Advances in integrated soil fertility research in Sub-saharan Africa : challenges and opportunities


    • Bationo, A. (André)
    • Waswa, Boaz
    • Kihara, Job
    • Kimetu, Joseph


Advances in integrated soil fertility research in Sub-saharan Africa : challenges and opportunities

edited by Andre Bationo ... [et al.]

Springer, c 2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references



Food insecurity is a fundamental challenge to human welfare and economic growth in Africa. Low agricultural production leads to low incomes, poor nutrition, vulnerability to risk and threat and lack of empowerment. This book offers a comprehensive synthesis of agricultural research and development experiences from sub-Saharan Africa. The text highlights practical lessons from the sub-Saharan Africa region.


  • Preface. Part I: Setting the scene/Introductory papers. A critical analysis of challenges and opportunities for soil fertility restoration in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa
  • E. Schlecht et al Appropriate available technologies to replenish soil fertility in southern Africa
  • P.L. Mafongoya, A. Bationo Appropriate available technologies to replenish soil fertility in eastern and central Africa
  • J.R. Okalebo et al Integrated Agricultural Research for Development: contributing to the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (IAR4D in CAADP)
  • R. von Kaufmann From Thousands to Millions: Accelerating Agricultural Intensification and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • A. Maatman et al Soil science, population growth and food production: some historical developments
  • A.E. Hartemink Development of an arable layer: A key concept for better management of infertile tropical savanna soils
  • E. Amezquita et al Food Security in Africa: The Challenges of Researchers in the 21st Century
  • J.B. Kung'u Background, Current status and the African Context of the International Nitrogen Initiative
  • M. Bekunda et al Part II: Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Within-Farm Soil Fertility Gradients Affect Response Of Maize To Fertilizer Application In Western Kenya
  • B. Vanlauwe et al Characterisation of soil degradation under intensive rice production in Office du Niger zone of Mali
  • M. Bagayoko et al Soil fertility issues in the Blue Nile Valley, Ethiopia
  • P.I. Vaje Overcoming phosphorus deficiency in soils of Eastern Africa: recent advances and challenges
  • G. Nziguheba Relative contribution of trees and crops to soil carbon content in a parkland system in Burkina Faso using variations in natural 13C abundance
  • J. Bayala et al Mineral fertilizers, organic amendments and crop rotation managements for soil fertility maintenance in the Guinean zone of Burkina Faso (West Africa)
  • B.V. Bado et al Effect of planting technique and amendment type on pearl millet yield, nutrient uptake, and water use on degraded land in Niger
  • D. Fatondji et al Short-term effects of cover crops on stem borers and maize yield in the humid forest of southern Cameroon
  • A. Chabi-Olaye et al Improving cereal productivity and farmers' income using a strategic application of fertilizers in West Africa
  • R. Tabo et al Advances in improving Agricultural Profitability and Overcoming Land Degradation in Savanna and Hillside Agroecosystems of Tropical America
  • M. Ayarza et al Integrating legumes to improve N cycling on smallholder farms in sub-humid Zimbabwe: Resource quality, biophysical and environmental limitations
  • R. Chikowo et al Meat and bone meal as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer to cereals and rye grass
  • A.S. Jeng et al Screening Legume Green Manure for Climatic Adaptability and Farmer Acceptance in the Semi-Arid Agro-ecological Zone of Uganda
  • J.B. Tumuhairwe et al Nutrient flows in smallholder production systems in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon
  • J. Kanmegne et al Management of improved fallows for soil fertility enhancement in the western highlands of Cameroon
  • F. Meppe et al Integrated Soil Fertility Management: Use of NUTMON to Quantify Nutrient Flows in Farming Systems in Central Kenya
  • A.N. Kathuku et al Optimizing Soil Fertility Gradients in the Enset (Ensete ventricosum) Systems of the Ethiopian Highlands: Trade-offs and Local Innovations
  • T. Amede, E. Taboge Consequences of Field Management and Soil Erosion on the Sustainability of Large Scale Coffee Farming in Kiambu
  • P.F. Okoth et al The Use of Erosion Proxies for the Spatial Assessment of Erosion in a Watershed and Modelling the Erosion Risk in a GIS
  • P.F. Okoth et al Bean Improvement for Low Soil Fertility Adaptation in Eastern and Central Africa
  • L. Lunze et al Combining Tithonia Diversifolia and Minjingu Phosphate Rock for Improvement of P availability and maize grain yields on a chromic acrisol In Morogoro Tanzania
  • S.T. Ikerra et al Improving food production using 'best bet' soil fertility technologies in the Central highlands of Kenya
  • D. Mugendi et al Effects of organic and mineral sources of nutrients on maize yields in three districts of central Kenya
  • S.K. Kimani et al Effect of Combining Organic Leafy Biomass and Inorganic fertilizer on Tomato Yields and nematodes control in Arenosols in Kinshasa Area
  • M-M. Mafuka et al Nutrient dynamics on smallholder farms in Teghane, Northern Highlands of Ethiopia
  • A. Abegaz et al Nitrogen-15 recovery in cropped soil cores fertilized with potassium nitrate and clover residues
  • A.W. Muriuki et al Evaluation of nitrogen fixation using 15N dilution methods and economy of a maize-tepary bean intercrop farming system in semi-arid SE-Kenya
  • C.A. Shisanya, N.M. Gitonga Evaluation of cowpea genotypes for variations in their contribution of N and P to subsequent maize crop in three agro-ecological zones of West Africa
  • R.C. Abaidoo et al Variability of cowpea breeding lines to low phosphorus tolerance and response to external application of Phosphorus
  • A.K. Saidou et al The potential benefits of Azolla, Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis) and N fertilizers in rice production under contrasting systems in eastern Uganda
  • C.K. Kaizzi et al Tied-ridging and integrated nutrient management options for sustainable crop production in semi-arid eastern Kenya
  • J.M. Miriti Economic evaluation of local inputs in Meru South District, Kenya
  • M. Mucheru-Muna et al Effect of Rock Phosphate, Lime and Green Manure on Growth and Yield of Maize in a Non Productive Niche of a Rhodic Ferralsol in Farmer's Fields
  • I.M. Tabu et al Changes in Soil Organic Matter as Influenced by Organic Residue Management Regimes in Selected Experiments in Kenya
  • B.S. Waswa et al Effects of manure application on crop yield and soil chemical properties in a long-term field trial in semi-arid Kenya
  • F.M. Kihanda et al Nutrient Recovery from Solid Waste and Linkage to Urban and Peri- Urban Agriculture in Nairobi, Kenya
  • M. Njenga et al Optimising crop productivity in Legume-Cereal Rotations Through Nitrogen And Phosphorus Management In Western Kenya
  • J. Kihara et al Evaluation of the Potential of Using Nitrogen Fixing Legumes in Smallholder Farms of Meru South District, Kenya
  • J. Mugwe et al Improved cassava varieties increase the risk of soil nutrient mining: an ex-ante analysis for western Kenya and Uganda
  • A.M. Fermont et al Partial balance of nitrogen in a maize cropping system in humic nitisol of Central Kenya
  • J.M. Kimetu et al Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies: A Counteract to Existing Milestone in Obtaining Achievable Economical Crop Yields in Cultivated Lands of Poor Smallholder Farmers in Malawi
  • M.W. Munthali Fertilizer nitrogen recovery as affected by soil organic matter status in two sites in Kenya
  • M.W. Karunditu et al Performance evaluation of various agroforestry species used in short duration improved fallows to enhance soil fertility and sorghum yields in Mali
  • B. Kaya et al Nutrient Balances For Different Farm Types In Southern Mali
  • S. Kante et al Increasing the Productivity and Sustainability of Millet Based Cropping Systems in the Sahelian Zones of West Africa
  • S. Traore et al Comparative short-term effects of different quality organic resources on maize productivity under two different environments in Zimbabwe
  • F. Mtambanengwe Improving soil fertility through the use of organic and inorganic plant nutrient and crop rotation in Niger
  • A.Adamou et al Biological system for improving the availability of Tilemsi phosphate rock for wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivated in Mali
  • A.H. Babana, H. Antoun Managing manure heaps with agro-organic wastes and cover to reduce nitrogen losses during storage on smallholder farms
  • E.M. Gichangi et al Soil characteristics and the performance of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) on tin mine spoils of the Jos Plateau, Nigeria
  • A.A. Yusuf et al The development of a prototype land information system for the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria as a basis for agro-technology transfer
  • F.O. Tabi et a What role can planted fallows play in the humid and sub-humid zone of West and Central Africa?
  • S. Hauser et al Balanced Nutrient Management System Technologies In The Northern Guinea Savanna Of Nigeria: Validation And Perspective
  • G.O. Kolawole et al Soil Erosion and Soil Inorganic-N Depletion as Influenced by Live hedges in Arable Steep-lands of the Central Highlands of Kenya
  • K. Mutegi et al Relationships between rhizobial diversity and host legume nodulation and nitrogen fixation in tropical ecosystems
  • B. Abdullahi, K.E. Giller Limestone, Minjingu Phosphate Rock and Green Manure Application on Improvement of Acid Soils in Rwanda
  • N.L. Nabahungu et al Evaluating performance and yield stability of some groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties under irrigation in three agroecological zones of the Senegal River Valley
  • M. Cisse, S. Diallo Assessment of the Contribution of Tied Ridges and Farmyard Manure Application to Sorghum Production in Semi-Arid Areas of Tanzania
  • A.K. Kabanza, F.B.R. Rwehumbiza Evaluation of Gliricidia sepium, Casuarina junghuhniana and Faidherbia albida tree species for Improvement of crop production and Fuelwood Supply in Muheza Districts, Tanzania
  • J.L. Meliyo et al Mineral N distribution in the soil profile of a maize field amended with cattle manure and mineral N under humid sub-tropical conditions
  • J. Nyamangara Intensity cultivation induced-effects on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamic In the western cotton area of Burkina Faso
  • B. Ouattara et al Assessment of improved soil fertility and water harvesting technologies through community based on-farm trials in the ASALs of Kenya
  • E.M. Gichangi et al Profitability Of Agro-Forestry Based Soil Fertility Management Technologies: The Case Of Small Holder Food Production In Western Kenya
  • J.M. Maithya et al Integrated Natural Resources Management a strategy for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in Kwalei Village, Lushoto District, Tanzania
  • J.L. Meliyo et al Effects of total inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus availability on Maize Yields in the First post Tephrosia vogelii fallow
  • C.Z. Mkangwa et al Environmental hazards in African agriculture: factors influencing application of agrochemicals in Nakuru district, Kenya
  • J.K. Lagat et al Assessment of Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Technology for Smallholder Farms in Semi-arid Areas in Africa and Close Spaced Trash Lines Effect on Erosion and Crop Yield
  • I.I.C. Wakindiki et al Part III: Below Ground Biodiversity Prosopis africana (Guill., Perrot et Rich.) Taub and Entada africana (Guill. et Perrot.) leaf litter decomposition and impact of biomass transfer on millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) growth and development on station in Niger
  • M. Larwanou et al Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic Inputs at Kabete, Kenya
  • M.W. Baaru et al Evaluating effect of mixtures of organic resources on nutrient release patterns and uptake by maize
  • F.O. Ayuke et al Mycorrhizal associations as indicators of forest quality after land use practices
  • N.A. Onguene Biomass production, N and P uptake of Mucuna after Bradyrhizobia and Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation, and P-application on acid soil of Southern Cameroon
  • M. Jemo et al Evaluating the effect of Bacillus and Rhizobium bi-inoculant on nodulation and nematode control in Phaseolus vulgaris L.
  • N.K. Karanja et al Part IV: Participatory Approaches and Scaling up/out Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies: review for scaling up
  • M. Misiko, J. Ramisch Costs and Returns of Soil Fertility Management Options in Western Kenya
  • P.L. Woomer Modeling Farmers' Decisions On Integrated Soil Nutrient Management In Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multinomial Logit Analysis In Cameroon
  • G.B. Nkamleu Opportunities for and constraints to adoption of improved fallows: ICRAF's experience in the humid tropics of Cameroon
  • A. Degrande et al The Effect of Socio-Economic Factors On a Farmer's Decision to Adopt Farm Soil Conservation Measures. An Application of Multivariate Logistic Analysis in Butere/Mumias District, Kenya
  • V.E. Anjichi, L.W. Mauyo Farmer's perception of planted calliandra tree fallows for shortening fallow cycles in southern Cameroon
  • C. Nolte et al Policies, Institutions and Market Development to Accelerate Technological Change in the Semiarid Zones of Sub-Saharan Africa
  • M. Winslow et al Factors Influencing Choice and Adoption of Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies in Central Kenya Highlands
  • B.M. Mureithi et al Social capital on adoption of soil fertility management technologies in Tororo district, Uganda
  • A. Lule et al Adoption of Leguminous Trees/Shrubs, Compost and Farmyard Manure (FYM) As Alternatives to Improving Soil Fertility in Trans Nzoia District-Kenya
  • A.O. Nekesa et al Participatory Diagnosis in the Eastern Drylands of Kenya: Are Farmers aware of Their Soil Fertility Status?
  • J.M. Kimiti et al On-Farm Evaluation and Scaling-up of Soil Fertility Management Technologies in Western Kenya
  • M. Odendo et al The Resources-to-Consumption System: A Framework for Linking Soil Fertility Management Innovations to Market Opportunities
  • P.C. Sanginga et al Scaling up Options on Integrated Soil Fertility management in Western Kenya: The Case of COSOFAP: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Q. Noordin et al Socio-Economics of Soil Conservation in Kericho District, Kenya
  • M.J. Kipsat Market Integration and Conduct Analysis: An Application to Cattle Markets in Uasin Gishu District, Kenya
  • A.K. Serem et al Factors determining integrated soil fertility management in central Kenya highlands: Participatory Learning and Action (PLAR) model analysis
  • M.M. Odera et al Spatial Pricing Efficiency and Regional Market Integration of Cross-Border Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Marketing in East Africa: The Case of Western Kenya and Eastern Uganda
  • L.W. Mauyo et al Assessment of farmers' perceptions of soil quality indicators within smallholder farms in the central highlands of Kenya
  • F.S. Mairura Initiating Rural Farmers to Participatory Research: Case of Soil Fertilization in Bushumba, East of DR.Congo
  • P.N. Mumbeya, N. Mulangwa Farmers' participation in soil fertility management research process: Dilemma in rehabilitating degraded hilltops in Kabale, Uganda
  • R.N. Muzira et al Integrated Soil Fertility Management and Poverty Traps in Western Kenya
  • J.K. Ndufa et al

「Nielsen BookData」 より


  • ISBN
    • 9781402057595
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Dordrecht, The Netherlands
  • ページ数/冊数
    xiv, 1091 p.
  • 大きさ
    27 cm
  • 件名