The political economy of East Asia : regional and national dimensions
The political economy of East Asia : regional and national dimensions
(International political economy series)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2008
- : hbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全19件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references (p. 243-250) and index
In a systematic study of the political economy of East Asia, Cai adopts an historical perspective alongside a contemporary focus, exploring East Asia's development since the late 19th century. Following similar paths to economic development, East Asian states have achieved economic success, integrating themselves into a regional economy.
Introduction The Historical Origin of the Political Economy of East Asia, 1895-1945 The External Setting and Internal Dynamics in the Post-1945 Era The Japanese Political Economy since 1945 The South Korean Political Economy since 1945 The Taiwanese Political Economy since 1945 The Chinese Political Economy since 1949 The Political Economy of Regional Integration in East Asia Conclusion
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