced"

Leaf A3v has marginal notes. Variant lacks marginal notes

Annotation on Thomason copy: "May. 13"

References: ESTC R234922
