Proceedings of DIMAT 2000 : the fifth International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Paris, France, July 17-21, 2000



Proceedings of DIMAT 2000 : the fifth International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Paris, France, July 17-21, 2000

editors, Y. Limoge and J.L. Bocquet

(Diffusion and defect data : solid state data, pt. A . Defect and diffusion forum ; v. 194-199)

Scitec Publications, c2001

  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2


Diffusion in materials

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Pt. 1: pp.1-896. Pt. 2: pp.897-1833



This book covers, on close to 2000 pages, all aspects of basic and applied diffusion research in all important engineering materials, including metals and intermetallics, elemental and compound semiconductors, amorphous and nanocrystalline materials and oxides. Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS)


Brownian Particle Escape Rate Approaches How to Reliably Determine Equilibrium Vacancy Concentrations in Metals Equilibrium Point Defects in Metals: Unsolved Problems Direct Observation of Self-Interstitial Motion in Pure Iron by 56Fe(d,p)57Fe In-Beam Moessbauer Spectroscopy Measurement of the Low-Temperature Self-Diffusivity of Lithium by Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis Interstitial Cluster Motion in Nickel: A Molecular Dynamics Study Theory of Diffusion under Pressure Vacancy Model for Threshold Electromigration in Thin Metallic Films The Enhancement of Diffusion Processes in BCC Phases of Anomalous Metals by Fluctuation-Induced Frenkel Pairs Diffusion in a Constant Magnetic Field: Influence of Matrix Magnetization Interactions of Dissolved Atoms and Carbon Diffusion in Fe-Cr and Fe-Al Alloys Volume and Grain Boundary Diffusion of Al in -Ti by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometry (LIBS) Diffusion Analysis of Rhenium in Graphite Using Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy Impurity Diffusion of Al and Cu in -Fe Sn and Sb Diffusion in -Fe Jahn-Teller Effect and Diffusion Activation Energy of Interstitial Atoms in -TI Measurement of the Impurity Diffusion of Al in Ni by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometry (LIBS) Diffusion in the Cottrell Atmosphere The Measurement of Carbon Diffusivities in Fe-C-Cr-Mn-Si Steels by Chromatographic Methods Application of the Modified Electrostatic Model to Impurity Diffusion in -Iron On Impurity Diffusion in -Ti Diffusion in Dilute Fe1-xCux Alloys: Comparison between a Rigid Lattice Model and Static EAM Simulations On-the-Fly Evaluation of Diffusional Parameters during a Monte-Carlo Simulation of Disordered AuNi Alloys A New Approach to Understanding Electromigration in Al(Cu) Alloys on an Atomistic Basis The Concentration Dependence of Diffusion Coefficients in Binary Metal Systems: Empirical Relationships Calculation of the Effective Diffusion Coefficient in Inhomogeneous Solids Mean Field Kinetics: a Sound Framework for Understanding Diffusion in Alloys Diffusive Relaxation ofShort-Range Order Parametersr and the Time Evolution of Diffuse Radiation Scattering in Solid Solutions On the Relation between Interdiffusion and Tracer Diffusion Coefficients in Ternary Solid Solutions Instabilities of Kirkendall Planes Interdiffusion-Independent Modes in Multicomponent Systems Variable Intrinsic Diffusivities in Ternary and Higher Alloys Nonparabolic Diffusion in Ternary Solutions Diffusion Paths in Ternary Systems - Comparison of Onsager and Darken Models Interdiffusion in Ternary Alloys of Actinides with Transition Metals Quaternary Diffusion in the Solid Solutions of Al-Zn-Mg-Ag Alloys Ternary Diffusion: A New Approach Calculations of Interdiffusion Coefficients via an Extended Boltzmann-Matano Analysis of the Ti-Mo-Ta System Diffusion in 2000 Series Aluminum Alloys Defects and Diffusion: First- Principles Modeling Atomic Defects and Electronic Structure of B2 FeAl, CoAl and NiAl Oxygen Self Diffusion in SiO2: An Ab-Initio Approach Structure and Energetics of Vacancies in Body Centered Cubic Hafnium under Pressure: First-Principles Study Cesium Incorporation and Diffusion in Ca10(PO4)6F2, Ca4La6(SiO4)6F2 and Ca2La8(SiO4)6O2 Collective Diffusion of O Atoms on the W(110) Surface Bulk and Grain Boundary Diffusion in Intermetallic Compounds of the Systems Ni-Al and Ti-Al Point Defects and Diffusion in Nickel-Based L12-Ordered Compounds Microscopic Diffusion Mechanisms in Fe-Al, Ni-Ga and (Ni Fe)-Al B2 Phases Thermal Point Defects in FeAl, CoGa and NiGa Intermetallic Compounds Diffusion in the Intermetallic Phase of Ordered FexSi1-x (0.69 < x < 0.78) Diffusion Mechanism in the Hexagonal B8 Structure of FeSb Vacancy Jumps in PdIn: Reconciling Nuclear Relaxation and Diffusion Measurements Vacancy-Vacancy Interactions in NiAl Vacancy Formation and Diffusion in FeAl-Alloys Atomic Defects in Ternary B2-(Fe,Ni) Al Alloys Studied by Time Differential Dilatometry Order and Migration Energies in a CoPt3 Single Crystal: Experimental Determination from Neutron Scattering and Monte-Carlo Simulations The Six-Jump-Cycle Mechanism in Intermetallic Compounds: Extension to Nonstoichiometric Compositions The Six-Jump Diffusion Cycles in B2-Compounds Atomistic Study of Self-Diffusion in Ni, Al and Ni3Al Simulation of Diffusion Mechanisms in Ordered Structures Correlations of the Fluctuations of Order Parameters in Binary Stoichiometric Alloys at Equilibrium Diffusion in the L12 Ordered Structure: a Monte Carlo Study Ordering Kinetics in L12 and L10 Structures via a General Monte-Carlo Approach Implementation of EAM-Potential Formalism with Monte-Carlo Simulation of 'Order-Order' Relaxations in Ni3Al Correlation Factors in Intermetallic Alloys Determined using Neutron Scattering: Ni3Sb, NiGa and CoGa Tracer Diffusion in Iron-Aluminides Pressure Dependence of Self-Diffusion in B2 Intermetallic Phases Diffusion of 44Ti and 63Ni in Single-Crystal TiAl Tracer Measurements of Ni Self- Diffusion and Atomistic Calculations of Diffusion Mechanisms in NiAl Solute Diffusion in the Intermetallic Compound -TiAl Diffusion of Si and Ge in the Intermetallic Phase Fe3Si: Ion Implantation and SIMS Studies Tracer Diffusion in Ni3Ga and its Relation to Thermodynamic Properties Tracer Diffusion of Ni and Ge in L12-Type Intermetallic Compound Ni3Ge In Diffusion in B2-Type Ordered NiAl Intermetallic Compound Diffusion of 71Ge in Molybdenum Disilicide The Vacancy Wind Effect in Intermetallic Compounds Chemical Diffusion in Ni3Al A Self-Consistent Theory of Atomic Transport in the B2 Ordered Alloy: The Sum Rule Interdiffusion and Diffusion of Al in Iron-Aluminides Tracer and Chemical Diffusion in Pt3Fe Intrinsic Diffusion in Ni3Al Interdiffusion in the Pt/ss-NiAl System Coalescence Behavior of the Antiphase Domain in Ti3Al Ordering in Cu3Au: Equilibrium, Kinetics and Domain Growth Mechanical Properties of Intermetallic -TiAl Based Alloys at Elevated Temperatures Diffusion of Dopants and Impurities in Device Structures of SiC, SiGe and Si In-Beam Moessbauer Study of Interstitial and Substitutional 57Mn/57Fe Jumps in Si Controlling Process of P Diffusion in Si Based on the Pair Diffusion Model Effect of Surface Condition on the Solid Solubility of Substitutional Gold in the Out-Diffusion of Supersaturated Gold in Silicon Diffusion of Gold in Germanium Diffusion and Solubility of Iridium in Silicon Self Interstitials, Vacancies and Oxygen Atoms in CZ Silicon Preliminary Results of Numerical Profiles for the Simultaneous Diffusion of Boron and Point Defects in Silicon using Irreversible Thermodynamic Theory Computer Calculations of the Enhanced Diffusivity and Effective Activation Energy from Measured Profiles of Impurites in Silicon Diffusion of Implanted 195Au Radiotracer Atoms in Amorphous Silicon under Irradiation with 1 Mev-N+ Ions Diffusion Creep of Silicon during Direct Silicon Wafer Bonding Self-Assembled Impurity Superlattices and Microcavities in Silicon Low Temperature Impurity Diffusion into Large-Band-Gap Semiconductors Hybrid Impurity and Self-Diffusion in GaAs and Related Compounds: Recent Progress Boron Diffusion in Strained and Relaxed Si1-xGex Phosphorus Diffusion in Si1-x Gex Enhanced Diffusion Following Point Defect Injection into B in SiGe and Si Measurements and Modeling of Zinc Diffusion Profiles in Gallium Phosphide Defect Formation During Zinc Diffusion in GaP Microstructure of GaN Heteroepitaxial Layers after Diffusion of Mg, Zn and Au under High Pressure GaAs Surface Modifications Under Millimetre Wave Irradiation Zinc Diffusion into Gallium Antimonide from Polymer Spin-On Films Au Diffusion in Polycrystalline CdTe Thin Films Spatial Separation of Vacancies and Interstitials in the Initial Stage of Zinc Diffusion in Indium Phosphide Coherent Diffusion in InGaAsP Heterostructures Simulating Diffusion at Low Temperatures in Binary Lennard-Jones Glasses: The Activation-Relaxation Technique Diffusion in Quasicrystals Diffusion of B and Fe in Differently Produced and Heat Treated Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 Glass Reactive Diffusion in Al/Pt Films and the Determination of the Diffusion Coefficients of Al in Amorphous Al2Pt Activation Energy for the Structural Relaxation Process of Amorphous Tb-Fe and Tb-Fe-Si Alloys Does the Diffusion Mechanism Change at the Caloric Glass Transition of Bulk Metallic Glasses? Activation Parameters for Tracer Diffusion in a Ni54Zr46 Amorphous Alloy Diffusion and Thermal Defects in Amorphous Metals Is Diffusion in Selenium Heterogeneous or Homogeneous? Simulation of Diffusion in Amorphous Solids and Liquids Diffusion in Lennard-Jones Glasses: Simulation Studies of the Activation Parameters for Collective Mechanisms The Random Trap Model and the D0-Q Correlation in Disordered Structures Diffusion in Icosahedral Zn-Mg-RE and Al-Pd-Mn Quasicrystals Self- Diffusion of Ni and Co in Decagonal Al-Ni-Co Quasicrystals Determination of the Interdiffusion Coefficients of Liquid Zn and Sn Using Ta/Zn-Sn/Si Trilayers Relaxation and Diffusion in Glass-Forming Metallic Liquids Diffusion in and Through Polymers Tracer Diffusion Studies of Chalcogenide Glasses 64Cu Tracer Diffusion in Copper Chalcogenide Glasses Diffusion in Single and Mixed-Alkali Borate Glasses Li Diffusion in Nano- and Microcrystalline (1-x)Li2O:xB2O3 Tracer Self- Diffusion Studies in Amorphous Si-(B)-C-N Ceramics Using Ion Implantation and SIMS Diffusion of Gold in the Amorphous Ceramic Si28C36N36 Diffusion in Archaeological Bone Sodium Diffusion and Isotope Effect in an Aqueous Gel Effect of Aging on Diffusion of Small Molecules in Polymer Glasses Study of the Transport of Small Molecules in Amorphous Polymers by Means of Mechanical Spectroscopy Diffusion and Geophysics: Geospeedometry and Compensation Rule Chemical Diffusion Across Grain Boundaries: In-Situ Observation and Phenomenological Modeling Diffusion of 110mAg Tracer in Polycrystalline Piezoelectric Ceramics Stress-Diffusion Coupling Applied to Oxygen Dissolution in Metals: Anisotropy Geometry and Mechanical Properties Gradient Effects Influence of Oxygen Activity-Dependent Interfacial Non-Stoichiometry on Diffusion at Metal-Oxide Interfaces Ni Short- Circuit Diffusion in Alumina Cation Mobility in Y2O3- and CaO-Stabilised ZrO2 Studied by Tracer Diffusion and Mechanical Spectroscopy Diffusion Structural Analysis of Oxygen Sublattices in Oxides Selfdiffusion and Point Defects in Iron Oxides: FeO, Fe3O4, -Fe2O3 Recovery Creep and Diffusion in Magnetite (Fe3O4) Single Crystals Hydrogen-Induced Superabundant Vacancies and Diffusion Enhancement in Some FCC Metals Interdiffusion in Au / Fe Couples under Elevated Hydrogen Pressures Volumetric Measurement of Hydrogen Permeation in Certain Ni-Al - Based Alloys The Role of Microstructure in Hydrogen Permeation in Palladium and Pd77Ag23 Alloys Hydrogen Solubility and Diffusivity in Palladium-Rich Alloys Diffusion Loss of Hydrogen Isotopes from Iron Based Alloys Hydride-Like Segregation at Dislocations in -Iron and Steels Effect of Hydrogen on Processes of Reactive Diffusion in a 'Metal - Protective Coating' System 50 Years of Grain Boundary Diffusion: What Do We Know about It Today? On the Physical Meaning of the Segregation Coefficient Determined by Tracer Diffusion Measurements in the Harrinson's B- and C-Type Regimes: Results on Ag in Cu Polycrystals Non-Linear Thermodynamic Effects of Grain Boundary Heterodiffusion and Segregation Effect of Diffusant Segregation on the Misorientation Dependences of the Characteristics of Grain-Boundary Diffusion: Ni and Au in Copper Effect of Grain Boundary Structure on Diffusion Parameters Pressure and Orientation Dependence of Zn Diffusion along <001> Tilt Grain Boundaries in Al Bicrystals Experimental and Theoretical Study of Type-C Grain Boundary and Volume Diffusion by AES in Metal/Metal Structures Investigation of the Diffusion Mechanism of 57Co Atomic Probes at the Grain Boundary Core, Segregation of 57Co at Grain Boundaries and Measurement of the Diffusion Parameters of 57Co Outside of the Grain Boundary Core in Polycrystals of Ta, W and Cr. Intercrystallite Diffusion and Segregation of 57Co Atomic Probes at Grain Boundaries in Polycrystals of Noble Metals: Palladium, Platinum and Gold Intercrystallite Diffusion of 57Co and 195Au in Iridium Polycrystals. The Structure and Physical Properties of States Populated by 57Co During Intercrystallite Diffusion A New Parameter, Sensitive to the Type of Profile in the Diffusion Zone, and a Set of Grain Boundaries in a Polycrystal Grain Boundary Porosity in NiAl Induced by Cu Diffusion Self-Diffusion in Nanocrystalline Fe and Fe-Rich Alloys Diffusion in Ultrafine-Grained Al-Mg Alloys Co-Diffusion Along the Alpha/Beta Interphase Boundaries of a Zr-2.5%Nb Alloy Vacancy Segregation at Surface Grain Boundaries and their Intersection: an Atomistic Study Analysis of the Hart Equation in Fine-Grained Material Computer Simulation of a Diffusion Process in a Polycrystalline Material Effect of Precipitates on Grain Boundary Diffusion-3D Case Diffusion of 51Cr in a Cold-Rolled 18Cr8Ni-Steel Mass Transfer by Laser-Generated Dislocations The Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Deformation Twin Grain Boundaries in Zn The Kinetic Parameters of Triple Junction Motion in Aluminium Triple Junction Diffusion: Experiments and Models Grain Boundary Wetting: Diffusion or Non-Diffusion Mechanism Atomic Transport at Liquid Metal / Al2O3 Interfaces The Role of Diffusion and Faceting in Surface and Grain Boundary Wetting Direct Observation of Grain Boundary Wetting by Synchrotron Radiation Imaging Techniques Kinetics of Diffusion-Controlled Grooving in Solid-Liquid Systems Diffusion of Au along <100> Symmetrical Tilt Boundaries in Copper: Grain-Boundary Roughening? Grain Boundary Phase Transitions in the Cu-Bi System Reactive Solid-State De-Wetting of Ag Films on Ni Substrates: Kinetics and Mechanisms Growth of the L10 Structure in Co-Deposited (001) Epitaxial Co-Pt Alloy Films Driven by Surface and Volume Diffusion Abnormal Segregation Kinetics During Recovery Grain Boundary Grooves with Singular Walls Surface-/Point-Defect Interaction in Zr: a Static Simulation Study Vacancies near to Metal Surfaces: Formation Energy and Interlayer Migration Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Ni2+ Adatom Diffusion on the NiO (001) Surface Diffusion in a Triangular Antiferromagnetic Lattice Gas Diffusion and Thermal Stability in Multilayers Electromigration Kinetics in Thin Film Interconnects: Electro-Transport Coupled to Diffusional Creep Diffusion and Stresses in Multiphase Solids Early Stages of Interdiffusion in Cu / Au Multilayers On the Identification of the Diffusion Ageing Mode of Ni/Cu Assemblies Radiation Enhancement of Diffusion in Metals and Alloys Ionic Nitriding of Austenitic and Ferritic Steel with the Aid of a High Aperture Hall Current Accelerator Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion Effect in the Ion Beam Synthesis of Iron Silicides Possible Mechanism of Anomalous Mass Transfer under Pulse Loading Exploring Thin-Film Reactions by Means of Simultaneous X-Ray Surface Roughness and Resistance Measurements Patterning in Reactive Diffusion Reaction Diffusion in Binary Solid-Solid, Solid-Liquid and Solid-Gas Systems: Common and Distinctive Features Diffusional Phase Transformation in the Fe-Zn-Al System: The Galvanising of Steels Reactive Interdiffusion of Cu/Co/Au Thin-Film Couples Investigated by 3-Dimensional Atom-Probe Kinetics of Reactive Diffusion in Al/Co Multilayers The Kinetics of Cd18Cu6 Intermetallic Growth under Elevated Hydrostatic Pressures Surface Diffusion Intermetallic Growth under Elevated Hydrostatic Pressure Solid State Diffusion in the Bi-Pd System High-Temperature Silicon Diffusivities in Mo5Si3 and W5Si3 Phases Interfacial Pattern Formation in the Pt-Ni-O System, Studied by Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy Reaction Diffusion in the Au-Ti System between 1110K and 1150K Investigations of Phase Growth in the Copper-Tin System Growth of Intermetallic Phases in the Al-Mg System The Effect of Impurities in Iron on the Growth of Iron Silicides Formed in Fe/Si Bulk Diffusion Couples Reaction Layer Sequences at the Interface Between Iron and Al-Si Alloys Kinetics of Interfacial Reactions in the Liquid Pd-Mg/ -Al2O3 System Formation of Molybdenum Nitrides by Ammonia Nitridation of Mo Powder and Sheet Layer-Growth of Tantalum Nitrides by Nitridation of Ta Metal: the Basis of the Preparation of a Well-Characterised Nitrogen Standard Material Reactive Diffusion in the GaSb-Co System at 500 DegreesC Initial Stage of Reactive Diffusion: Nucleation and Avrami Kinetics On Reactive Diffusion: 1) Kinetics, Growth and Diffusion, 2) Equilibrium? The Detection of Structural Conversions in Crystallizing Thin Films of the Ta-Si System by the Method of Coherent Optical Fourier-Analysis The Influence of Deposition Conditions upon the Development of Solid-State Reactions in the Ta-Si Thin Film Systemi Surface and Interface Reactions and Diffusion during the High-Temperature Corrosion of Metals and Alloys A Diffusion-Based Model for Uniform Corrosion Diffusion and High-Temperature Oxidation of Nickel The Role of Oxide Grain Boundary Character Distribution in Nickel Oxidation Kinetics The Role of Fast Diffusion Paths in the Selective Oxidation of Chromium Steels Effect of a Tensile Load on the Oxide Growth Rate on Ni-20Cr Alloy Decarburization and Hardness Changes in Carbon Steels Caused by High-Temperature Surface Oxidation in Ambient Air Aluminium Depletion in FeCrAl Alloys During Oxidation Some New Aspects of the Internal Oxidation of Metals Calculations of Iron Diffusion Coefficients - High-Temperature Oxidation in Air in a Cylindrical Geometry On the Defect Mobility in Ni1-xS Transport Properties of -MnS, Comparison of Different Techniques Interaction of Point Defects with Extended Defects in the Si-SiO2 System during its Formation Process Interface Migration in Diffusional Phase Transformations: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects The Role of Grain Boundary Diffusion in Discontinuous Reactions Modeling of Niobium Carbide Precipitation in Steel Comparison of Measured and Calculated Thicknesses of Martensite and Ledeburite Shells Around Graphite Nodules in the Hardened Layer after Laser Surface Remelting Monte Carlo Simulation of NbC Precipitation Kinetics in -Fe Monte Carlo Investigation of Thermal Stability and Morphology Development of Coherent Multilayers at Elevated Temperatures Strain-Induced Effects upon the Diffusion of Atoms in Solid Solutions during their Spinodal Decomposition The Mathematical Model for New-Phase Particle Growth in Refractory Alloys Teaching Diffusion, a Round Table Teaching Diffusion A WEB Page Concluding Remarks

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  • ISBN
    • 3908450608
    • 3908450608
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
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  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    2 v. (xxxiii, 1833 p.)
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID