The fight against terrorism and crisis management in the western Balkans

    • Prezelj, Iztok

The fight against terrorism and crisis management in the western Balkans

edited by Iztok Prezelj

(NATO science for peace and security series, . E: Human and societal dynamics ; v. 32)

IOS Press, c2008


"Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Crisis Management and Counter-Terrorism in the Western Balkans, Ljubljiana, Slovenia, April 2007" -- t.p. verso

Includes index



Terrorism is not the only threat that causes the emergence of crises. The so-called 'crisification' of our security environment also seems to be rising due to many other factors. Such an environment is generating many crises related to politico-military conflicts, natural disasters, infectious diseases, information disruptions, ethnic or religious violence and others. Many of these crises are completely or nearly completely unexpected and have a strong effect on the security of individual people, states and the international community. 'Crisis' has become the key word instead of 'war'. The awareness of this is partially driven by the growing role of electronic media, bringing negative news and reports to nearly all homes, and partially by objective technical factors that allow the fast escalation of local crises to the international level. Globalization therefore has a strong subjective and objective impact on the understanding of security.

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