The form of church-government to be uſed in the Church of England and Ireland: agreed upon by the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, after advice had with the Aſſembly of Divines. Die Martis 29 Auguſt. 1648. Ordered by the Lords aſſembled in Parliament, that the form of church-government to be uſed in the Church of England and Ireland, be forthwith printed and publiſhed. Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
The form of church-government to be uſed in the Church of England and Ireland: agreed upon by the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, after advice had with the Aſſembly of Divines. Die Martis 29 Auguſt. 1648. Ordered by the Lords aſſembled in Parliament, that the form of church-government to be uſed in the Church of England and Ireland, be forthwith printed and publiſhed. Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
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Produced by British Museum Photographic Service, London
Reprint. Originally published: Imprinted at Londou [sic] : for John Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bayley, 1648. -- 46 p
This edition has "Imprinted at Londou [sic]" in imprint
Annotation on Thomason copy: "Sept. ye 4"
References: ESTC R205060