Narrative-based practice


Narrative-based practice

by Peter Brophy

Ashgate Pub., 2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. [161]-178) and index



The telling of stories lies at the heart of human communication. In this important new book Peter Brophy introduces and explains the concept of story-telling or narrative-based practice in teaching, research, professional practice and organizations. He illustrates the deficiencies in evidence-based practice models, which focus on quantitative rather than qualitative evidence, and highlights the importance of narrative by drawing on insights from fields as disparate as pedagogy, anthropology, knowledge management and management practice. This book is essential reading for professionals, scholars and students in the many disciplines currently using evidence-based practice, such as information management, health, social policy, librarianship and general management.


  • Chapter 1 Evidence-based Practice
  • Chapter 2 Theoretical Background
  • Chapter 3 The Nature of Narrative
  • Chapter 4 Learning
  • Chapter 5 Knowledge and Knowledge Management
  • Chapter 6 Narrative in Virtual Worlds
  • Chapter 7 Narrative in Organisations
  • Chapter 8 Narrative-based Practice

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