Foundations of physiological psychology


Foundations of physiological psychology

Neil R. Carlson

Pearson/A and B, c2008

7th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 531-556) and indexes



Foundations of Physiological Psychology offers a briefer, sixteen chapter introduction to the foundations of physiology, incorporating the latest studies and research in the rapidly changing fields of neuroscience and physiological psychology.


chapter 1 Introduction 1 PROLOGUE Rene's Inspiration 2 Understanding Human Consciousness: A Physiological Approach 3 Blindsight 4 Split Brains 5 Interim Summary 7 The Nature of Physiological Psychology 8 The Goals of Research 8 Biological Roots of Physiological Psychology 9 Interim Summary 12 Natural Selection and Evolution 13 Functionalism and the Inheritance of Traits 13 Evolution of the Human Species 16 Evolution of Large Brains 18 Interim Summary 19 Ethical Issues in Research with Animals 20 Careers in Neuroscience 23 Interim Summary 24 Strategies for Learning 24 EPILOGUE Models of Brain Functions 27 Key Concepts 27 Suggested Readings 28 chapter 2 Structure and Functions of Cells of the Nervous System 29 PROLOGUE Unresponsive Muscles 30 Cells of the Nervous System 31 Neurons 31 Supporting Cells 34 The Blood-Brain Barrier 38 Interim Summary 39 Communication Within a Neuron 40 Neural Communication: An Overview 40 Measuring Electrical Potentials of Axons 42 The Membrane Potential: Balance of Two Forces 44 The Action Potential 47 Conduction of the Action Potential 49 Interim Summary 50 Communication Between Neurons 51 Structure of Synapses 52 Release of Neurotransmitter 53 Activation of Receptors 53 Postsynaptic Potentials 55 Termination of Postsynaptic Potentials 56 Effects of Postsynaptic Potentials: Neural Integration 57 Autoreceptors 58 Axoaxonic Synapses 59 Nonsynaptic Chemical Communication 59 Interim Summary 60 EPILOGUE Myasthenia Gravis 61 Key Concepts 62 Suggested Readings 62 chapter 3 Structure of the Nervous System 63 PROLOGUE The Left Is Gone 64 Basic Features of the Nervous System 64 An Overview 65 Meninges 67 The Ventricular System and Production of Cerebrospinal Fluid 69 Interim Summary 70 The Central Nervous System 70 Development of the Central Nervous System 71 The Forebrain 75 The Midbrain 84 The Hindbrain 85 The Spinal Cord 87 Interim Summary 89 The Peripheral Nervous System 89 Spinal Nerves 90 Cranial Nerves 91 The Autonomic Nervous System 91 Interim Summary 94 EPILOGUE Unilateral Neglect 94 Key Concepts 96 Suggested Readings 96 chapter 4 Psychopharmacology 97 PROLOGUE A contaminated Drug 98 Principles of Psychopharmacology 98 Pharmacokinetics 99 Drug Effectiveness 101 Effects of Repeated Administration 103 Placebo Effects 104 Interim Summary 104 Sites of Drug Action 105 Effects on Production of Neurotransmitters 105 Effects on Storage and Release of Neurotransmitters 105 Effects on Receptors 106 Effects on Reuptake or Destruction of Neurotransmitters 107 Interim Summary 108 Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators 108 Acetylcholine 109 The Monoamines 111 Amino Acids 116 Peptides 119 Lipids 120 Nucleosides 121 Soluble Gases 121 Interim Summary 122 EPILOGUE Helpful Hints from a Tragedy 124 Key Concepts 124 Suggested Readings 125 chapter 5 Methods and Strategies of Research 126 PROLOGUE 127 Experimental Ablation 128 Evaluating the Behavioral Effects of Brain Damage 128 Producing Brain Lesions 129 Stereotaxic Surgery 130 Histological Methods 132 Tracing Neural Connections 133 Study of the Living Human Brain 137 Interim Summary 139 Recording and Stimulating Neural Activity 140 Recording Neural Activity 141 Recording the Brain's Metabolic and Synaptic Activity 143 Measuring the Brain's Secretions 144 Stimulating Neural Activity 145 Behavioral Effects of Electrical Brain Stimulation 147 Interim Summary 148 Neurochemical Methods 149 Finding Neurons That Produce Particular Neurochemicals 149 Localizing Particular Receptors 151 Interim Summary 152 Genetic Methods 153 Twin Studies 153 Adoption Studies 154 Targeted Mutations 154 Antisense Oligonucleotides 154 Interim Summary 155 EPILOGUE Watch the Brain Waves 155 Key Concepts 156 Suggested Readings 156 chapter 6 Vision 157 PROLOGUE Seeing Without Perceiving 158 The Stimulus 159 Anatomy of the Visual System 160 The Eyes 160 Photoreceptors162 Connections Between Eye and Brain 163 Interim Summary 165 Coding of Visual Information in the Retina 166 Coding of Light and Dark 166 Coding of Color 167 Interim Summary 169 Analysis of Visual Information: Role of the Striate Cortex 170 Anatomy of the Striate Cortex 170 Orientation and Movement 170 Spatial Frequency 171 Retinal Disparity 172 Color 173 Modular Organization of the Striate Cortex 174 Interim Summary 174 Analysis of Visual Information: Role of the Visual Association Cortex 175 Two Streams of Visual Analysis 175 Perception of Color 177 Perception of Form 178 Perception of Movement 181 Perception of Spatial Location 184 Interim Summary 187 EPILOGUE Case Studies 188 Key Concepts 189 Suggested Readings 189 chapter 7 Audition, the Body Senses, and the Chemical Senses Audition 190 PROLOGUE All in Her Head? 191 Audition 192 The Stimulus 192 Anatomy of the Ear 192 Auditory Hair Cells and the Transduction of Auditory Information 195 The Auditory Pathway 196 Perception of Pitch 197 Perception of Timbre 199 Perception of Spatial Location 200 Perception of Environmental Sounds 202 Interim Summary 204 Vestibular System 205 Anatomy of the Vestibular Apparatus 206 The Vestibular Pathway 206 Interim Summary 207 Somatosenses 207 The Stimuli 208 Anatomy of the Skin and Its Receptive Organs 208 Perception of Cutaneous Stimulation 209 The Somatosensory Pathways 211 Perception of Pain 212 Interim Summary 214 Gustation 215 The Stimuli 215 Anatomy of the Taste Buds and Gustatory Cells 215 Perception of Gustatory Information 216 The Gustatory Pathway 217 Interim Summary 218 Olfaction 218 The Stimulus Anatomy of the Olfactory Apparatus Transduction of Olfactory Information 220 Perception of Specific Odors 221 Interim Summary 222 EPILOGUE Natural Analgesia 223 Key Concepts 224 Suggested Readings 225 chapter 8 Sleep and Biological Rhythms 226 PROLOGUE Waking Nightmares 227 A Physiological and Behavioral Description of Sleep 228 Interim Summary 231 Disorders of Sleep 231 Insomnia 232 Narcolepsy 232 REM Sleep Behavior Disorder 234 Problems Associated with Slow-Wave Sleep 235 Interim Summary 236 Why Do We Sleep? 236 Functions of Slow-Wave Sleep 236 Functions of REM Sleep 239 Interim Summary 240 Physiological Mechanisms of Sleep and Waking 241 Chemical Control of Sleep 241 Neural Control of Arousal 242 Neural Control of Slow-Wave Sleep 245 Neural Control of REM Sleep 247 Interim Summary 251 Biological Clocks 252 Circadian Rhythms and Zeitgebers 252 The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus 253 Control of Seasonal Rhythms: The Pineal Gland and Melatonin 255 Changes in Circadian Rhythms: Shift Work and Jet Lag 256 Interim Summary 258 EPILOGUE Functions of Dreams 258 Key Concepts 258 Suggested Readings 260 chapter 9 Reproduction Behavior 261 PROLOGUE: From Boy to Girl 262 Sexual Development 262 Production of Gametes and Fertilization 262 Development of the Sex Organs 263 Sexual Maturation 266 Interim Summary 268 Hormonal Control of Sexual Behavior 269 Hormonal Control of Female Reproductive Cycles 269 Hormonal Control of Sexual Behavior of Laboratory Animals 270 Organizational Effects of Androgens on Behavior: Masculinization and Defeminization 272 Effects of Pheromones 273 Human Sexual Behavior 275 Sexual Orientation 277 Interim Summary 281 Neural Control of Sexual Behavior 282 Males 282 Females 283 Formation of Pair Bonds 285 Interim Summary 286 Parental Behavior 287 Maternal Behavior of Rodents 287 Hormonal Control of Maternal Behavior 288 Neural Control of Maternal Behavior 289 Neural Control of Paternal Behavior 289 Interim Summary 290 EPILOGUE: From Boy to Girl and Back Again 290 Key Concepts 291 Suggested Readings 292 Additional Resources 292 chapter 10 Emotion 293 PROLOGUE: Intellect and Emotion 294 Emotions as Response Patterns 294 Fear 295 Anger, Aggression, and Impulse Control 299 Interim Summary 305 Communication of Emotions 306 Facial Expression of Emotions: Innate Responses 306 Neural Basis of the Communication of Emotions: Recognition 307 Neural Basis of the Communication of Emotions: Expression 310 Interim Summary 313 Feelings of Emotions 313 The James-Lange Theory 313 Feedback from Simulated Emotions 315 Interim Summary 316 EPILOGUE: Mr. V. Revisited 317 Key Concepts 318 Suggested Readings 318 Additional Resources 318 chapter 11 Ingestive Behavior 319 PROLOGUE: Out of Control 320 Physiological Regulatory Mechanisms 320 Drinking 322 Some Facts About Fluid Balance 322 Two Types of Thirst 323 Interim Summary 326 Eating: Some Facts About Metabolism 327 Interim Summary 330 What Starts a Meal? 330 Signals from the Environment 330 Signals from the Stomach 331 Metabolic Signals 332 Interim Summary 333 What Stops a Meal? 333 Gastric Factors 334 Intestinal Factors 334 Liver Factors 335 Insulin 335 Long-Term Satiety: Signals from Adipose Tissue 336 Interim Summary 336 Brain Mechanisms 337 Brain Stem 337 Hypothalamus 338 Interim Summary 342 Eating Disorders 342 Obesity 343 Anorexia Nervosa/Bulimia Nervosa 348 Interim Summary 350 EPILOGUE: An Insatiable Appetite 352 Key Concepts 353 Suggested Readings 354 Additional Resources 354 chapter 12 Learning and Memory 355 PROLOGUE: Every Day Is Alone 356 The Nature of Learning 356 Interim Summary 360 Synaptic Plasticity: Long-Term Potentiation and Long-Term Depression 360 Induction of Long-Term Potentiation 360 Role of NMDA Receptors 362 Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity 364 Long-Term Depression 367 Interim Summary 367 Perceptual Learning 368 Interim Summary 370 Classical Conditioning 370 Interim Summary 372 Instrumental Conditioning 373 Basal Ganglia 373 Reinforcement 375 Interim Summary 377 Relational Learning 378 Human Anterograde Amnesia 378 Spared Learning Abilities 380 Declarative and Nondeclarative Memories 381 Anatomy of Anterograde Amnesia 383 Role of the Hippocampal Formation in Memory Consolidation 385 Episodic and Semantic Memories 386 Spatial Memory 387 Relational Learning in Laboratory Animals 388 Role of Hippocampal Neuogenesis in Learning 393 Interim Summary 393 EPILOGUE: What Causes Confabulation? 394 Key Concepts 395 Suggested Readings 396 Additional Resources 396 chapter 13 Communication 397 PROLOGUE: Can't Hear Words 398 Speech Production and Comprehension: Brain Mechanisms 398 Lateralization 399 Speech Production 400 Speech Comprehension 403 Aphasia in Deaf People 412 Prosody: Rhythm, Tone, and Emphasis in Speech 413 Stuttering 414 Interim Summary 416 Disorders of Reading and Writing 417 Relation to Aphasia 417 Pure Alexia 418 Toward an Understanding of Reading 419 Toward an Understanding of Writing 424 Developmental Dyslexias 426 Interim Summary 427 EPILOGUE: Speech Sounds and the Left Hemisphere Key Concepts 429 Suggested Readings 430 Additional Resources 430 chapter 14 Neurological Disorders 431 PROLOGUE: It Started with Her Foot 432 Tumors 432 Seizure Disorders 434 Cerebrovascular Accidents 437 Interim Summary 441 Disorders of Development 442 Toxic Chemicals 442 Inherited Metabolic Disorders 443 Down Syndrome 444 Interim Summary 444 Degenerative Disorders 445 Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies 445 Parkinson's Disease 446 Huntington's Disease 449 Alzheimer's Disease 450 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 454 Multiple Sclerosis 455 Interim Summary 456 Disorders Caused by Infectious Diseases 457 Interim Summary 459 EPILOGUE: Seizure Surgery 459 Key Concepts 460 Suggested Readings 460 Additional Resources 460 CHAPTER 15 Schizophrenia, Affective Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders 461 PROLOGUE: Anxiety Surgery 462 Schizophrenia 462 Description 462 Heritability 464 Pharmacology of Schizophrenia: The Dopamine Hypothesis 464 Schizophrenia as a Neurological Disorder 465 Interim Summary 474 Major Affective Disorders 475 Description 475 Heritability 476 Physiological Treatments 476 Role of Monamines 480 Evidence for Brain Abnormalities 481 Role of the 5-HT Transporter 483 Role of Circadian Rhythms 484 Interim Summary 487 Anxiety Disorders 488 Panic Disorder 488 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 490 Interim Summary 494 EPILOGUE: Prefrontal Lobotomy 495 Key Concepts 496 Suggested Readings 497 Additional Resources 497 chapter 16 Autistic, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity, Stress, and Substance Abuse Disorders 498 PROLOGUE: A Sudden Craving 499 Autistic Disorder 499 Description 499 Possible Causes 501 Interim Summary 502 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 503 Description 503 Possible Causes 504 Interim Summary 505 Stress Disorders 505 Physiology of the Stress Response 506 Health Effects of Long-Term Stress 507 Effects of Stress on the Brain 508 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 510 Stress and Infectious Diseases 511 Interim Summary 513 Substance Abuse Disorders 514 What Is Addiction 514 Commonly Abused Drugs 520 Heredity and Drug Abuse 526 Therapy for Drug Abuse 528 Interim Summary 530 EPILOGUE: Classically Conditioned Craving 532 Key Concepts 533 Suggest Readings 533 Additional Resources 534 References Name Index Subject Index

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  • ISBN
    • 9780205519408
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xviii, 574 p.
  • 大きさ
    29 cm
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