Courts, elites, and gendered power in the early Middle Ages : Charlemagne and others


Courts, elites, and gendered power in the early Middle Ages : Charlemagne and others

by Janet L. Nelson

(Variorum collected studies series, CS878)

Ashgate, c2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



"This volume contains xii + 322 pages"--P. vi

Includes bibliographical references and index



A major theme in the volume of articles by Janet Nelson is the usefulness of gender as a category of historical analysis. Papers range widely across early medieval time and geographical as well as social space, but most focus on the Carolingian period and on royalty and elites. The workings of dynastic political power are viewed in social as well as political context, and the author explores the realities of gendered power, which while constraining women, gave them distinctive possibilities for agency. These papers offer new perspectives on the Carolingian world in general and on Charlemagne's reign in particular.


  • Contents: Preface
  • Part 1 Gender and Power: Gendering courts in the early medieval West
  • The wary widow
  • Les femmes et l'evangelisation au IXe siecle
  • The problematic in the private
  • Monks, secular men, and masculinity, c. 900
  • Peers in the early Middle ages
  • Basilissai: power and its limits. Part 2 Charlemagne and Others: Bad kingship in the earlier Middle Ages
  • Bertrada
  • Making a difference in 8th-century politics: the daughters of Desiderius
  • Was Charlemagne's court a courtly society?
  • Why are there so many different accounts of Charlemagne's imperial coronation? (first publication)
  • The voice of Charlemagne
  • Aachen as a place of power
  • Charlemagne - pater optimus?
  • Charlemagne the man
  • Charlemagne: 'father of Europe'?
  • Index.

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