Religion, ethics, and history in the French long seventeenth century La religion, la morale, et l'histoire à l'âge classique


Religion, ethics, and history in the French long seventeenth century = La religion, la morale, et l'histoire à l'âge classique

William Brooks and Rainer Zaiser (eds)

(Medieval and early modern French studies, v. 3)

P. Lang, c2007


Religion, ethics, and history

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Selected papers from a conference held at St. Catherines's College in June 2006

Includes bibliographical references and index



In June 2006 delegates from eight countries representing six French, US, and British-based learned societies met at St Catherine's College, Oxford, for a conference on the French long seventeenth century entitled 'Modernites/Modernities'. Twenty of the best papers on religion, ethics and history were selected for this volume, and they present new perspectives on topics as diverse as devotion and pornography, artifice and the pursuit of truth, Bruscambille and Pascal, historiography from the sixteenth century to Voltaire, and, of course, the Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes.

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