Truth triumphing over falshood, antiquity over novelty. Or, The firſt part of a juſt and ſeaſonable vindication of the undoubted eccleſiaſticall iuriſdiction, right, legiſlative, coercive power of Chriſtian emperors, kings, magiſtrates, parliaments, in all matters of religion, church-government, diſcipline, ceremonies, manners: summoning of, preſiding, moderating in councells, synods; and ratifying their canons, determinations, decrees: as likewiſe of lay-mens right both to ſit and vote in councells; ... In refutation of Mr. Iohn Goodwins Innocencies Triumph: my deare brother Burtons Vindication of churches, commonly called Independent: and of all anti-monarchicall, anti-parliamentall, anti-synodicall, and anarchicall paradoxes of papiſts, prelates, Anabaptiſts, Arminians, Socinians, Browniſts, or Independents: whoſe old and new objections to the contrary, are here fully anſwered


Truth triumphing over falshood, antiquity over novelty. Or, The firſt part of a juſt and ſeaſonable vindication of the undoubted eccleſiaſticall iuriſdiction, right, legiſlative, coercive power of Chriſtian emperors, kings, magiſtrates, parliaments, in all matters of religion, church-government, diſcipline, ceremonies, manners: summoning of, preſiding, moderating in councells, synods; and ratifying their canons, determinations, decrees: as likewiſe of lay-mens right both to ſit and vote in councells; ... In refutation of Mr. Iohn Goodwins Innocencies Triumph: my deare brother Burtons Vindication of churches, commonly called Independent: and of all anti-monarchicall, anti-parliamentall, anti-synodicall, and anarchicall paradoxes of papiſts, prelates, Anabaptiſts, Arminians, Socinians, Browniſts, or Independents: whoſe old and new objections to the contrary, are here fully anſwered

by William Prynne, of Lincolnes Inne, Eſquire

In-house reproduction

マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))

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Produced by British Museum Photographic Service, London

Reprint. Originally published: London : printed by John Dawſon, and are to be ſold by Michael Sparke, Senior, 1645. -- 156 p

At foot of title, above imprint: Decem. 3. 1644. It is ordered by the Committee of the Houſe of Commons, concerning Printing, that this book, entituled, Truth triumphing over falſhood, antiquity over novelty. be printed by Mich. Sparke, Senior. John White

The words "Truth triumphing over falſhood, antiquity over novelty." in the parliamentary order to print are enclosed in square brackets

A reply to "Innocencies triumph" by John Goodwin and to "A vindication of churches, commonly called Independent" by Henry Burton. Cf. ESTC

Pagination irregular

Annotation on Thomason copy: "January. 2d. 1644"; the 5 in imprint date crossed out

References: ESTC R212479
