Changing forests : collective action, common property, and coffee in Honduras

    • Tucker, Catherine M.

Changing forests : collective action, common property, and coffee in Honduras

Catherine M. Tucker

Springer, c2008


Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-250) and index



Drawing on ethnographic and archival research, this book explores how the indigenous Lenca community of La Campa, Honduras, has conserved and transformed their communal forests through the experiences of colonialism, opposition to state-controlled logging, and the recent adoption of export-oriented coffee production. The book merges political ecology, collective-action theories, and institutional analysis to study how the people and forests have changed through various transitions.


1. Introduction.- Forest Change and the Challenge of Sustainable Management.- Political Ecology, Collective Action, and Common-Pool Resources.- Situating the Study Site.- Conceptualizing Community.- Overview of the Book.- 2. People and Forests in Historical Perspective.- People and Forests in Prehistoric Mesoamerica.- The Spanish Conquest.- Land Rights, Population, and Implications for the Forests.- Community Governance and Communal Land: The Roots of a Communitarian Tradition.- La Campa Becomes a Municipio.- Rituals, Beliefs, and Natural Resources among the Lenca.- Synthesis.- 3. Governing the Commons and Making a Living.- La Campa's Common-Property Regime in Theoretical Context.- Municipal Government and the Communitarian Tradition.- The Forest-Field-Fallow Cycle.- Livelihoods and Risk-Reduction Strategies.- Forest Management Practices and Institutions.- The Question of Conservation.- 4. Logging Comes to La Campa: State Intervention, Forest Transformation, and Collective Action.- Development Goals Prompt Timber Sales.- Honduras Nationalizes the Forestry Sector.- Social Forestry System Offers Alternatives for La Campa.- Theory vs. Reality in Forest Management Philosophy and Outcomes.- The State or the Community: Who should manage the forest?- The Exacerbation of Tensions: Fines, Fires, and Broken Bridges.- Assessing State Intervention and the Mixed Success of Collective Action.- Forest Destruction and the Birth of a Conservation Ethic.- 5. Common-Property Transformations and Market Integration.- Forest Protection Efforts and De Facto Privatization of Common-Property Forests.- The Promise of Coffee.- Political and Economic Incentives for Coffee Expansion.- Land Titling under the National Agrarian Institute.- Coffee and Inequality.- Forest-Change Dynamics.- 6. Coffee Culture, Crisis, and Adaptation.- Global and Local Dimensions of the CoffeeCrisis, 1999 - 2003.- Hardship and Resilience in the Coffee Crisis.- Adaptations to the Coffee Crisis.- Case Studies of Household Adaptive Strategies.- Dimensions of Resilience and Adaptive Capacity during the Coffee Crisis.- Implications for Forest Transformations.- Development and Social Change with Respect to the Coffee Crisis.- 7. Changing Lives, Changing Forests: Many Ways to Build a Future?- Trends in Local Change.- Collective Action for Development and Natural Resource Protection.- La Campa as a Dynamic Social-Ecological System.- Dynamic Change, Forest Conservation, and Paths to a Sustainable Future.- Summary.

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