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タイワン カンケイ pamphlets



Contents of Works
  • Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora of Ponape, Micronesia / Takahide Hosokawa ; (Received for publication XII, 21, 1942)
  • Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora of Ponape, Micronesia (II) / Takahide Hosokawa ; (Reprinted from the transactions of the natural history society of Taiwan, vol. XXXIII, Nos. 234 (March), 235 (April) and 236 (May), 1943)
  • General index to the scentific and Japanese names of plants : recorded in the 1st series (No. 1-40) of contributions from the Herbarium of Taihoku Imperial University (May 1937)
  • General index to the scentific and Japanese names of plants : recorded in the 2nd series (No. 41-60) of contributions from the Herbarium of Taihoku Imperial University (May 1939)
  • 台湾北部照葉喬木林地帯に於ける杉造林地下草の群落組成学的研究 = A plant-sociological study on the undergrowth of the Cryotomeria-plantation in the Laurisilvae district of North Taiwan / 鈴木時夫[著] ; (植物及小津物第5巻第6号別刷 = Reprint from Botany and Zoology, Vol . 5, No. 6)
  • 台湾竝に南洋群島植物研究資料 = Materials for the floras Formasa and Micronesia : 昭和11年5月調 / 台北帝国大学理農学部植物分類・生態學教室及び附属農林専門部植物学教室
  • トラック島の植物地理学的研究(予報) = A preliminary account of the Phytogeographical study on Truk, Caroline / 細川隆英
  • 台湾北部照葉喬木林地帯ニ産スルやぶかうじ属ノ一新種,Ardisia sciophiaニ就テ = A new spedies, Ardisia sciophia Suz.-Tok., from the Laurisivae districts of North Taiwan / 鈴木時夫[著] ; (植物研究雑誌第13巻第7号抜刷 = Reprint without change of pageing from The Journal of Japanes Botany. Vol. 8, No. 7)
  • 琉球産防己植物に就いて(予報) = Notes ont the menispermaceous plants from Ryu-Kyy Islands / 山本由松[著] : (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formasa, Vol. 29, No. 109. July, 1939)
  • 比島に於ける小麦栽培 / 山田正徳[著] ; (農商省農事試験場報告第60号, [1944])
  • 海南島植物誌料1 / 山本由松[著] ; (黎族及其環境調査報告第1輯, [1943])
  • 海南島採集植物目録 / 正宗巌敬, 福山伯明[著] ; (昭和15年度台北帝国大学第一回海南島学術調査団報告書別刷, 1942)
  • Species nova mitrastemonacearum (Rafflesiacearum) ex Mexico / auctire Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from the "Botanical Magazine," Tokyo, Vol. 1, No. 598; Oct. 1936)
  • Observationes ad floram Formasanam, XIV : contributions from the Herbaria of America and Europe, 5 / auctire Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 8, No. 3, Oct. 1936)
  • Observationes ad floram Formasanam, XV : contributions from the Herbaria of America and Europe, 6 / auctire Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 8, No. 4, December, 1936)
  • Three new alpine plants from Taiwan / by Kunihiko Mori ; (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formasa, Vel. [i.e. Vol] 27, No. 161. Feburary, 1937)
  • Index Taihokensis III : 1935 (Reprinted from the publication of "Kudoa-Gakkwai", Taihoku, Taiwan, Nippon, 1937)
  • Observationes ad floram Formasanam, XVI : contributions from the Herbaria of America and Europe, 7 / auctore Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 9, No. 1, April, 1937)
  • Nota ad species Formasanas generis Iteae (Saxifragacearum) / auctore Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 245-250. Issued Des. 15, 1937)
  • Observationes ad floram Formasanam, XVII : contributions from the Herbaria of America and Europe, 7 / auctore Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 9, No. 3, October, 1937)
  • Studia orchidacerarum japonicarum, IX. Orchidaceae novae Micronesianae, A T. Hosokawa collectae / auctore Noriaki Fukuyama ; (Reprinted from "Botanical Magazine" Tokyo, Vol. 51, No. 612, Dec. 1937)
  • Observationes ad floram Formasanam, XVIII : contributions from the Herbaria of America and Europe, 9 / auctore Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 9, No. 4, Descember, 1937)
  • Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XVII / Takahide Hosokawa (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formasa, Vel. [i.e. Vol] 28, No. 174. March, 1937)
  • Observationes ad floram Formasanam, XVIII : contributions from the Herbaria of America and Europe, 10 / auctore Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 10, No. 1, March, 1938)
  • Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XVIII / Takahide Hosokawa (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formasa, Vel. [i.e. Vol] 28, No. 176. May, 1938)
  • Observationes ad floram Formasanam, XX : contributions from the Herbaria of America and Europe, 11 / auctore Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 10, No. 2, June, 1938)
  • CW:Observationes ad floram Formasanam, XXI / auctore Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 10, No. 3, Oct. 1938)
  • Diagnoses Orchidacearum novarum vel minus cognitarum anno 1938 ab T. Hosokawa in insula Kusaie collectarum / Noriaki Fukuyama (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formasa, Vol. 29, No. 188. May, 1939)
  • Materials for a flora of the South-Eastern Asia. I / by Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 11, No. 4, Dec, 1939)
  • Materials for a flora of the South-Eastern Asia. II / by Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 12, No. 2, June, 1940)
  • Materials for a flora of the South-Eastern Asia. III / by Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 12, No. 3, Oct. 1940)
  • Materials for a flora of the South-Eastern Asia. IV / by Yoshimatsu Yamamoto ; (Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku Imperical University, Formasa, Japan, Vol. 13, No. 1, April. 1941)
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