Islam and the Muslim world

    • Husain, Mir Zohair

Islam and the Muslim world

Mir Zohair Husain

(Global studies)

McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Learning Series, c2006


Includes index



The Global Studies series is designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected world press articles on the regions and countries of the world. This edition of Global Studies: Islam and the Muslim World is a mini-encyclopedia on the subject. The Preface maintains that we are living in a globally interdependent world in which it is imperative for the non-Muslim world to understand the faith of 1.3 billion Muslims who live all over the world. Part I comprises two chapters: Chapter 1 is a timeline of the "Momentous Events And Influential Muslims That Have Shaped Islamic Civilization (570-1605 CE);" Chapter 2, "Understanding Islam, Muslims, Islamism, and Anti-Americanism," comprises sections on the "Fundamentals of Islam," "Islamism," "Myths and Misconceptions About Islam and Muslims," as well as "Islamophobia in the West and Anti-Westernism/Anti-Americanism in the Muslim World." Chapter 2 also has several informative boxes and tables that present vitally important matters pertaining to Islam and Islamism at a glance. The two boxes are "The Ninety-Nine Names of God" and "Sensational Events in the Media about Islam and Muslims." The six tables in the chapter are "Sunnis and Shi`as: A Comparison of Islam's Two Major Sects," "A Comparison of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity," "Jesus and Muhammad: Founders of the World's Two Largest Religions," "Islam and the Nation of Islam: A Comparative Overview," "Revolutionary Islamists and Muslim Secularists: A Succinct Comparison," and "A Comparison of Revolutionary Islamists and Progressive Islamists." Part II comprises informative "Country Reports" for the fifty-seven member states that represent the Muslim world's interests through the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). Part III provides readers with world press articles on various aspects of the World of Islam. This book also provides readers with a list of annotated Internet sites on Islam. In addition, a list of articles and books on Islam and the Muslim world, a selected glossary of key terms, and a comprehensive and easy to access index are provided.


  • Using Global Studies: Islam and the Muslim WorldSelected World Wide Web SitesU.S. Statistics and MapCanada Statistics and MapWorld MapChapter 1: Momentous Events and Influential Muslims That Have Shaped Islamic CivilizationChapter 2: Understanding Islam, Muslims, Islamism, and Anti-AmericanismCountry ReportsAfghanistan (Islamic State of Afghanistan)Albania (Republic of Albania)Algeria (Peoples' Democratic Republic of Algeria)Azerbaijan Bahrain (State of Bahrain)Bangladesh (People's Republic of Bangladesh)Benin (Republic of Benin)Brunei (State of Brunei Darussalam)Burkina Faso Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon)Chad (Republic of Chad)Comoros (Union of Comoros) Cote d'Ivore (Republic of Cote d'Ivore)Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti)Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt)Gabon (Gabonese Republic)Gambia (Republic of the Gambia)Guinea (Republic of Guinea)Guinea-Bissau (Republic of Guinea-Bissau)Guyana (Cooperative Republic of Guyana)Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia)Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran)Iraq (Republic of Iraq)Jordan (Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan)Kazakhstan Kuwait (State of Kuwait)Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan)Lebanon (Lebanese Republic)Libya (Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)MalaysiaMaldives (Republic of Maldives)Mali (Republic of Mali)Mauritania (Islamic Republic of Mauritania)Morocco (Kingdom of Morocco) Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique)Niger (Republic of Niger)Nigeria (Federal Republic of Nigeria)Oman (Sultanate of Oman)Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)Palestine (State of Palestine)Qatar (State of Qatar)Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)Senegal (Republic of Senegal)Sierra Leone (Republic of Sierra Leone)Somalia Sudan (Republic of Sudan)Suriname (Republic of Suriname)Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)Tajikistan Togo (Togolese Republic)Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda (Republic of Uganda)United Arab Emirates UzbekistanYemen (Republic of Yemen)Articles from the World Press1. The Holy Book,Linda Kulman,U.S. News & World Report, Collector's Edition, May 2005Despite some similarities between the Jewish and Christian Bibles, theQur'an is actually very different. The source, the timing, and the language of the Qur'anall have great significance to Muslims. Even when recounting similar religious events, theQur'an has its own unique interpretation.2. Journey of a LifetimeLinda L. Creighton, U.S. News & World Report, Colletor'sEdition, May 2005.The hajj is the fifth pillar of the Islamic faith and enjoinsevery Muslim to make the pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in their lifetime. Duringthe five days of hajj, Muslim activities center on such historically significant religiousevents like the Kaaba, the Zamzam well, the Plain of Arafat, and the Eid al-Adha.3. Jesus in the Qur'an,Dr. Jamal Badawi, The Message International, December 2002/January 2003.. Jesus is revered in both Christianityand Islam. However, the Qur'an's portrayal of Jesus' life differs in some importantrespects from the Bible.4. Islam's Medieval Outposts,Husain Haqqani, Foreign Policy, November/December 2002.Madrasas (Islamic religious schools) have existed since the 11th century.However, many are concerned that now a significant number of these Islamic schools aremisinforming the younger generation by teaching them "what to think," rather than "howto think."5. Islam and the Middle Way: Extremism Is a Betrayal of Islam's Essence, States Imam Abduljalil Sajid, FOR A CHANGE, June/July 2004.Imam Abduljalil Sajid sets the record straight on violence and the true messageof peace according to Qur'an.6. How Islam Won, and Lost, the Lead in Science,Dennis Overbye, The New York Times, October 30, 2001.Science has always been central to the tenets of Islam.So it is no wonder Muslims made great contributions to early science, paving the wayfor Western scientists to transform their civilization. Dennis Overbye examines the reasonsfor the decline of Muslim science in the modern era following so many early successes.7. How to Take Islam Back to Reason: Far From Being Anti-Science, as George Carey Suggests, the Koran Demands Scientific Study. Now Muslim Leaders Are Planning Its Revival and Hope to Restore a Golden Age, reports Ziauddin Sardar, New Statesman, April 5, 2004.AlthoughIslam and Muslim societies have sometimes been labeled "backwards," historicallythey had strong ties to science. Arab as well as non-Arab countries (including Turkey,Malaysia, and Pakistan), are actively seeking to revitalize Islam's rich scientific heritage.8. Beyond the Headlines: Changing Perceptions of Islamic Movements,John Esposito, Harvard International Review, Summer 2003.DiverseIslamic movements in many countries remain significant mainstream political forces.However, headlines continue to focus on violence by Muslims, while the Christian Rightcoupled with neo-conservatives have categorized all Muslims as a single group, taintingthe view of the American public as it relates to Muslims and Islamic movements.9. A Debate on Cultural Conflicts: The Coming Clash of Civilizations-Or, the West against the Rest,Samuel Huntington, The New York Times, June 6, 1993.Harvard Professor SamuelHuntington argues in a now famous article, that we have entered a new political era wherethe fundamental conflict will be neither ideological nor economic, but cultural/civilizational.10. Global Debate on a Controversial Thesis: A Clash between Civilizations-or within Them?,Josef Joffe, World Press Review, February 1994.Josef Joffe World PressReview, February 1994. Josef Joffe, a foreign affairs specialist, argues that aside fromcultural diversity, three important sources of global conflict remain
  • the prevalence ofmilitary regimes, extreme poverty, and global migrations.11. The Clash of Ignorance,Edward W. Said, The Nation, October 22, 2001.Edward Said responds to Samuel Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations?"and delivers a powerful argument against Orientalists who claim that they canexplain "Islam" through simple generalizations. He urges examining a multiplicity of "Islams,"with their many diverse features, in order to understand Muslims.12. Enemies Within, Enemies Without,The Economist, September 22, 2001.Islam is one of the world's great religions, but for most of its 1,400 years Islam has beena varied and fractious faith. The numerous interpretations of jihad and its religious dutyaccount for these major divisions. This article investigates the important differences betweenan internal, nonviolent, spiritual jihad and a military jihad.13. Ghosts of Our Past,Karen Armstrong, AARP Modern Maturity, January/February 2002.We cannot fully understand the war on terrorism and the present crisis withouttaking into account the painful process of modernization and the effects of the "GreatWestern Transformation" as they relate to the Muslim world.14. Lifting the Veil: Understanding the Roots of Islamic Militancy,Henry Munson, Harvard International Review, Winter 2004.Public opinion polls in theArabworld recently suggested Muslim extremists' hostility towards the United States has lessto do with cultural or religious difference than with U.S. policies in the Arab world. TheU.S. War on Terrorism, invasion of Iraq, and support for Israel have increased hostilitytowards the United States in the Middle East.

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  • ISBN
    • 9780073527727
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Dubuque, Iowa
  • ページ数/冊数
    xix, 343 p.
  • 大きさ
    28 cm
  • 親書誌ID