Achieving sustainable development and promoting development cooperation : dialogues at the Economic and Social Council


    • United Nations. Economic and Social Council
    • United Nations. Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination


Achieving sustainable development and promoting development cooperation : dialogues at the Economic and Social Council

[prepared by] Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination

United Nations, 2008

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Presents an overview of debates that took place during the Economic and Social Council meetings at the 2007 High-level Segment

Includes bibliographical references

Summary: This book presents an overview of the key debates that took place during the Economic and Social Council meetings at the 2007 High-level Segment, at which ECOSOC organized its first biennial Development Cooperation Forum. The discussions also revolved around the theme of the second Annual Ministerial Review, "Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development."--P. 4 of cover


  • Introduction
  • Achieving sustainable development
  • High-level policy dialogue on current developments in the world economy and international economic cooperation
  • The development cooperation forum
  • 2008 Annual Ministerial Review national voluntary presentations
  • Opportunities and solutions to the global food crisis: addressing the needs of small farmers
  • Emerging issues and challenges in sustainable development: bioenergy, sustaninable livelihoods and rural poor in sustainable development
  • The role of ecosystem services in sustainable development
  • The high-level segment ministerial roundtable breakfasts
  • Contribution of non-governmental organizations



This book presents the key debates that took place during the 2008 High-level segment of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), at which ECOSOC organized its first biennial Development Cooperation Forum. The discussions also revolved around the theme of the second Annual Ministerial Review, "Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development".

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