Theory of interacting Fermi systems


Theory of interacting Fermi systems

Philippe Nozières ; translation by D. Hone

(Advanced book classics)(Advanced book program)

Westview Press, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book provides a detailed exposition of field theoretical methods as applied to zero temperature Fermi liquids. It is a product of a course taught in 1959-1960 at the University of Paris in the "Troisieme Cycle" of Theoretical and Solid-State Physics.


Introduction -- Chapter I The Landau Theory -- Chapter 2 Response of the System to External Excitations -- Chapter 3 General Properties of Green's runctions -- Chapter 4 The Structure ofthe Elementary Excitations Spectrum -- chapter 5 Perturbation Methods -- Chapter 6 Interaction of Two Elementary Excitations -- Chapter 7 Generalization of Perturbation Methods to Superfluids -- Appendix A: Different Forms of the Correlation Function -- Appendix B: Second Quantization -- Appendix C: Some Properties of the Single-Particle Green's Function -- Appendix D: Analytical Properties of K(k,wi) -- Appendix E: Wick's Theorem -- Appendix F: Some Properties of Diagrams with Interaction Lines -- Notation -- References and Literature -- Index.

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