Philosophy in schools


    • Hand, Michael
    • Winstanley, Carrie


Philosophy in schools

edited by Michael Hand and Carrie Winstanley

(Continuum studies in research in education / series editor, Richard Andrews)

Continuum International Pub. Group, c2008

  • : hard

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p. [158]-164) and index



"Philosophy in Schools" is a collection of original philosophical essays that together make a robust case for the teaching of philosophy in schools. Leading philosophers of education explode the myth that philosophy is somehow too difficult or abstract for children and set out a series of compelling arguments for its inclusion in the school curriculum. Key themes addressed include: the role of philosophy in teaching controversial issues; the epistemological basis of critical thinking; the practice of conceptual analysis; philosophical thinking in moral and religious education; the idea of philosophical intelligence; philosophical themes in children's literature; philosophy and the adolescent's search for meaning; the connection between philosophy and wisdom.


  • Foreword by A.C. Grayling
  • Introduction
  • Part I: Meeting the objections to philosophy in schools
  • 1. Can children be taught to philosophise? Michael Hand
  • 2. Philosophy and moral education Richard Pring
  • 3. Getting beyond the deficit conception of childhood: thinking philosophically with children Gareth B. Matthews
  • 4. Why teach epistemology in schools?
  • Stephen Law
  • Part II: Making the case for philosophy in schools
  • 5. The role of philosophical thinking in teaching controversial issues Harry Brighouse
  • 6. Why teach epistemology in schools? Harvey Siegel. 7. Philosophy and the development of critical thinking Carrie Winstanley
  • 8. Philosophical Intelligence: Why philosophical dialogue is important in educating the mind Robert Fisher
  • 9. Autonomous and authentic thinking through philosophy with picturebooks Karin Murris
  • 10. Philosophy in children's literature Lynn Glueck and Harry Brighouse
  • 11. Philosophy in the secondary school - a Deweyan perspective Judith Suissa
  • 12. Philosophy, wisdom and reading great books James C. Conroy.

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