From curry to rice : a food dictionary
From curry to rice : a food dictionary
(Oxford reading tree, Stage 4,
Oxford University Press, 2003
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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"Oxford Reading Tree Fireflies" has 60 titles on a wide range of topics linked to the curriculum. There are 10 stages, one for each term from KS1 Year R Term 1 to KS2 Year 3 Term 1 (P1 to P4 in Scotland and N Ireland). It features: colour-coded to show "Oxford Reading Tree" and bookband stages; linked to curriculum and "Oxford Reading Tree" themes; Teaching Notes for every stage; and a Guided Reading Card and a Take-Home Card to go with each book. Cross references to other OUP resources - and curriculum links include: "Stage 4 From Curry to Rice": Bookband level - 6; Currricular subjects - geography/science; and ORT links - Strawberry Jam, The Barbecue, Jan and the Chocolate, Lucky the Goat,The Toy's Party, The Wedding, Roy at the Fun Park, and Midge and the Eggs.
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