The necessare and assurit way to pluk awa all discord, 1565


The necessare and assurit way to pluk awa all discord, 1565

Rene Benoit ; An abstract of the life ... of Mistres Margaret Clitherowe, 1619 / John Mush ; The glory of ... S. Ignatius, 1633 / Nicholas Lancicius

(English recusant literature, 1558-1640, v. 393)

Scolar Press, 1979


The necessare and assurit way to pluk awa al discord in religion

An abstract of the life and martirdome of Mistres Margaret Clitherowe

The glory of the B. Father S. Ignatius of Loyola


Facsim. Originally published of "The necessare and assurit way to pluk awa al discord in religion": Paris : Briieve, 1565

Facsim. Originally published of "An abstract of the life and martirdome of Mistres Margaret Clitherowe": Mackline : Henry Lacy, 1619

Facsim. Originally published of "The glory of the B. Father S. Ignatius of Loyola": Rouen : John Cousturier, 1633

"Réné Benoit, The necessare way ... not in Allison and Rogers; not in STC.John Mush, An abstract of the life ... References: Allison and Rogers 551; STC (2d ed.) 18316.7. Nicholas Lancicius, The glory of ... Reference: Allison and Rogers 436; not in STC." -- Note

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