Directions of the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, after adviſe had with the Aſſembly of Divines, for the electing and chooſing of ruling-elders in all the congregations, and in the claſſicall aſſemblies for the cities of London and Weſtminſter, and the ſeverall counties of the kingdom. For the ſpeedy ſetling of the presbyteriall-government. Die Martis, 19 Aug. 1645. Ordered by the Lords aſſembled in Parliament, that theſe directions for electing of elders in particular congregations, and claſſicall aſſemblies, be forthwith printed and publiſhed. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
Directions of the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, after adviſe had with the Aſſembly of Divines, for the electing and chooſing of ruling-elders in all the congregations, and in the claſſicall aſſemblies for the cities of London and Weſtminſter, and the ſeverall counties of the kingdom. For the ſpeedy ſetling of the presbyteriall-government. Die Martis, 19 Aug. 1645. Ordered by the Lords aſſembled in Parliament, that theſe directions for electing of elders in particular congregations, and claſſicall aſſemblies, be forthwith printed and publiſhed. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
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Produced by British Museum Photographic Service, London
Reprint. Originally published: London : Printed for John Wright ..., Auguſt 20, 1645
References: ESTC R200221