Pediatric orthopaedics


Pediatric orthopaedics

[edited by] John P. Dormans

(Core knowledge in orthopaedics series)

Mosby, c2005


Pediatric orthopaedics : core knowledge in orthopaedics

大学図書館所蔵 5件 / 5





Part of the new Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics series, this new resource provides concise and practical coverage of the most essential knowledge in orthopaedics and sports medicine for infants and children. It opens with a review of the differences between the pediatric and adult skeletons, and continues with a chapter covering physical examination techniques for pediatric patients. The book then explores a broad range of individual orthopaedic problems and disorders. Abundant tables, algorithms, and specially designed diagrams assist readers in mastering key concepts quickly and efficiently. Covers all areas of pediatric orthopaedics, including upper and lower extremity disorders, injuries, and deformities * musculoskeletal infections * muscular dystrophy and arthrogryposis * sports medicine * spina bifida * synovial disorders * trauma * cerebral palsy and neuromuscular disorders * and more. Uses concise, bullet-point text with numerous charts, tables, and algorithms to expedite reference. Features a wealth of outstanding illustrations, original drawings, and clinically relevant radiographs. Offers lists of bibliographical sources at the end of each chapter.


Chapter 1 Normal Growth and Development in Pediatric Orthopaedics Chapter 2 Pediatric Musculoskeletal Exam Chapter 3 Introduction to Trauma Chapter 4 Upper Extremity Trauma Chapter 5 Trauma Related to the Lower Extremity Chapter 6 Spine and Pelvis Trauma Chapter 7 Sports Medicine Chapter 8 Upper Extremity Disorders Chapter 9 Pediatric Lower Limb Disorders Chapter 10 Hip Disorders-Not submitted yet Chapter 11 Spinal Disorders Chapter 12 Musculoskeletal Tumors in Children Chapter 13 Musculoskeletal Infection Chapter 14 Skeletal Dysplasias Chapter 15 Metabolic Disorders of Bone Chapter 16 Synovial Disorders Chapter 17 Neuromuscular Disorders-Cerebral Palsy Chapter 18 Neuromuscular Disorders of Infancy and Childhood and Arthrogryposis Chapter 19 Neuromuscular Disorders: Myelomeningocele

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