Globular clusters - guides to galaxies : proceedings of the Joint ESO-FONDAP Workshop on Globular Clusters held in Concepción, Chile, 6-10 March 2006
Globular clusters - guides to galaxies : proceedings of the Joint ESO-FONDAP Workshop on Globular Clusters held in Concepción, Chile, 6-10 March 2006
(ESO astrophysics symposia)
Springer-Verlag, c2009
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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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The idea to hold a workshop on globular clusters in Concepcion emerged during 2005 out of a variety of circumstances. Four years had passed since the IAUSymposium 207 onExtragalactic Globular Clusters inPuc' on, atime span, which we thought to be long enough for justifying a new meeting with theintent toreviewthemostrecentdevelopments inthe?eld of extragalactic stars clusters. Originally intended to be a small-scale workshop, the response from the community was overwhelming so that only a full-scale international conferencewas abletocopewith thenumerousrequestsfortalksandposters. Finally, about 160 participants gathered in Concepci' on on March 6th, 2006. The venue was the university lecture hall located in the facultad de - manidadesyartesoftheUniversidaddeConcepci' on.Posterswereexposedin the lobby of the faculty building. The weather was as good as one can reas- ablyexpectfromalatesummerinConcepci' on.Althoughtheprogrammewas so tight that separate poster sessions other than those during co?ee breaks could not be accomodated, posters received a lot of attention. From the ?rst to the last talk, the atmosphere was inspiring and the conference could keep its tension for ?ve full days.
This clearly shows that the attraction which globular clusters exercise on astrophysicists of quite di?erent ?avours, is as strong as ever.
Detailed Studies of Individual Globular Clusters.- Detailed Chemical Abundances of Extragalactic Globular Clusters.- Spectroscopic Abundances and Radial Velocities of the Galactic Globular Clusters 2MASS GC01 and 2MASS GC02: Preliminary Results.- Abundance Anomalies in Galactic Globular Clusters - Looking for the Stellar Culprits.- Globular Clusters in the Direction of the Inner Galaxy.- Globular Cluster Research with Astronomical Archives.- Super-He-Rich Populations in Globular Clusters.- Testing the BH 176 and Berkeley 29 Association with GASS/Monoceros.- New Yonsei-Yale (Y 2) Isochrones and Horizontal-Branch Evolutionary Tracks with Helium Enhancements.- Search for Candle Stars in Globular Clusters: Spectroscopic Analysis of Post-AGB Candidates.- The Lack of Binaries Among Hot Horizontal Branch Stars: M80 and NGC5986.- Semi-Empirical Determination of the Mass Distribution of Horizontal Branch Stars in M3.- The Most Massive Clusters.- Globular Clusters, Galactic Nuclei and Supermassive Black Holes.- UCDs - A Mixed Bag of Objects.- Ultra-Compact Dwarf Galaxies and Globular Clusters: A Review of Their Spatial and Dynamical Properties.- The Maximum Mass of Star Clusters.- The Stellar Population of Ultra-Compact Dwarf Galaxies.- News on Ultra-Compact Dwarfs and Blue Globular Clusters.- UCDs and GCs: Structural Differences from HST Imaging.- Ultra-Compact Stellar Systems in the Fornax Galaxy Cluster.- Multi-Colour Imaging of Ultra-Compact Objects in the Fornax Cluster.- Young Star Clusters.- Hierarchical Formation of Galactic Clusters.- Young Massive Clusters - Formation Efficiencies and (Initial) Mass Functions.- The Radii of Thousands of Star Clusters in M51 with HST/ACS.- Extragalactic Star Clusters in Merging Galaxies.- The Environment of Young Massive Clusters.- Star/Cluster Formation in Complexes: Insights from IFUs and HST.- Spectral Evolution of Blue Concentrated Star Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud.- Young Star Clusters in the SMC.- Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Magellanic System by NANTEN.- Two Star Cluster Populations in NGC 45.- Characterization of Open Cluster Remnants.- HST Photometry of the Binary Globular Cluster Sersic 13N-S in NGC5128[1].- Globular Cluster Systems in Dwarf and Irregular Galaxies.- LMC Cluster Abundances and Kinematics.- Globular Clusters in Dwarf Galaxies.- Globular Clusters in Dwarf and Giant Galaxies.- The Age-Metallicity Relation of the SMC.- Integrated Spectroscopic Analysis of Galactic and Small Magellanic Cloud Clusters.- Variable Stars in the Globular Clusters and in the Field of the Fornax dSph Galaxy.- Physical Parameters of Intermediate-Age LMC Clusters from Modelling of HST CMDs.- RGB Properties of the LMC/SMC Clusters in the Infrared.- WLM-1: A Non-Rotating, Gravitationally Unperturbed, Highly Elliptical Extragalactic Globular Cluster.- Globular Cluster Systems in Spiral Galaxies.- Star Clusters in M33 - Clues to Galaxy Formation and Evolution.- M31 and its Globular Clusters.- IR Integrated Light Colors For Galactic GCs and An Update on Young M31 Globular Clusters.- Nuclear Star Clusters in Edge-on Galaxies.- HST ACS Wide-Field Photometry of the Sombrero Galaxy Globular Cluster System.- Intermediate-Age Globular Clusters in M31.- Metal-Poor Globular Clusters of the Galactic Bulge.- Globular Cluster System and Milky Way Properties Revisited.- RR Lyrae-Based Calibration of the Globular Cluster Luminosity Function.- Globular Cluster Systems in Spiral Galaxies Using ACS Imaging.- Laser Guide Star Imaging of M31 Globulars.- GALEX UV Observations of M31 Globular Clusters.- Integrated Spectroscopy of Galactic Globular Clusters.- Globular Cluster Systems in Early-Type Galaxies.- Globular Cluster Systems: Do They Really Trace Star Formation? (Or Rather: What Mode of Star Formation Do They Trace?).- Globular Clusters in Early Type Galaxies.- Globular Clusters and Galaxy Formation.- Globular Cluster Systems in Giant Ellipticals: New and Old Patterns.- The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey.- Globular Clusters at the Centre of the Fornax Cluster: Tracing Interactions Between Galaxies.- Globular Cluster Bimodality Revisited (and the Globulars-Galaxy Halo Connection).- Globular Cluster Systems, Diffuse Star Clusters, and Host Galaxies in the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey.- Hot Populations in M87 Globular Clusters.- A Subaru/Suprime-Cam Wide-Field Survey of Globular Cluster Populations around M87.- Stellar Populations of Globular Clusters in NGC 1407.- The Globular Cluster System of NGC 5846 Revisited: Colours, Sizes and X-Ray Counterparts.- Globular Cluster Systems in Shell Ellipticals.- GMOS Photometry of Five Globular Cluster Systems: NGC 4649, NGC 3923, NGC 524, NGC 3115 and NGC 3379.- Structural Parameters from Ground-based Observations of Globular Clusters in NGC 5128.- Globular Cluster Populations in Early-Type Galaxies.- The Low-Mass X-Ray Binary Globular Cluster Connection in the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey.- The Globular Cluster System of NGC 5128: Combining Broad-Band Color and Lick Index Analysis.- The Galaxy - Globular Cluster Connection in NGC 3115.- Velocity Dispersions of Bright Globular Clusters in NGC 5128.- Evolution of Cluster Systems and their Host Galaxies.- Imprint of Galaxy Formation and Evolution on Globular Cluster Properties.- Formation of Globular Clusters in Hierarchical Cosmology: ART and Science.- Globular Cluster Formation in Mergers.- The Formation Histories of Metal-Rich and Metal-Poor Globular Clusters.- Globular Cluster System Evolution in Early Type Galaxies.- Star Cluster Evolution: From Young Massive Star Clusters to Old Globulars.- A Wide-Field Survey of the Globular Cluster Systems of Giant Galaxies.- IGCs in the Virgo Cluster.- A New Explanation of Globular Cluster Color Distributions.- Formation of Intracluster and Intercluster Globular Clusters.- The Effect of Giant Molecular Clouds on Star Clusters.- Metal-rich Globular Clusters: An Unaccounted Factor Responsible for Their Formation?.- On the Globular Cluster Color Distributions.- Dynamical Evolution of Star Clusters.- Dissolution of Globular Clusters.- Dynamical Masses of Young Star Clusters: Constraints on the Stellar IMF and Star-Formation Efficiency.- Dynamical Evolution of Rotating Globular Clusters with Embedded Black Holes.- The Dynamical Evolution of Young Clusters and Galactic Implications.- Simulations of Globular Clusters Merging in Galactic Nuclear Regions.- The Origin of the Gaussian Initial Mass Function of Globular Cluster Systems.- Evolution of Globular Cluster Systems.- Tidal Disruption and the Tale of Three Clusters.- Tidal Tails Around Globular Clusters: Are they Good Tracers of Cluster Orbits?.- Modelling the Tidal Tails of NGC 5466.- The Search for Tidal Tails of Globular Clusters: NGC4147.- Internal Rotation of Young Globular Clusters.- Mass Segregation in Young Star Clusters.- Dynamics of Globular Cluster Systems.- Kinematics of Globular Cluster Systems.- Dark Matter in the Elliptical Galaxies NGC 1399 and NGC 4636.- Ages, Abundances, and Kinematics of Globular Clusters in NGC 3379 and NGC 4649 with Gemini/GMOS.- The Dark Halo of NGC 1399 and MOND.- Dynamics of the Globular Cluster System of NGC 5128.- Open Questions in the Globular Cluster - Galaxy Connection.- Open Questions in the Globular Cluster - Galaxy Connection.
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